Might and Magic V: The Dark Side of Xeen Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Log of the Dragon Pharaoh ..................................1 A Beginner's Guide to Computer Role-Playing ..............................5 Creating Your Characters .................................................9 Character Classes and Races .............................................13 Reviewing and Assembling Your Party .....................................19 Adventuring .............................................................21 Control Panel ...........................................................25 Character Screen ........................................................27 Quests, Items, and Notes ................................................29 Technical Support (818) 999-0607 9am-Noon 2pm-5pm PST New World Computing P.O. Box 4302 Hollywood, CA 90078 Inventory Screen ........................................................31 Secondary Skills ........................................................33 Combat ..................................................................35 Spells ..................................................................39 Cleric Spells ...........................................................41 Sorcerer Spells .........................................................49 The Legend of the Unification ...........................................56 World of Xeen ...........................................................57 Important Places ........................................................58 Map of Castleview .......................................................59 LOG OF THE DRAGON PHAROAH Log entry: 3/3/850 Last night two meteors impacted Darkside within seconds of each other. Judging from their trajectory, they must have landed near the volcano. I have sent Wolrow to investigate the impact site. The time of the Prophecy draws near, and I susp@ct that these meteors are a good omen. Log entry: 3/4/850 Crinder Amn has announced the hatching of 18 healthy chiIdren! l am so happy for her! Not a single one had to be eaten because of deformities. Everything in the world seems to be going right. The initial preparations for the Prophecy have been flawless, and I anxiously await Queen Kalindra's response to my request for her aid in the final Prophecy ceremony. Log entry: 3/5/850 l have issued a proclamation requesting volunteers to help facilitate the final stages of the Prophecy. Responses should be coming in soon. The culmination of the Prophecy is so near l can taste it. Log entry: 3/6/850 Wolrow expected to return today, but there is no sign of him yet. He probably took some extra time to study the meteor phenomenon. I have not yet received a response from Queen Kalindra or any volunteers. Log entry: 3/7/850 Four days have passed since l last saw Wolrow. He should be back by now, and l fear for his safety. l will send a search party for him if he is not back in two more days. l have had positive responses from several volunteers on the matter of the Prophecy, and they have all indicated that they will arrive at the royal pyramid in a few days. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 1 Log entry: 3/8/850 Letters from volunteers continue to pour in. The response is more than gratifying. All signs and omens continue to point to successful completion of the Prophecy. Log entry: 3/9/850 Wolrow is still missing. I sent a search party out to find him today. The volunteers have begun to arrive, and I have been dispatching them to their posts. Queen Kalindra sent word of her willingness to partici- pate in the Ceremony, and mentioned that she had taken in a mysterious but charming guest named Alamar. She also said that the emissary from the other side of the world had not yet arrived. Log entry: 3/10/850 The study of the signs today showed a drop in confidence for the completion of the Prophecy by 10%! Something is amiss and I cannot read the signs clearly enough to tell what it is. I am very worried about Wolrow, and hope that the search party discovers him soon. Log entry: 4/1/850 Confidence slipped another 3% this morning, but returned to its previous level in the afternoon. There is some chaotic factor in the equation now, and even a small drop in confidence makes my tail twitch nervously. The volunteers have stopped arriving, and I sent the last one to his post today. All that remains is for the Queen to complete her task, the emissary to arrive, and for the proper time to come. Log entry: 4/2/850 The search party returned with bad news today. They reported that they were unable to approach the meteor impact site because a rebel army was camped before it! A rebel armyl? Led by who? Who would dare challenge my authority or detain my sen/ants? On top of this bad news, confidence fell to 74%. The Queen has not sent confirmation of her readiness to complete the Ceremony, and the first day the Ceremony could begin is tomorrow. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 2 Log entry: 4/3/850 Today is the first day the Prophecy can be completed. I have not heard from the Queen. Scouts report that the rebel army is both growing in number and advancing toward the royal pyramid. Confidence has fallen to 40% and continues to fall by the hour. I have sent messages to my monstrous allies informing them of the situation and asking them to muster their armies and come to my defense. My tail lashes in agitation. Log entry: 4/4/850 All is lost! The Queen has not responded to my attempts to contact her magically. The Orcs sent a message stating that they were involved in religious ceremonies and were, sadly, unable to come to my aid at this time. As soon as the ceremonies are over in a month, however, they will be happy to come. The Ogres sent a simple refusal. I have not heard from any of my other allies. Scouts predict the rebel army's arrival tomorrow. Since confidence fell to 20% today, I have decided to recall the volunteers and shore up my defenses. Reports also indicate the sudden building of a dungeon on the isle of Lost Souls and a castle near the meteor impact site. Log entry: 4/5/850 The rebel army besieged the pyramid today. I can see from the window that some of the members of the army are my former allies. There have been refusal Is of aid from the Sprites and the Gremlins, the last delivered with insults and jeers. An emissary from the rebel army demands my surrender to his master--Alamar. I refused, of course. He cannot possibly have the key to the pyramid. Confidence fell to 6%. Log entry: 4/6/850 Alamar has the key. He must have taken it from Queen Kalindra. His army has entered the pyramid and has been battling my forces all day. The first level has been lost, and my forces seem unable to hold the rest. Ellinger, Queen Kalindra's advisor, reports that Castle Kalindra has been "moved out of phase" with the rest of the world, and is impossible to enter. He also reports that the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Gnomes have been confined to a small section of Castleview town. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 3 Log entry: 4/7/850 l have ordered my forces to surrender to save their lives. I have set the seals of the final level of the pyramid to prevent unauthorized entry, and lam certain they will work. Unfortunately, l am now virtually powerless. While the army cannot enter here, I cannot leave. Ellinger informs me that he has taken similar steps to ensure his safety in his tower in Castleview. Confidence has fallen to 1%. Log entry: 5/7/850 Nothing has changed in a month. Alamar's army is unable to pass the final seal. His emissary demands my surrender every day -- I wonder when he will grow tired of asking. To deepen my troubles, Alamar has indicated that he has captured the emissary from the other side of the world, Prince Roland, and has sent his own ambassador there. Alamar seems to be firmly in command of Dark Side now, and it doesn't look like he is going to rule very well. There must be something I can do to influence events. l will try to contact the Queen tomorrow. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 4 A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO COMPUTER ROLEPLAYING Congratulations on your purchase of Darkside of Xeen. Refer to the Reference Card for instructions on installing the game. When you begin, you will be presented with a choice of playing the game in Warrior mode or Adventuring mode. The game will be less combat intensive in Adventuring mode. Once you make this decision you will be unable to change it until you start a completely new game. If you are new to the world of computer role-playing games (CRPGs), you'll want to read the rest of this section before you get started. If you just can't wait, you can jump right into the game and use the reference card to help you along. In Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen, you (the player) will be represented by six characters in a party. You will begin the game with a set of default characters just outside of the Tavern. The Tavern is the place you go to when you want to rearrange your party, create new characters, get rumors and advice, and buy food. If you want to make your own characters, go to the Tavern. Inside you will find a staircase that leads to the Tavern check-in. The Tavern will tell you what your choices are once you check in. If you want more information on using the Tavern or creating a character, see the section on character creation. Each character will have a name, profession, and statistics assigned to it that represent its capabilities, such as strength and intelligence. Perhaps the most important statistic for all characters is hit points. Hit points represent how much personal damage a character can withstand before falling unconscious. If your character's hit points fall below zero, he will go unconscious. If the character is hit while uncon- scious, he will die. A character can start with anywhere from MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 5 5 to about 100 hit points. Since the average sword blow will do about 6 hit points, a weak character could fall with only one or two blows. The next most important statistic is your character's level. As you play the game, your characters will gain experience points through defeating monsters and completing quests. When you have enough experience points, you will become eligible to advance to the next level. When your level increases, your hit points and fighting ability will improve. In between adventures in the wilderness, you will also have time when you are free to explore the civilized areas of the Darkside. There are many different kinds of places to visit, but the places you will frequent the most will be the towns. In the towns you will be able to find shops and services where you can buy better equipment, learn spells, and get healed. For the beginning player, computer role-playing games can seem confusing at first. We've done our best to make sure Darkside of Xeen is easy to learn and play. Once you get the hang of it, we're sure you will have a lot of fun. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 7 CREATING YOUR CHARACTERS Darkside of Xeen starts you off with a set of six pre-made characters. These characters have all the equipment and abilities necessary to begin the game, and are just fine to use if you don't want to create your own characters. Creating a character is easy. Whenever you want to make a character, just go to any Tavern and check in. Once you have checked in, select (C)reate a character to get to the character creation screen. The character creation screen is where you will make your characters. There are seven numbers in a column next to some mysterious letters. These letters are the statistics for your character, and this is what they mean: Mgt: Might is a prime statistic for Knights and Paladins. Might affects the damage your character does when you hit a monster. Might also is used to break down doors and lift or destroy certain ob- jects. Int: Intellect is a prime statistic for Archers, Sorcerers, Druids, and Rangers. This statistic helps deter- mine how many spell points your character will get if he is one of these classes. Per: Personality is a prime statistic for Clerics, Druids, Rangers, and Paladins. This statistic helps deter- mine how many spell points your character will get if he is one of these classes. End: Endurance is a prime statistic for Paladins, Barbar- ians, and Rangers. Endurance helps determine how many hit points your character has. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 9 Spd: Speed is a prime statistic for Ninjas and Rangers. Everyone, including monsters, has a speed rating. Who ever has the highest speed rating, your charac- ter or the monster, will get the first action in combat. Acy: Accuracy is a prime statistic for Archers and Ninjas. Accuracy helps determine whether or not you hit a monster with a weapon or spell when attacking. Lck: Luck is the prime statistic for Robbers. Luck im- proves your chances of surviving a hostile spell or avoiding a trap. In the bottom left corner of the screen you will see a portrait of your character. If you want a different portrait, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to change it. The portrait you choose determines the race and sex of your character. To the right of the numbers is a list of the ten classes of characters. If the prime statistic(s) for one of the classes is high enough, that class will be highlighted, meaning that you could pick that class if you wanted. If the class you want to be isn't highlighted, you can either reroll the character or move the statistics around until you get the class you want. To reroll, type R or click on the reroll icon. To swap statistics, type the first letters of the statistics you want to exchange or click on their icons. Once you are satisfied with your statistics and the class you want is highlighted, use the LEFT/RIGHT arrows and press ENTER, or click on your choice to select your class. Now click on the create icon, or press C on your keyboard. The computer will now ask you to name your character. Press the ESCAPE key if you don't want to make this character, otherwise get creative and type in a name. That's all there is to making a character. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 10 Character Creation Screen Character Portrait: Shows the character's portrait, race, sex, and class. The two arrow buttons scroll through the list of available portraits. Character Statistics: Displays statistics. To change them, press R or click the Roll icon. To swap statistics, select the icon of the statistics you want to exchange. Character Classes: Displays the ten character classes. If your statistics permit your character to be a particular class, that class will be highlighted. Skill List: Displays a list of skills that this character would start with if you created it. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 11 CHARACTER CLASSES AND RACES All characters have a class and a race. Here is an explanation of the ten classes: Knight: Prime statistic (15 or greater): Might The Knight is the best fighter in the game. Able to use any kind of weapon or armor, the Knight will dish out more damage than any other character. The Knight starts with the Arms Master skill and gets more hit points than all classes but the Barbarian. The Knight cannot cast any spells. Paladin: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Might, Personality, Endurance The Paladin is a good fighter, but not as good as the Knight. The Paladin can use any kind of weapon or armor, but his hit points tend to be lower than the Knight's. The Paladin starts with the Crusader skill and the ability to cast Cleric spells. Archer: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Intellect, Accuracy The Archer is as good a fighter as the Paladin. The Archer starts with the ability to cast Sorcerer spells, but is unable to wear armor heavier than chain mail or use a shield. The Archer starts with no secondary skills. Cleric: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Personality The Cleric is a fair fighter, but is not allowed to use edged weapons or missile weapons. On the bright side, the Cleric can use splint mail armor or lighter and has twice as many spell points available for casting Cleric spells as the Paladin. The Cleric starts with no secondary skills. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 13 Sorcerer: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Intellect The Sorcerer is a poor fighter. Sorcerers are only able to wear robes and use staves and daggers. Sorcerer spells are the most destructive in the game, and they have twice as many spell points as the Archer. The Sorcerer starts with the Cartogra- phy skill. Robber: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Luck The Robber is a fair fighter, but is unable to use any armor heavier than chain mail. Robbers can use any one-handed weapon and shield, but cannot cast spells. The Robber begins the game with the Thievery skill. Ninja: Prime statistic (13 or greater): Speed, Accuracy The Ninja is a good fighter, but is limited to ring mail or lighter armor and cannot use a shield. Ninjas can use most, but not all, weapons. Two handed weapons are limited to staff and naginata. The Ninja starts with the Thievery skill and is unable to cast spells. Barbarian: Prime statistic (15 or greater): Endurance The Barbarian is almost as good a fighter as the Knight, but is unable to wear armor heavier than scale mail. Barbarians can use most shields and all weapons. The Barbarian cannot cast spells and starts with no secondary skills. Druid: Prime statistic (15 or greater): Intellect, Personality The Druid is a poor fighter. Druids are only able to use light armor and weapons, but they can cast both Cleric and Sorcerer spells to a limited degree. Druids start the game with the Direction Sense skill and twice as many spell points as Rangers. Rangers: Prime statistic (12 or greater): Intellect, Personality, Endurance, Speed The Ranger is a good fighter. Rangers are able to use most weapons and armor and can cast both Cleric and Sorcerer spells to a limited degree. Rangers start the game with the Pathfinder skill. Below is a chart that shows the specific advantages and disatvantages of the ten classes. Class HP* Attacks** Skill Spells Knight 10 5 Arms Master No Paladin 8 6 Crusader Yes Archer 7 6 None Yes Cleric 5 7 None Yes Sorcerer 4 8 Cartography Yes Robber 8 6 Thievery No Ninja 7 5 Thievery No Barbarian 12 4 None No Druid 6 7 Direction Sense Yes Ranger 9 6 Pathfinding Yes * HP gained per Level. ** Number of Levels to gain an attack. And here is an explanation of the races: Humans: What Humans are is pretty obvious. All Humans start with the Swimming skill. Humans have a small resistance to spells. Elves: Elves are tall, slender people that are unusually well adapted to using magic. Elves are slightly resistant to some spells and make very good Thieves and Sorcerers. They aren't as tough as the other races, however, and tend to have less hit points. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 14 Dwarves: Dwarves are short and stocky and tough. Dwarves are slightly resistant to most spells, but they are especially resistant to poison. They make fair Robbers and good Knights. Dwarves begin the game with the Spot Secret Doors skill. Gnomes: Gnomes are smaller than dwarves and not near as tough. Gnomes make good spell casters, but they tend to have less hit points than all other races except Elves. Gnomes begin the game with the Direction Sense skill. Half-Orc: Half-Orcs are a cross between a Human and an Orc. Half-Orcs are the toughest of the races players can choose, but they are also the stupid- est. Half-Orcs make excellent Knights and Bar- barians, but they are the worst spell casters and Robbers. Below is a chart that explains the advantages and disadvan- tages of the five races. Race HP Thievery SP/Lvl Skills Mod Mod Human 0 0 None Swimming Elf -2 10 Src +2 None Dwarf 1 5 Src/Clrc -1 Spot Secret Doors Gnome -1 10 Src/Clrc +1 Danger Sense Half-Orc 2 -10 Src/Clrc -2 None The information listed above will be very helpful in creating characters and determining which Races and Classes will make the most effective adventurers. Robbers initially have a Thievery base of 30 plus 2 points per level. Ninjas initially have a Thievery base of 15 and gain 2 points per level. MIGHT AND MAGIC: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 17 (Don't ask me) VIEWING AND ASSEMBLING YOUR PARTY Once you have created your characters, you have to put them in your party. If you are just starting the game and have created a custom set of characters, you will need to remove the old characters. Just hit the R key and type the function key of the character you want to remove (the first character on the left is number one) or click on the remove icon and click on the portrait of the character you want to remove. You can only have six characters in your party at any time. You can have some, none, or all of the default characters in the party. It's up to you. To add a character to your party, click on the face of the character or press a number key (1- 4). The character will take the next available slot in your party. If you don't see the portrait of the character that you wish to add, use the UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to find it. Don't worry if you select the wrong character--just remove the character as directed above. If you want to look at a character in your party before you leave the Tavern, just select the function number of the character you wish to view. The leftmost portrait is FI, the second is F2, and so on. Doing this will bring up a full list of all the character's abilities and equipment. Finally, if you make a mistake and create a character you don't want, you can delete it. Press the D key and the number (1-4) of the character that you want to delete, or click on the delete icon and the portrait of the character you want to get rid of. Remember that any character deleted like this is gone forever, including any equipment the character had in his pack as well. Once you are satisfied with your party, hit the ESC key to begin your adventures! MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 19 ADVENTURING The game screen has five parts to it. They are the Display window, the View window, the Option icons, the Character Portraits, and the Direction icons. Here is an explanation of each: Adventuring Screen Display Window: This is where the action of the game takes place. All monsters, objects, and scenery appear here. View Window: Displays the overhead view of the area you are in if you have the Wizard Eye spell or the Cartography skill. Click on the View Window or press the = key to switch between the View Window and the automap. Options Icons: Clicking on these icons or pressing their keyboard equivalents will activate them. For a complete description, see the Adventuring topic. Character Portraits: Displays the portraits of your char- acters. Clicking on a character portrait or pressing a function key will bring up the character screen. Direction Icons: Click on these icons to move around. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 20 Display window: The Display window is where you see all of the action of the game take place. At the edges of the screen are several "party's little helpers". Each of these gargoyles will move in some way when activated to let you know that something is happening. The gargoyle with the wings on the left side of the screen flaps when the Levitare spell is on. The gargoyle on the right side of the screen waves its arm when you are in front of a thin wall and have the Spot Secret Doors skill. The bat on top of the screen will move its mouth when monsters can see you and one of your charac- ters has the Danger Sense skill. The two gargoyle heads on the left and right of the Display window will shake and nod their heads sometimes when you are confronted with a yes/no or "who will" question and you have the Clairvoyance spell active. If answering the yes/no question will get you treasure and there is no trap, both of the heads will nod. If there is treasure and there is a trap, one of the heads will nod and the other will shake its head. If there is a trap with no treasure, both will shake their heads. There are also four small gems in the corners of the Display window and a large gem on the bottom of the display. The corner gems will turn green if you have certain protection spells active. The upper left is for fire, the upper right is for electricity, the bottom left is for cold, and the bottom right is for poison. The center gem can be clicked on to bring up the control panel. See the section on the control panel for more information on that subject. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 21 View window: If you don't have the Cartography skill or the Wizard Eye spell, the Might and Magic logo will be displayed here. If you have the Cartography skill, and click on the logo, you will see a miniature version of the full automap displayed. If you have the Wizard Eye spell active, you will see a map of the area around you, including places you haven't been to yet. You will be able to toggle between your automap and the Wizard Eye spell by clicking on the automap or pressing the = key. Option icons: There are nine icons just below the View window. These icons will be available for you to click on during normal adventuring, or you can use their keyboard equivalents. Here is a list of what they do: Shoot (S): All party members equipped with a missile weapon fire in the direction the party is facing. Cast (C): Brings up the Cast Spell window. Click on this icon again or type C to cast the readied spell of the spell caster selected. You can change the selected character by clicking on the portrait of the one you want or selecting his function key. You can change the readied spell by clicking on the 'new' button or pressing the N key. This will bring up a list of spells available to the selected character. Click on the spell you want to cast or use the arrow keys to select it and press ENTER. The spell is now ready to be cast. Rest (R): Restores the party's hit points and spell points, provided there is at least one unit of food for every member of the party. Resting will turn off most active spells and advance the time by eight hours. Resting where monsters can see you is hazardous to your health. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 22 Bash (B): This command is used when you want to try to break down a locked door or break through a thin wall. The Might of your first two conscious characters is combined and tested against the strength of the door or wall. If yours is higher, the obstacle will bash in. Your charac- ters will take a small amount of damage for doing this. Dismiss (D): Sends a party member back to the Tavern in Castleview. At least one character must remain in the party. View Quests (V): Displays the Quest window. See the section on Quests, Items, and Notes for more information. Automap (M): Displays the map of the area you are currently in. The automap records all the places you have been since you got the cartogra- phy skill. Information (I): Displays the Game Informa- tion window. This window lists the time, date, year, and day of the week. It also shows which spells the party has active, such as light or protection from fire. Quick Reference (Q): Displays the Quick Refer- ence chart. This chart lists the party's vital statis- tics, gold, gems, and food. IMPORTANT Press the SPACE BAR or click on the display window to interact with an object. You must be in same square as the object. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 23 Character Portraits: The character portraits show pictures of all the characters in the party. You can tell at a glance the current condition of your characters. If they look like they are asleep, they probably are unconscious or asleep. If they look sick, they probably are poisoned or diseased. Each character has a gem below his portrait. This gem will be green if the character is at full hit points. The gem will be yellow if the character is below maximum, red if the char- acter has 25% or less of his hit points left, and blue if the character has zero or less. If the character's hit points have magically increased beyond his maximum, the gem will be silver. If you click on a character portrait or select a character's function key (the first character on the left uses function key Fl) you will see a detailed list of the character's statistics. You can find more information about this screen in the Character Screen section. Direction icons: The direction icons are in the bottom right corner of the screen. If you are using the mouse to get around, click on these to move. The curved arrows will make your party stand still and turn 90ø in the direction indicated. The side arrows will make you slide left or right without changing your facing. The direction arrows on the keyboard work the same way. To slide left or right with the keyboard, you must hold the CONTROL key down while you press the LEFT or RIGHT arrow. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 24 CONTROL PANEL If you press the TAB key or click on the big gem in the middle of the Display Window, you will bring up the Control Panel window. Here is a list of the functions available in the Control Panel: Effects (E): Turns the sound effects on and off. Music (M): Turns the music on and off. Load (L): Allows you to load a previously saved game. Save (S): Allows you to save the current game in its present location. Your game is also automatically saved when- ever you enter a Tavern. Save As (A): Allows you to save the current game in its present location with a different name. Quit (Q): Quits the game and exits to DOS. Help (W): This lets you beg Mr. Wizard to teleport your party to safety. He will take all the gems the party has on hand and return the party to Castleview. Think carefully before you use this. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 25 CHARACTER SCREEN If you click on a character portrait or select the function key of a character, you will find yourself in the Character Screen. Here you will see an icon for each of your character's statistics. Might, Endurance, Speed, Accuracy, Personality, Intelligence and Luck have already been explained. Click- ing on these icons will tell you what your current and maximum scores are as well as assigning a rating to your statistic. The other statistics are listed below: Age: Every character begins the game at age 18. Clicking on this icon will show your character's birthday, his natural age, and his current age. It is possible for a character to be older than his natural age through magical attacks. As your character grows older, some of his statistics will decline. Level: Shows your character's current level, maxi- mum level, and the number of attacks per round your character receives. AC: Shows your character's current and maxi- mum armor class. The higher this number, the harder it is to hit your character. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 27 HP: Shows your character's current and maximum hit points. Items (I): Selecting this option brings up the inventory screen. SP: Shows your character's current and maximum spell points. Resist: Shows your character's current resistances to spells and elemental attacks. The higher the number, the better the protection. A 100 does not mean immunity from an attack, but will reduce the damage your character takes from that attack considerably. Skills: Gives a list of the skills your character has accumulated. Quick Reference (Q): Displays the Quick Reference chart. This chart lists the party's vital statistics, gold, gems, and food. Exchange (E): Selecting this option exchanges the position of the character you are viewing with the position of the character you select (FI-F6). Exit (ESC): Brings you back to the Adventure screen. Awards: Gives a list of the awards your character has accumulated. Experience: Shows your current experience points and the number of experience points your character will need for the next level. Party Gold: Shows how much gold your party has on hand and how much it has in the bank. Party Gems: Shows how many gems your party has on hand and how many it has in the bank. QUESTS, ITEMS, AND NOTES If you select the View Quests window from the adventuring screen, you will be presented with 3 choices: Quests, Notes, and Items. Selecting quests will display all of the quests the party is currently involved in. Selecting notes will display all the significant messages the party has encountered. Select- ing items will display all of the items the party has that are necessary to complete the game. Party Food: Shows how many units of food your characters have and how many days that it will last. Condition: Gives a list of any adverse conditions your character might have and any active protection spells. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 28 MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSlOE OF XEEN -- PAGE 29 INVENTORY SCREEN If you select the inventory screen a list of all the weapons the character has in his backpack will appear. Here is a list of your options in the inventory screen: Equip (E): Readies a weapon, item, or armor for use. You must equip an item before it will work. You will not be able to equip an item that your character's class cannot use. You also cannot equip three swords or eleven rings, etc. Remove (R): Unequips an item from your character. Discard (D): Eliminates an item from your inventory. If you use this command, you will lose this item for good. Weapon (W): Presents the weapons inventory. Armor (A): Presents the armor inventory. Accessories (C): Presents the accessories inventory. Miscellaneous (M): Presents the miscellaneous items inventory. Quests (Q): Presents the quest items inventory. Use (U): If an item has some sort of special use or can cast a spell, you can use it with this command. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 30 SECONDARY SKILLS Secondary skills are additional abilities your characters learn during the game. The skills do many different things ranging from improving your ability to hit to letting you detect secret doors. Not all of your characters will start with secondary skills, but any character can learn as many as they can find during the game (Except Thievery - only Ninjas and Thieves may ever have Thievery). Here are a few of the skills you can find: Thievery: This skill lets you pick locks on chests and doors. This is the only skill that has a rating. The higher the skill, the better your chance of success. Swimmer: This skill allows your character to swim in water as long as you are close to land. All characters in the party must have this skill for it to work. Pathfinder: This skill allows you to move through a dense forest. At least two characters must have this skill for it to work. Mountaineer: Allows you to move over mountains. At least two characters must have this skill for it to work. Cartographer: Enables the automapping feature. Only one character needs to have this skill before it will work. Direction Sense: This skill makes the large gem in the center of the adventure screen display your facing. It also will print an arrow that points in the direction the party is facing in the automap. Spot Secret Doors: Causes a gargoyle on the adventuring screen to wave its arm when the party approaches a thin wall. Danger Sense: This skill causes the bat at the top of adven- turing screen to animate when monsters can see your party. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 33 Arms Master: This skill increases your chance to hit during combat. The amount of the increase is directly related to the level of the character. Crusader: Allows entrance to certain areas of the game. All party members who wish to enter these areas must possess this skill. COMBAT As you adventure, you will encounter lots of monsters who you will need to defeat. If you begin fighting with some monsters, the combat icons will replace the normal adven- turing icons. Here is a list of these new icons: Quick Fight (F): Battles the opponet(s) using the current Quick Fight option settings. Holding down the mouse button while the pointer is on the Quick Fight icon will rapidly run through the party's attacks. Cast (C): Same as in adventuring mode. Attack (A): Attacks the targeted opponent with whatever weapon the character has equipped. Use (U): Brings up the character's inventory win- dow, where he can equip, remove, or use an item. Run (R): If successful, the character will run to a safe location nearby and rejoin the party after the battle. Block (B): Directs your character to try to block the next attack against him. Quick Fight Option (0): Sets your quick fight option. You can direct a party member to attack, cast a readied spell, block, or run when the quick fight option is selected. Information (I): Same as in adventuring mode. Quick Reference (Q): Same as in adventuring mode. MIGHT AND MAGIC: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 35 When the fight begins, your fastest character will be high- lighted. You will have the opportunity to select any of the options listed above by clicking on their icons or pressing their keyboard equivalents. After you have finished select- ing the option for the highlighted character, a different character will become highlighted. Whenever you hit a monster, a red splat will appear briefly on the screen. The bigger the splat, the more damage you did to the monster. If you used a spell or an item that does a different kind of damage, the splat may appear as a fire burst, or an electrical charge, or something else. If there is more than one monster, you can choose which monster you want a character to fight by pressing 1, 2, or 3. This will highlight the name of the monster, letting you know which monster is targeted. Note that it is possible to trade and equip weapons and armor during combat. Occasionally the need to exchange items between players will arise when faced with adversaries who cannot be harmed by the weapons they are currently equipped with. To accomplish this during combat, simply press the character's function key or click on the character's portrait to call up the Character Screen. Then select the Items option to bring up the Inventory Screen. It is possible to have both a missile weapon and a melee weapon equipped at the same time. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 36 Xk SPELLS Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, Paladins, Rangers, and Archers are able to cast spells. The most powerful spell casters are Sorcerers and Clerics. Druids are next, then Paladins, Archers, and Rangers. All spells require spell points to cast, and some require gems as well. A character's spell points are partly determined by one of their statistics: Intellect for Sorcerers and Archers, Personality for Clerics and Paladins. Druids and Rangers use both Intellect and Personality to determine spell points. The other factor that determines spell points is the level of the character. There are two kinds of spells: Cleric and Sorcerer. Most Cleric spells involve healing and protection. Most Sorcerer spells are offensive or utilitarian. Sorcerers and Archers may only cast Sorcerer spells. Clerics and Paladins may only cast Cleric spells. Druids and Rangers may cast both to a limited degree. Many spells that increase statistics or change your environ- ment, such as Bless or Light, have a limited duration. Such spells will expire when your party rests or with the coming of dawn. You can get the most out of these spells by casting them just after dawn, thus maximizing their duration. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 39 CLERIC SPELLS Acid Spray Cost: 8 Spell Points Object: All Visible Monsters Caster sprays a fine acid mist on all the monsters in front of him, inflicting 15 points of Poison damage on each monster. Awaken Cost: 1 Spell Point Object: Party Pulls all sleeping party members from their slumber, cancel- ling the SLEEP condition. Beast Master Cost: 5 Spell Points and 2 Gems Object: 1 Group of Animals Hypnotizes a group of animals into stillness until they overcome the spell. Bless Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 1 Gem Object: 1 Party Member Improves the armor class of a character by 1 per level of the caster. Cold Ray Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 4 Gems Object: All visible monsters A cone of absolute zero springs from the caster's hand momentarily, inflicting 2-4 points of Cold damage per level of the caster on all visible monsters. Create Food Cost: 20 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: Party Creates one unit of food for each living party member. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 41 Cure Disease Cost: 10 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Removes the DISEASED condition from a character. Cure Paralysis Cost: 12 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Removes the PARALYZED condition from a character. Cure Poison Cost: 8 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Removes the POISONED condition from a character. Cure Wounds Cost: 3 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Magically cures one character of 15 points of damage. Day of Protection Cost: 75 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Party Simultaneously casts Light, Protection from all elements, Heroism, Holy Bonus, and Bless for the bargain basement price of 75 spell points. Deadly Swarm Cost: 12 Spell Points Object: Group Surrounds a group of monsters with biting, stinging, bur- rowing, gouging, and chewing insects, inflicting 40 points of Physical damage on each monster. Divine Intervention Cost: 200 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: Party Heals the entire party of all damage short of ERADICATION. Fiery Flail Cost: 25 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: 1 Monster Caster fires a jet of flame at one monster, inflicting 100 points of Fire damage. First Aid Cost: 1 Spell Point Object: 1 Party Member Magically cures light battle wounds and scrapes, restoring 6 Hit Points to an injured Party Member. Flying Fist Cost: 2 Spell Points Object: 1 Monster Deals a light blow to a monster, inflicting 6 points of Physical damage. Frostbite Cost: 7 Spell Points Object: 1 Monster Draws the body heat out of a monster, inflicting 35 points of Cold damage. Heroism Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 3 Gems Object: 1 Party Member Increases the temporary level of a character by 1 per level of the caster. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 42 MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 43 Holy Bonus Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 1 Gem Object: 1 Party Member Increases the damage inflicted by a character when fighting by 1 point per level of the caster. Holy Word Cost: 100 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: 1 Group of Undead Completely removes the animating magic of the Undead, returning them to the dust from whence they came. Hypnotize Cost: 15 Spell Points and 4 Gems Object: Group Like Beast Master, this spell hypnotizes a group of monsters into stillness until they overcome the spell, except that it works on monsters rather than animals. Light Cost: 1 Spell Point Object: Party Fills a dungeon with a steady, soft light until the party rests. Mass Distortion Cost: 75 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Group Increases the weight of your opponents, effectively remov- ing half of their hit points. Moon Ray Cost: 60 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: All Visible Monsters and Party Inflicts 30 points of Energy damage to each monster in sight and cures each party member of 30 points of damage. Nature's Cure Cost: 6 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Heals a character of 25 points of damage. Pain Cost: 4 Spell Points Object: Group Stimulates the pain centers of your opponent's brains, inflicting 8 points of physical damage. Power Cure Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 3 Gems Object: 1 Party Member Heals a character of 2-12 points of damage per level of the caster. Protection From Elements Cost: 1 Spell Point per Level & 1 Gem Object: Party Reduces the damage the party receives from the elements. The caster can choose which element this applies to when the spell is cast. Raise Dead Cost: 50 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: 1 Party Member Removes the DEAD condition from a character. Resurrection Cost: 125 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: 1 Party Member Removes the ERADICATED condition from a character. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 44 MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 45 Revitalize Cost: 2 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Removes the WEAK condition from a character. Sparks Cost: 1 Spell Point per Level & 1 Gem Object: Group Envelopes the monsters in an electrically charged gas cloud, inflicting 2 points of Electrical damage per level of the caster. Stone to Flesh Cost: 35 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: 1 Party Member Removes the STONED condition from a character. Sun Ray Cost: 150 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: All Visible Monsters Shines the intensified light of the sun into all monsters in front of the caster, inflicting 200 points of Energy damage on each monster. Suppress Disease Cost: 5 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Slows the effect of disease on a character, but does not remove the DISEASED condition. Suppress Poison Cost: 4 Spell Points Object: 1 Party Member Slows the effect of poison on a character, but does not remove the POISONED condition. Town Portal Cost: 30 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: Party Teleports the party to the town of your choice. Turn Undead Cost: 5 Spell Points and 2 Gems Object: 1 Group of Undead Weakens the evil magic that animates the Undead, inflict- ing 25 points of damage. Walk on Water Cost: 7 Spell Points Object: Party Allows the party to walk over both shallow and deep water. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 46 MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 47 SORCEROR SPELLS Awaken Cost: 1 Spell Point Object: Party Pulls all sleeping party members from their slumber, cancel- ling the SLEEP condition. Clairvoyance Cost: 5 Spell Points and 2 Gems Object: Party Causes the two gargoyle heads on the screen to animate and give advice for certain yes/no decisions, usually chests. Dancing Sword Cost: 3 Spell Points per Level & 10 Gems Object: Group Similar to Shrapmetal, the dancing sword spell creates hundreds of razor sharp blades that strip the flesh from your foes. Dancing Sword inflicts 6 to 14 points of Physical damage per level of the caster. Day of Sorcery Cost: 40 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Party This spell is a super saver plan that simultaneously casts Light, Levitate, Wizard Eye, Clairvoyance, and Power Shield on all party members. Detect Monster Cost: 6 Spell Points Object: Party Shows the location of all the monsters near the party. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 49 Dragon Sleep Cost: 19 Spell Points and 4 Gems Object: 1 dragon Puts a dragon to sleep, much the way a sleep spell puts humans to sleep. Elemental Storm Cost: 100 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: All Visible Monsters Pounds all the monsters in front of the party with a storm of magical energy, inflicting 150 points of a random damage type to each monster. Enchant Item Cost: 30 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: 1 Item Bestows magical power to an item that has none. The more powerful the spell caster, the better the chance for a powerful item. Energy Blast Cost: 1 Spell Point per Level & 1 Gem Object: 1 Monster A bolt of pure energy is fired from the caster's clenched fist, inflicting 2 to 6 points of Energy damage per level of the caster. Etherealize Cost: 30 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Party Moves the party one square forward, regardless of barriers. This spell may succeed in areas where the teleport spell fails. Fantastic Freeze Cost: 15 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: Group Reduces the temperature of the air around a group of monsters to absolute zero for a moment, inflicting 40 points of Cold damage on each monster. Finger of Death Cost: 10 Spell Points and 4 Gems Object: Group Bloodlessly slays the opponents the caster points to. Fire Ball Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 2 Gems Object: Group Sets off a fiery explosion within a group of monsters, inflicting 3 to 7 points of Fire damage per level of the caster. Golem Stopper Cost: 20 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: 1 Golem Golem stopper deprives a golem of the magic that animates it, inflicting 100 points of damage. Identify Monster Cost: 5 Spell Points Object: Group Reveals the condition of the monsters the party is fighting. Implosion Cost: 100 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: 1 Monster The ultimate in monster killing, Implosion concentrates local gravity inside the targeted monster, annihilating all but the most powerful opponents. Implosion inflicts 1000 points of Energy damage. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 51 Incinerate Cost: 35 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: 1 Monster Shoots a stream of fire at one monster, inflicting 250 points of Fire damage. Inferno Cost: 75 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Group Engulfs one group of monsters in magical fire, inflicting 250 points of Fire damage on one group. Insect Spray Cost: 5 Spell Points and 1 Gem Object: Group Coats a group of monsters with a poison specially designed to kill insects. Item to Gold Cost: 20 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: 1 Item Converts an item into an amount of gold pieces equal to the value of the item (Merchant skill not included). Jump cost: 4 Spell Points Object: Party Puts enough strength into the legs of the party to jump over one square, provided there are no walls of matter or magic. This spell cannot be used in combat. Levitate Cost: 5 Spell Points Object: Party Imparts weightlessness to the party members, preventing them from falling into pit traps, quagmires, through the clouds, etc. Light Cost: 1 Spell Point Object: Party Fills a dungeon with a steady, soft light until the party rests. Lightning Bolt Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 2 Gems Object: Group Lightning flashes from the caster's hand, electrocuting monsters for 4 to 6 points of damage per level of the caster. Lloyd's Beacon . Cost: 6 Spell Points & 2 Gems Object: Party This spell allows you to magically return to a place you have already been. Cast the spell once to set the beacon, and again when you wish to return. Each party member may have their own beacon. Magic Arrow Cost: 2 Spell Points Object: 1 Monster Fires a magical bolt at one opponent, inflicting 8 points of damage of Magical damage. Mega Volts Cost: 40 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: Group Mega Volts is an improved version of Lightning Bolt, inflicting 150 points of Electrical damage on a group of monsters. Poison Volley Cost: 25 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: All visible monsters Fires 6 poison arrows into each square in front of the party. The arrows do 10 points of Poison damage each. Power Shield Cost: 2 Spell Points per Level & 2 Gems Object: Party Member Reduces the damage inflicted on a party member by a number equal to the level of the caster. Prismatic Light Cost: 60 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: All Visible Monsters Mysterious light springs from the caster's palm, inflicting 80 points of a random damage type. Recharge Item Cost: 15 Spell Points and 10 Gems Object: 1 item Restores 1 to 6 charges to an item that has at least one charge rernaining. There is a slight risk the spell will destroy the item. Shrapmetal Cost: 1 Spell Point per Level & 1 Gem Object: Group Sprays a group of monsters with sharp metal fragments, inflicting 2 points of Physical damage per level of the caster. Sleep Cost: 3 Spell Points and 1 Gem Object: Group Puts a group of monsters to sleep until they overcome the spell or are damaged. Star Burst Cost: 200 Spell Points and 20 Gems Object: All Visible Monsters Includes all monsters in front of the party in a massive explosion, inflicting 500 points of Physical damage on each monster. Super Shelter Cost: 15 Spell Points and 5 Gems Object: Party Hides the party from the monsters in unsafe places, permit- ting them to rest without incident. Teleport Cost: 10 Spell Points. Object: Party Moves the party up to 9 squares in the direction the party is facing, regardless of obstacles. Time Distortion Cost: 8 Spell Points Object: Party Warps time, giving the party just enough time to run away from a combat. Toxic Cloud Cost: 4 Spell Points and 1 Gem Object: Group Surrounds a group of monsters with noxious gasses, inflict- ing 10 points of Poison damage. Wizard Eye Cost: 5 Spell Points and 2 Gems Object: Party Wizard Eye gives the party a bird's-eye view of their sur- roundings. The view will appear in the upper right corner of the game screen. THF LEGEND OF THE UNIFICATION Many centuries ago, the Ancients created Xeen and a thousand worlds like her. The Ancients scattered these worlds like seeds among the stars, spreading their people across the universe. Though the depth of variety among these worlds was astonishing, each one had a common goal: To reach and orbit its chosen star and achieve its full destiny. This process is called the Unification. Each of these worlds has its own Guardian to watch over it and ensure the fulfillment of that world's destiny. The journey of a world through the jungle of stars is both complex and dangerous, and a world without a Guardian is a world without defenses. When the time is right and the moons are aligned, the Guardian of Xeen will. send messengers throughout both Lands to announce the coming Unification. The Guardian will open the pyramids to travelers who wish to journey from one side of the world to the other. The peoples of Xeen, long separated from one another by the impenetrable barriers of the natural world, will at last begin to meet and trade. Preparations for the upcoming Unification will be made and the people will feast and dance with joy. The Guardian will honor some with the chance to awaken the Four Slumbering Servants for the ceremony. There is one servant of Fire, one of Air, one of Water, and one of Earth. The rulers of the two sides of Xeen will send ambassadors to each other's courts for the first time ever. When the time is right, Darkstone Tower will be opened and the seal to its Cloud breached. There, in a beautiful ceremony in the observatory atop the Cloud, the rulers will lay the Scepter and the Cube upon the Altar of Joining. A great magic shall take hold of Xeen then, and with much noise and light the two sides will join together as one, and never the twain shall split. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 56 WORLD OF XEEN The structure of the world of Xeen is a flat square. One side of the world is represented by Clouds of Xeen, the other by Darkside of Xeen. Each game has its own story, graphics, monsters, and ending. While both games can be played and finished on their own, the two can be combined on one hard drive to make World of Xeen. Characters created in either game will be usable in both games. When both games are together on one hard drive, it be- comes possible to travel between the two lands. The small pyramids scattered about Clouds of Xeen can be used to travel to the pyramid in Castleview, and the Castleview pyramid will take you to the pyramid outside Vertigo in Clouds of Xeen. Rumor has it there is another way to travel between the worlds. Once you have become a flip side explorer, you will be able to complete those quests that require you to visit both worlds. The main quest in each of the two games can be completed without a visit to the other, but there is a third major quest and ending that will require multiple trips between the two worlds to finish. New World Computing invites anyone who finishes Clouds of Xeen, Darkside of Xeen, or the World of Xeen quest to send us your score. All who complete the game will receive a certificate of con- gratulations for the accomplishment. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 57 IMPORTANT PLACES TOWN OF CASTLEVIEW Throughout the game you will come across some places that you need to know about: Taverns: You can create, delete, add, and remove characters in your party here. You can also pick up rumors and buy food. Temples: Your characters may be healed here of whatever ails them--for a price. You can also receive blessings from the Clerics if you donate enough money to the temple. Banks: You can safely store your money and gems here. You will get interest on both money and gems that you deposit. Blacksmith: Here is where you can buy and sell equipment. You can also get equipment fixed or uncursed. Training Grounds: This is where you pay to increase levels, provided you have enough experience. Guilds: If you are a member of the guild, you may buy spells and review information about them here. Travel Pyramid: These Pyramids are scattered throughout the World of Xeen, permitting travel beween the two sides of the world. Ellinger's Tower: The Tower of Ellinger, the Queen's Advisor, rises gracefully above Castleview. The Tower requires a key to enter, and is rumored to be full of traps and tricks to snare the unwary intruder. MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 58 Start of game Pillars Grass Roads MIGHT AND MAGIC V: DARKSIDE OF XEEN -- PAGE 59 Doors Open Doors Grates Walls For on-line support, hints, and clues on Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen, call CompuServe toll-free at 1-800-524-3388 and ask for representative #368. You can receive a FREE introductory membership and $15.00 usage credit. CompuServe offers a variety of services as well: investment information, travel, reference libraries, demo programs, game forums, and more. For information on Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen, and other New World games, type the command, GO GAMEPUB and enter the New World support area. Installation Instructions and Reference Guide IBM and Compatible You must have 20,000,000 bytes free on your hard drive and 983,040 bytes of Extended (XMS) or Expanded (EMS) memory. Depending on your memory configu- ration. Darkside of Xeen may require as much as 588,800 bytes of conventional memory. Insert Might and Magic Disk #1 into your computer's floppy drive. Type the letter of the drive and a colon (i.e. A: or B:), then press Enter. Type INSTALL, then press Enter. NOTE: If you are unsure about any of your installation choices, just press return to accept the default settings, and you can always rerun the install program and change your settings. When the install program begins, the Select Music and Effects window will appear. Type the number that corresponds to the sound card in your computer (Select PC Speaker or None if you have no sound card installed). Next, the Select Speech window will appear. Type the number that corresponds to the speech card in your computer. You can select music and speech for the same card in some cases. The Install program will ask for a path name. You may use the default (C:XXEEN) by pressing Enter, or create your own. At this point, you will be asked if you wish to create the World of Xeen. You will need your Clouds of Xeen diskettes in order to complete the creation. Please refer to the World of Xeen insert for details on this option. The Install program will ask if you wish to use the current configuration. Type Y if the current settings match your desired configuration. The Install program will begin installing Darkside of Xeen to your hard drive. When ready, it will ask for the next disk. If there are any errors, the Install program will reporl them. If you have any ques- tions about installing Darkside of Xeen, contact our Technical Support at (818) 999-0607 from 9am - 12 noon or from 2pm - 5pm Mon - Fri PST. When installation is complete, the program will exit into the subdirectory in which Darkside of Xeen was installed. Type XEEN to begin playing. If for any reason you wish to change the settings, type INSTALL from the Darkside of Xeen directory on your hard drive. This will allow you to change your music and speech configuration, and will allow you to create the World of Xeen. Mouse users You can use the mouse to perform any action in the game. When using the mouse, the left mouse button selects an option, and the fight mouse button escapes from it. Technical Support (818) 999-0607 9-12 2-5 (PST) Getting Started At the main screen you will have the option of starting a new game or loading a saved game. Press S or click on "Start a New Game" to start a new game. Now select your gaming preference: Adventurer, a less combat intensive game, or Warrior, the standard game. Once selected, the game mode cannot be changed, unless you start a new game. You will begin your adventure in the northeast section of Castleview with a party of six fully- equipped characters. You can start playing immediately or go to the Tavern to create your own party of characters. Press L or click on "Load a Saved Game" to load a saved game. A window will appear listing the names of all your saved games and the highest character level in the party. Select the game you wish to load. Control Panel To bring up the Control Panel window, press the Tab key or click on the large gem at the bottom center of the Display Window. The name of the current game is displayed at the bottom of the Control Panel window. The available options are listed below. Effects. Turns the sound effects on and off. Music. Turns the music on and off. Load. Allows you to load a previously saved game. Save. Allows you to save the current game in its present location. The game is automatically saved when the party enters a Tavern. Save As. Allows you to save the current game in its present location with a different name. Quit. Quits Might and Magic and exits to DOS. Mr. Wizard. Returns the party to Castleview and removes all the party's gems on hand. Trading Items Between Characters To trade between characters, select the item you wish to trade in the inventory screen by clicking on the item or by pressing it's number and then press the function key (FI-F6) of the character you wish to give the item to. Getting Around To move through the world of Might and Magic, use the arrow keys or the mouse pointer on the Direction Icons in the Display Window. The Up and Down arrow keys move the party forward and backward, and the Left and Right arrow keys turn the party left and right. Holding down the Control key while pressing the Left or Right key side-steps the party without turning. Wait (pass) by pressing the Space Bar or W. This allows time to pass and monsters to advance. Time does not pass when turning left or right. Important Press the SPACE BAR or click on the display window to interact with an object. You must be in the same square as the object. New World Computing Game Screen Display Window. It is through the Display Window that you view the world of Might and Magic. There are six elements of the Display Window that act as warning devices and indicators. If one of the party members has the skill Direction Sense, the gem at the bottom of the Display Window will indicate the direction the party is facing. (Clicking the mouse pointer on this gem or pressing the Tab key brings up the Control Panel window. ) When the Levitate spell is in effect, the gargoyle on the lower left side of the Display Window flaps its wings. If one of the party members has the skill Danger Sense, the bat at the top of the Display Window will move its mouth when the party is in danger of being attacked. The four gems in the corners of the Display Window light up if there is any kind of protection spell active, such as Elemental Protection. If one of the party members has the skill Detect Secret Passages, the gremlin on the lower right side of the Display Window waves its arm when a thin wall is directly in front of the party. Select Bash in the Options Window to open the secret passage. When the Clairvoyance spell is in effect, these heads will give advice on "Yes/No" or "Who Will" questions. Display Window Character Portrait Window View Window Press the "=" key to toggle view. Options Window Direction Icons The Might and Magic Game Screen. Character Portrait Window. Under each character portrait is a gem that changes color depending on the character's 'health'. The character's face changes expression depending on his or her 'condition'. If the gem or portrait changes, check the Character Screen by selecting the character you wish to view (F1 - F6, or click on the character portrait). A yellow highlight appears around the portrait of the character being viewed. The spaces in this window can be filled with up to six characters. View Window. If one character has the Cartography skill or the Wizard Eye spell is cast, an overhead view of the party's immediate surroundings appear in this area. The Cartography skill will only show where you have been. If both the skill and the spell are active, you may toggle between them by clicking here or pressing the "=" key. Options Window. To select an option in this window, click the mouse pointer on the icon or press the keyboard equivalent. Technical Support (818) 999-0607 9-12 2-5 (PST) /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ These Documents were scanned by Tony Tony. Black COils did a quick (30 min) editing and revision of these documents. Enjoy the game! /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\