---------------------------------------- CDRFONT.DLL 98784 bytes 26/03/93 ---------------------------------------- This file is a replacement for the CorelDRAW! 3.0 (Rev B and above) Font Manager. It addresses two problems: 1./ True Type fonts with limited character sets will not cause a protection fault in CDRMEM.DLL when exiting DRAW!. Some fonts from Bitstream and other sources had exposed this usually non- fatal anomaly. 2./ Adobe Type 1 fonts will display the same in Preview as they do in Wireframe. Previously, there was potential for the two views to show differing font size, spacing and placement. INSTALLATION: Please make a backup of the original CDRFONT.DLL before copying this update into your CORELDRW\DRAW directory. FILES PREVIOUSLY CREATED USING TYPE 1 FONTS MAY NOT DISPLAY THE SAME with the new Font Manager. If you experience this problem and the discrepancy is unacceptable, you will have to revert to the original CDRFONT.DLL (or adjust the text manually).