This is a listing of RaLin Software available from the RaLin BBS as of 6-24-93. There are more files, but several are in new development stages, so are not listed. We have a new Ansi Text Editor for RemoteAccess, which should be released soon. Create or convert text files into Ansi/Avatar/Ascii BBS screens. Popup lists allow you to paste BBS codes into the text, then the screen is compiled with our screen compiler, to generate the BBS screens. Watch for RATE???.ZIP to be released soon! Download 161-710.ZIP for a listing of ALL files available on the system. There is a menu command to do so, at the Main Menu! File Request = FILES - RaLin Enterprises - Detailed Program Descriptions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sound Off!: A sound generator that can be run from command line or batch file. Also plays music! Reads from a script files. Has colorful display and information messages, but can be run in non-display mode via a switch for batch file use. Returns error codes for batch file use. Sample scripts and batch files for Sound and Music included. Has two alarm functions built in, callable by switch. Make your batch files Come Alive!! Complete documentation on creating SOUND and MUSIC scripts included. Registration $12.00 Kids Math: A tutorial for kids from grade 3 to 6+. 20 problems each of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division. The program keeps score of the number of tries for each area. Has a GOOD JOB msg and tone, and one for wrong answer. It helped my kids, it should help yours. Voluntary Registration/Donantion. $3.00 or more. Format 'n Print: Takes an unformatted text file and paginates it to the specified lines per page. Can insert Left,Center headers and page numbers. A footer may also be inserted. Will run your favorite editor and viewer programs. Dos Shell. File backup/recovery is implemented. Registration $15.00 Charts of Reference: Contains 8+ charts of Ansi,Ascii,Char codes. Also Extended Key codes, color attributes and more. Package contains both a command line version and a TSR version. Works with most editors. A list of editors tested is included. Registration $10.00 Ansi Animation Slide Show: Displays Ansi files in a slide show format, either in Manual or Auto mode. Picklists, Auto/Manual mode. No Ansi driver required. Configurable drawing speeds. Mouse Support. Registration $10.00 Batch Print: Prints all files per Filespec. Options to delete, append formfeed, print information header, Eject/No Eject when done and more. Full screen display or Quiet mode. Enhancements comming: Pre and Post print codes, copy to storage directory/drive, these via a config file. Multiple configs will be allowed. Registration: Requested $10.00 T2A: Takes a text file of any length and creates a color ansi version. Specifically for RemoteAccess, supports aprox 24 RA system vars, entered via Ctl-Key presses. All ansi colors. Creates a "clean" Asci version, also creates a Avatar version. Can be used for regualr DOS ansi and ascii files too. Versions for Wildcat! and PCBoard in the works. LOOK: Look will search all directories and sub-directories for the supplied SearchText, which may be a filename, extension or a word fragment. LOOK will write the resulting list of files to either the screen, or a text file you specify. Wild card searches are supported. The listing format is: DRIVE:\DIR\SUB-DIR\FILENAME.EXT. You can use this list for many purposes, ZIP @list etc. The companion program MAKEBAT, which you receive with the registered LOOK, will take a LOOK list and create a batch file to carry out the commands you specify, on each file in the list. Multiple commands are supported, and MAKEBAT and LOOK are both interactive programs. Plus LOOK can be run with command line values. RREAD: (The RaLin Reader) allows you to view text files of any size regardless of memory constraints. You can edit the file, load a new file, print the file or parts of the file. A DOS shell is provided, printer control, configurable colors and much more. Word and phrase searching.Toggle video mode, set border color. Marking text is supported. Output can be to file or printer. Comming: File Maintainence section, Copy/Delete/Move/Rename. File request mode: Create file request messages while viewing a BBS file list. Will write req msg direct to Mail directory. Worth a look! UPLOADER: Allows insertion or change of Uploader name, and optionaly the D/L count into RA 2.0g version database HDR files. FREEWARE! LISTREC : Displays the entries in RemoteAccess File Database HDR files. CRCLIST : Create a file or printout of CRC-16 values for all files in a directory, also totals the values and the file count. Thank You, Rand Nowell RaLin Enterprises 40728 Sundale Dr. Fremont, Ca. 94538 (510) 651-0253 (VOICE) (510) 651-0253,,3322 (BBS) Netmail: 1:161/710