DEMO WORKSHOP USERS GUIDE P2 ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond CA, 95005 VoiceMail 408-336-8080 X9090 CompuServe 70621,2475 Internet +---------+ +---------+ | (R) --| |o |------------------ | +---------+ | Association of | | |-+ Shareware +---| o | Professionals ------| | |-------------------- +---------+ MEMBER PUBLISHED BY P2 Enterprises P.O. Box 25 Ben Lomond CA 95005-0025 Copyright (c) 1993 by P2 Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. Demo Workshop V1.1 ii CONTENTS DEMO WORKSHOP USERS GUIDE..............................i WHAT IS SHAREWARE?.....................................1 INSTALLING DEMO WORKSHOP...............................2 INTRODUCTION...........................................4 OVERVIEW..........................................4 USING DEMO WORKSHOP...............................5 Recording Scenes for Your Presentation .........5 Editing Your Recorded Presentation .............5 Special Effects ................................6 Creating The Presentation program ..............6 Monochrome Support .............................6 RECORDING WITH SR......................................8 INSTALLING AND REMOVING SR........................8 Installing SR in Memory ........................8 Removing SR from Memory ........................8 THE SR COMMAND LINE...............................10 Obtaining Help - the /? Switch .................10 Setting the Record Hot Key - the /R Switch .....11 Setting the Snapshot Hot Key - The /S Switch ...12 The Recording File .............................12 SCENES AND SNAPSHOTS..............................13 How SR Records .................................13 Snapshots ......................................13 Scenes .........................................13 EDITING YOUR PRESENTATION WITH DW......................14 OVERVIEW..........................................14 Scenes .........................................14 Special Effects ................................14 Timing .........................................15 Color and Monochrome ...........................15 INVOKING DW.......................................16 THE INFORMATION WINDOW............................17 THE DW ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM........................18 THE DW MAIN MENU.......................................19 Rewind .........................................19 Play ...........................................19 Hide Workshop Windows ..........................20 Clear Screen ...................................20 iii Insert Scene Break .............................21 Go To Scene ....................................21 Scene Operations ...............................22 Re-Number Scenes ...............................23 ALTER OUTPUT DELAY .............................23 File ...........................................23 Monochrome and Color ...........................23 Registration ...................................24 DOS Shell ......................................24 Help ...........................................25 Exit ...........................................25 DW SCENE OPERATIONS....................................26 Add Text Window ................................26 Add Menu .......................................26 Name ...........................................26 Skip or Don't Skip .............................27 Delete .........................................27 Merge With Next ................................27 Set Next Scene .................................27 Clone Scene ....................................27 Set Scene Pause Time ...........................28 Set Entry Style ................................28 Keep/REMOVE Existing Text Windows ..............29 Do Not Refresh Screen on Entry .................29 Cancel [Esc] ...................................29 WORKING WITH TEXT WINDOWS..............................30 Edit ...........................................30 Import Text File ...............................31 Relocate .......................................31 Re-size ........................................31 Title ..........................................31 Time-out .......................................32 Border Type ....................................32 Colors .........................................33 Entry Style and Exit Style .....................33 Erase/DO NOT ERASE Before Continuing ...........34 Test TEXT WINDOW ...............................34 Main Menu [Esc] ................................34 WORKING WITH MENUS.....................................35 SHORTCUT KEYS.....................................35 THE MENU OPTIONS SUB-MENU.........................36 Title ..........................................36 Time-out .......................................36 Border Type ....................................36 Zooming ........................................37 Colors .........................................37 Relocate .......................................37 Set Default Item ...............................38 iv Selection Options ..............................38 Add Item to End of Menu ........................39 Insert New Item ................................39 Remove Item ....................................39 Modify/Move Item ...............................39 Test Menu ......................................40 THE DW FILE MENU.......................................41 Save Changes ...................................41 Create .EXE File ...............................41 Add Monochrome Scenes to .EXE File .............42 Presentation Program Arguments .................42 Include Scenes From Another File ...............42 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS.................43 MEMORY REQUIREMENTS...............................43 SR - The Screen Recorder .......................43 DW - The Presentation Editor ...................43 MINIMUM DOS VERSION...............................43 DESIGN LIMITS....................................44 CPU REQUIREMENTS..................................44 LICENSE, WARRANTY, REGISTRATION, AND SUPPORT...........45 LICENSE...........................................45 LIMITED WARRANTY..................................47 U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS ..............47 REGISTRATION......................................48 SUPPORT...........................................49 v Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide WHAT IS SHAREWARE? Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. 1 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide INSTALLING DEMO WORKSHOP 1.Create a directory on your hard disk to contain the Demo Workshop files. In the example, we will install Demo Workshop on drive C in a directory called DW. C:\> MKDIR DW 2.Change your default directory to the new directory and unpack the DWRK10 kit. If you received Demo Workshop in the file DWRK10.EXE, execute the following commands, assuming DWRK10.EXE is located in floppy drive A. C:\> CD DW C:\DW> A:\DWRK10 If you received Demo Workshop in the file DWRK10.ZIP, execute the following commands, assuming DWRK10.ZIP is located in floppy drive A, and the unzipping program PKUNZIP is available in your path. C:\> CD DW C:\DW> PKUNZIP A:\DWRK10 3.Add the following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. SET DWDIR=C:\DW This lets DW know where to find the files it needs to operate. 4.You may also want to add the directory C:\DW to your path in AUTOEXEC.BAT so you can execute DW and SR from any directory. 2 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide 5.Execute the command C:\DW> SET DWDIR=C:\DW (You won't have to do this in the future, because you have placed this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT in step 3.) 6.You may execute the Demo Workshop sample presentation if you wish by typing C:\DW> DWDEMO Note that you must have a DW presentation file or an SR recording file before you can successfully invoke DW. You can create an empty SR recording file easily, by invoking SR twice in a row, like this: C:\DW> SR ... ... C:\DW> SR Screen recorder removed from memory. C:\DW> This creates the default recording file SCREEN.REC. 3 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW Demo Workshop is a tool for creating on-line presentations. The presentations you create with Demo Workshop are well suited for use as software product demonstrations and tutorials. Demo Workshop uses actual recorded screens from your software product combined with pop-up text windows, pop-up menus, and special effects to create a professional-appearing demo or tutorial. You can also use Demo Workshop to create presentations which use no recorded screens, but instead consist of only pop-up text windows and menus. These types of presentations can be useful for providing a "help" facility. In fact, Demo Workshop uses this technique for its own on-line help. 4 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide USING DEMO WORKSHOP RECORDING SCENES FOR YOUR PRESENTATION The first step in creating your presentation is to record the screens presented by your program in actual use. You do this using the Demo Workshop screen recorder SR. SR is a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program provided with Demo Workshop for this purpose. Once SR is loaded, you can start and stop recording at any time using a hot key (by default Alt-R). SR records everything that appears on the screen along with timing information so that when the recording is played back it looks just as if the program is actually running. In addition, SR allows you to take "snapshots" of a particular screen both while you are recording and when you are not recording. You do this using another hot key (by default Alt-S). Snapshots produce markers in the recording that can be located easily later on when you are editing your presentation. You can add these markers, called "scene breaks," when you edit your presentation, as well. You can create a recording consisting solely of snapshots, but it will appear more like a series of still scenes rather than showing the motion on the screen as a continuous recording does. EDITING YOUR RECORDED PRESENTATION You use the Demo Workshop presentation editor, DW, to edit your presentation. First, you use DW to divide your recording up into segments called "scenes". DW allows you to play back your recording at high speed, normal speed, slow speed, and in "single-step" mode to make it easy to position your scene breaks accurately. Once you have defined a number of scenes (you can add and remove scene breaks at any time), you can cut them out of the recording, "clone" them, and alter the order in which they play. You can even create loops of scene sequences that repeat indefinitely. 5 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide You can place pop-up text windows and pop-up menus at scene breaks. Pop-up windows and menus overlay the scene on which they are placed, thus appearing to be in front of the background scene. You can position the windows anywhere you wish and set the size and colors to complement the scene in the background. You can enter text into a text window directly from the keyboard, or import it from a text file. Each item in the pop-up menus is associated with a "destination scene" from which the presentation continues when the menu item is chosen. Menus allow viewers of your presentation to select the portion of your presentation they wish to view next. You can put time- outs on both menus and text windows so that your presentation can proceed automatically without user input and yet still respond to user input should they wish to interact with the presentation. Menus can be set to auto-increment to the next selection each time they are displayed so that an entire presentation can be continuously displayed without intervention. SPECIAL EFFECTS You can add special entry and exit effects to your pop-up windows and special effects to scene transitions. The effects available include wipes, squeezes, dissolves, and zooms. These special effects help to keep the viewer's interest and add a professional touch to your presentations. CREATING THE PRESENTATION PROGRAM When you are satisfied with your presentation, you direct DW to create a .EXE file (a standalone program.) This program contains the entire presentation and is all that a viewer needs to view your presentation. No supporting files are required. MONOCHROME SUPPORT DW allows you to view your presentation in monochrome mode on your color monitor so that you can see how it will appear to users who do not have color systems. Also, you can, if you choose, add a separate monochrome 6 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide presentation to your standalone program. The standalone program will automatically select the color or monochrome presentation depending on the type of video interface card installed in the computer on which the presentation is executed. 7 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide RECORDING WITH SR INSTALLING AND REMOVING SR INSTALLING SR IN MEMORY Simply running SR from the DOS command prompt causes SR to install itself in memory: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:\DW> SR SR V1.1 930101 Copyright (c) 1993 P2 Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. Press Alt-R to start and stop screen recording. Press Alt-S to take a screen snapshot. C:\DW> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REMOVING SR FROM MEMORY Running SR a second time causes it to remove itself from memory: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\DW> SR Screen recorder removed from memory. C:\DW> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide Note that if another TSR was loaded after SR, it may not be able to remove itself successfully. Should this occur, the following message is displayed: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\DW>SR Screen recorder cannot be removed from memory. C:\DW> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If this happens, remove the TSRs that were loaded after SR and then try again to remove SR. 9 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE SR COMMAND LINE SR accepts a number of command line arguments, none of which are required. They are described in the following sections. OBTAINING HELP - THE /? SWITCH The /? switch causes SR to display information about the command options available: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:\DW> SR /? SR V1.1 SHARE0 Copyright (c) 1993 P2 Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. Usage: SR [/R=key] [/S=key] [/?] [file] /R sets the record toggle hot key. The default is ALT-R. /S sets the snapshot/scene mark hot key. The default is ALT-S. /? displays this text. file is the file to which recorded screens will be written. The default is SCREEN.REC. If SR is already resident in memory, invoking it again will cause it to remove itself from memory. Examples: SR /R=F12 /S=CTRL-K MYFILE.REC SR MYFILE.REC SR SR /S=ALT-F9 C:\DW> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SETTING THE RECORD HOT KEY - THE /R SWITCH The /R switch allows you to set the record toggle hot key (the key you press to start and stop screen recording). Here is a list of the keys that you may use: SHFT-TAB ALT-Q ALT-W ALT-E ALT-R ALT-T ALT-Y ALT-U ALT-I ALT-O ALT-P ALT-A ALT-S ALT-D ALT-F ALT-G ALT-H ALT-J ALT-K ALT-L ALT-Z ALT-X ALT-C ALT-V ALT-B ALT-N ALT-M F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HOME UP PGUP LEFT RIGHT END DOWN PGDWN INSERT DELETE SHFT-F1 SHFT-F2 SHFT-F3 SHFT-F4 SHFT-F5 SHFT-F6 SHFT-F7 SHFT-F8 SHFT-F9 SHFT-F10 CTRL-F1 CTRL-F2 CTRL-F3 CTRL-F4 CTRL-F5 CTRL-F6 CTRL-F7 CTRL-F8 CTRL-F9 CTRL-F10 ALT-F1 ALT-F2 ALT-F3 ALT-F4 ALT-F5 ALT-F6 ALT-F7 ALT-F8 ALT-F9 ALT-F10 CTRL-LEFT CTRL-RIGHT CTRL-END CTRL-PGDWN CTRL-HOME ALT-1 ALT-2 ALT-3 ALT-4 ALT-5 ALT-6 ALT-7 ALT-8 ALT-9 ALT-0 ALT-- ALT-= CTRL-PGUP CTRL-A CTRL-B CTRL-C CTRL-D CTRL-E CTRL-F CTRL-G CTRL-H CTRL-I CTRL-J CTRL-K CTRL-L CTRL-M CTRL-N CTRL-O CTRL-P CTRL-Q CTRL-R CTRL-S CTRL-T CTRL-U CTRL-V CTRL-W CTRL-X CTRL-Y CTRL-Z ESC F11 F12 SHFT-F11 SHFT-F12 CTRL-F11 CTRL-F12 ALT-F11 ALT-F12 NONE 11 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SETTING THE SNAPSHOT HOT KEY - THE /S SWITCH The /S switch allows you to set the hot key to be used to take snapshots and mark scene breaks. The same hot keys are available as are listed above for the /R switch. THE RECORDING FILE You may place the name of the file into which SR will place its recording on the SR command line. The default file is SCREEN.REC. If the file exists, SR will ask if you wish to overwrite it. 12 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SCENES AND SNAPSHOTS HOW SR RECORDS Every 55 milliseconds SR examines the current screen contents and compares it to what it was the last time it looked. Any differences are recorded in the recording file. Thus, the amount of information stored is actually far less than would be required if the entire screen were saved every 55 milliseconds. In addition, SR uses a number of data compression techniques to additionally decrease the size of the recording file. When recording starts, a series of rising tones is emitted from your computer's speaker. When recording ceases, a series of falling tones is emitted. SNAPSHOTS When you press the snapshot hot key, SR places a scene break in the recording file and writes the complete contents of the current screen to the recording file. This occurs whether or not recording is in progress. Thus, even if you have never started recording with the record hot key, you can take snapshots of whatever is on the screen. When a snapshot is taken, a characteristic series of tones is emitted frm your computer's speaker. SCENES The Demo Workshop editor, DW, works with "scenes". Scenes are segments of a recording. Whenever you press the snapshot hot key, you create a scene break in the recording file. The scene break is the boundary between scenes. While you can add scene breaks using DW, it is sometimes useful to create scene breaks while recording to make it easier during editing to locate a particular section of the recording. The use of scenes is fully described in the chapter on editing Demo Workshop presentations. 13 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide EDITING YOUR PRESENTATION WITH DW OVERVIEW The Demo Workshop presentation editor, DW, allows you to edit your SR recording and add pop-up text windows, pop- up menus, and special effects to your presentation. SCENES DW works with "scenes". Scenes are segments of your SR recording. The boundaries between adjacent scenes are called scene breaks. You can insert a scene break at any point in your presentation at any time. (You can remove them too.) Scene breaks are also created by SR during recording whenever you press the snapshot hot key. Scenes can be cut from the presentation, "cloned" or copied, and re-sequenced however you want. Text windows and menus can only be inserted into your presentation at scene breaks, and this is the most common reason to insert a scene break. SPECIAL EFFECTS DW also allows you to specify a special effect to be applied when a window is displayed (the entry effect) and when a window is removed (the exit effect). Instead of abruptly appearing on the screen, the special effects make the arrival of a text window more interesting. A 14 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide variety of effects are available, including dissolves, wipes, and squeezes. Special effects may also be applied to scene entries. Note that if the scene being entered is only slightly different from what is currently displayed, the special effect may not be noticeable. TIMING DW gives you control over the timing of your presentation. You can alter delays present in your SR recording and specify time-outs for your text windows and menus. You can also specify an entry pause time for each scene in your presentation. These time-outs remain constant independent of CPU speed. COLOR AND MONOCHROME You can set the colors used in your windows and menus to complement the screen background. On monochrome systems however, the results may be unacceptable. DW allows you to view your presentation in monochrome mode so you can see how it will appear on monochrome systems. In addition, you can prepare a separate monochrome presentation if you wish and DW will combine it with the color presentation in the presentation program. The presentation program includes processing to determine the type of video card present on the system on which it is executing and display either the color or monochrome presentation, whichever is appropriate. 15 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide INVOKING DW To edit your SR recording, invoke DW with the DOS command DW, optionally supplying the presentation (or SR recording) file name. If you don't supply the name, DW will prompt you for it, supplying a default of SCREEN.REC. NOTE: Whenever DW supplies a default, if you just begin typing in a new entry, DW will automatically delete the default. You needn't delete the default first using the backspace or delete keys. If you have never processed your presentation with DW before, DW processes the SR recording into a new format more suitable for editing. Two scenes are created automatically, one at the beginning of your recording and one at the end. In addition, a scene is created for each snapshot in the SR recording and each time you ended a recording segment with the record toggle hot key. 16 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE INFORMATION WINDOW The Information window is located in the upper right corner of the screen whenever the DW Main Menu is displayed. The following information is displayed in the Information Window: Input File The input file is the presentation file currently being edited. Available Memory This is the memory left which is available to store information required by DW for editing your presentation. Observe this value over time. If it sinks to too low a value, DW may not be able to save your presentation. The only solution to a low memory situation is to simplify your presentation (i.e., fewer scenes, text windows, and menus). Defined Scenes This is the current number of scenes you have defined in your presentation. Current Scene This is the scene number and name of the scene in which the current playback position is located. Current Index This is the offset of the current playback position in the presentation file. Note that it may not be the position of a scene break. Output Delay This is the delay recorded by SR at the current position in the playback file. It can be modified with the Alter Output Delay selection on the Main Menu. Scene Pause Time This is the scene pause time assigned to the current scene. The pause time must pass before any text windows or menus assigned to the scene are displayed. 17 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE DW ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM You can press the F1 key at any time while running DW to display help on the current menu selection or prompt. After the help window is displayed, pressing Esc will return you to DW at the point where you pressed F1. If you instead press Enter, the DW Help Menu is displayed, allowing you to access additional help topics. You can also access the DW Help Menu by choosing the Help selection from the DW Main Menu. 18 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE DW MAIN MENU REWIND The Rewind main menu selection sets the current playback position to the beginning of your presentation. PLAY The Play main menu selection displays the Playback sub- menu, which allows you to select one of the following Playback options: Fast This selection plays your presentation from the current position at high speed. Press any key to stop playback. To stop playback when it is paused at a text window or menu, press Esc. Normal This selection plays your presentation from the current position at the same speed at which viewers will experience it. Press any key to stop playback. To stop playback when it is paused at a text window or menu, press Esc. Slow This selection plays your presentation at slow speed to allow you to locate positions in your presentation (usually in preparation to insert a scene break). Press any key to stop playback. To 19 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide stop playback when it is paused at a text window or menu, press Esc. Single Step This selection plays the smallest segment of your presentation possible each time you press a key. The amount played may be as small as a single character or as large as several lines of text. The amount in each step is determined by the amount recorded as a block by SR. SR records in blocks to decrease the size of the recording file. To End single-stepping, press the Esc key. Cancel [Esc] This selection cancels your play request. Pressing the Esc key has the same effect as selecting this item -- you are returned to the main menu. DW always starts playing from the current point in the presentation. To view your presentation from the beginning, select Rewind from the main menu before selecting Play. HIDE WORKSHOP WINDOWS The Hide Workshop Windows selection removes the DW Main Menu and Information Window from the screen, allowing you to view the current scene uncluttered. To restore the workshop windows, press any key. CLEAR SCREEN This selection erases all the current scene data from the screen. 20 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide INSERT SCENE BREAK This selection inserts a scene break at the current playback position, terminating the current scene, and creating a new scene beginning at the current position. You will be prompted for a name for the new scene (i.e., the scene beginning at the new scene break). You need not name the scene at this time if you wish. You can name it later with the Name selection of the Scene Operations sub-menu. The new scene is given the next available scene number. You can re-number scenes if you wish using the Re-Number Scenes selection from the Main Menu. GO TO SCENE The Go To Scene selection displays the scene selection menu. Each line in the menu displays information about a scene. Select the scene to which you want to position your presentation using the up and down arrow keys and then press Enter. To cancel the Go To Scene operation, press the Esc key. The opening screen of the selected scene is displayed when a scene is selected. If more scenes have been defined than will fit on the screen, the scene selection menu will scroll when you attempt to move the highlighted selection off the top or bottom of the menu. Information displayed about each scene in the scene selection menu includes: No. This is a number assigned to each scene. When you create a new scene, it is given the next consecutive number. This usually results in the numbers appearing out of order in the scene selection menu. The Re-Number Scenes selection from the Main Menu re-assigns the scene numbers in order. Start This is the index in the presentation file of the beginning of the scene. 21 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide End This is the index in the presentation file of the end of the scene. Status The status of a scene can be either ok or skip. Skip indicates that the scene will be skipped when it is encountered during playback. The Skip selection from the Scene Operations sub-menu is used to change a scene's status to skip. Next This is the scene to which playback will transfer when this scene is complete. A value of 0 indicates that the next scene is the scene following this one in the scene selection menu. The next scene is set using the Set Next Scene selection from the Scene Operations sub-menu. The next scene is automatically updated correctly when the Re-Number Scenes selection from the Main Menu is executed. Type The scene type is normal, text, menu, textmenu, or exit. A scene without an attached text window or menu is designated as type normal. A scene with both an attached text window and menu is designated as type textmenu. The special exit type is assigned to the scene that terminates playback. The exit scene is created automatically when your SR recording is processed by DW. Name This is the name assigned to this scene. You first assign the name when you create the scene using the Insert Scene Break selection from the Main Menu. It can be changed at any time with the Name selection from the Scene Operations sub-menu. SCENE OPERATIONS The Scene Operations selection invokes the Scene Operations sub-menu. The Scene Operations sub-menu contains selections that operate on the current scene (i.e., the scene selected from the scene selection menu 22 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide invoked with the Go To Scene selection from the Main Menu). See the section on DW Scene Operations for information on the Scene Operations sub-menu selections. RE-NUMBER SCENES The Re-Number Scenes selection re-numbers all the currently defined scenes starting with 1. Next scene numbers and menu item destinations are adjusted appropriately, so this selection may be executed safely at any time during the DW session. ALTER OUTPUT DELAY This selection allows you to alter the output delay in the recording as displayed in the Information Window as Output Delay. Note that when you change this value it is immediately written to the current file. You cannot undo changes in output delay times by simply not saving your changes as you can other changes made in a DW session. FILE The File selection invokes the File sub-menu. The File sub-menu contains selections related to saving the current presentation, creating .EXE files, and reading scenes from a different presentation file. The File sub- menu selections are described in the section on the DW File Menu. MONOCHROME AND COLOR Either the Monochrome or Color selection is displayed in the Main Menu. This selection allows you to view your presentation in monochrome mode to see how users with monochrome monitors will experience your presentation. When in monochrome mode, the Color menu item is displayed in place of the Monochrome item. 23 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide NOTE: Some DOS memory management utilities may choose, on color systems, to use the upper memory area normally reserved for use by monochrome video cards. Switching to monochrome mode when this has been done may cause a system crash or other strange behavior. The best solution to this problem is to reconfigure the memory management utility to leave the monochrome video memory alone, or avoid monochrome mode entirely. REGISTRATION This selection invokes the Registration sub-menu which contains the following selections: Registration Information This selection describes the shareware terms under which Demo Workshop is distributed. Enter Product Registration Key This selection allows you to enter the Product Registration Key that is supplied to you when you register Demo Workshop with P2 Enterprises. Once you have entered your PRK, the requests to register which are displayed when you start DW and SR are eliminated. DOS Phantom This selection displays a description of the P2 Enterprises product DOS Phantom, a program that works with keyboard input rather than screen output as does Demo Workshop. Main Menu [Esc] This selection (or pressing the Esc key) returns you to the DW Main Menu. DOS SHELL This selection saves your DW context in extended memory if available, or in a swap file if extended memory is not available, and spawns a DOS shell. About 4K of memory is used by DW in this process. To return to DW, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. 24 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide HELP The Help selection displays the DW Help Menu, from which you can obtain information on all the DW commands. Note that as an alternative, pressing the F1 key causes help on the current menu selection to be displayed. EXIT This selection exits DW. If changes have been made, you will be asked whether you wish to save your work before exiting. 25 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide DW SCENE OPERATIONS The selections contained in this menu act on the current scene (i.e., the scene selected using the Go To Scene selection from the Main Menu). ADD TEXT WINDOW This selection inserts a text window at the start of the current scene. For information about text windows, see the section on Working With Text Windows. ADD MENU This selection inserts a menu at the start of the current scene, For information about menus, see the section on Working With Menus. NAME This selection allows you to change the name of the current scene. The scene name is displayed in the scene selection sub-menu displayed when you select Go To Scene from the Main Menu. The scene name also provides the default title assigned to new text windows and menus assigned to the scene. 26 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SKIP OR DON'T SKIP One of these selections is displayed depending on whether the current scene status is skip or ok. A scene whose status is skip is passed over when it is encountered during playback. DELETE This selection removes the current scene permanently from the presentation. It is suggested that you use the Skip selection instead of delete until your presentation is complete, and then delete the skipped scenes. MERGE WITH NEXT This selection removes a scene break, merging the current scene with the one following. Note that any text windows and menus attached to the following scene are lost when this action is taken. SET NEXT SCENE This selection allows you to specify the scene at which playback is to continue when this scene is complete. You can use this selection to re-order the scenes in your presentation and to create loops of scenes. (You can use a menu selection to break out of a loop.) CLONE SCENE This selection creates a copy of the current scene and places it after the current scene. The name given to the new scene is the name of the current scene with "(clone)" appended. Any text windows or menus assigned to the scene are copied as well. Note that the cloned scene is always set to refresh on entry, even if the current scene is not. 27 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide The cloned scene becomes the current scene for further scene operations. SET SCENE PAUSE TIME This selection allows you to specify a pause time to be attached to the current scene. The pause is applied on scene entry. This is especially useful for scenes which were created using the snapshot feature of SR, as these scenes have no intrinsic timing as do screen recordings. The scene pause time is applied before any text windows or menus assigned to the scene are displayed. SET ENTRY STYLE The Set Entry Style allows you to apply a special effect to the scene's entry. Entry styles gradually replace the current screen image with the initial screen of the new scene using one of a number of special effects. Note that if the current scene's initial screen is similar to the screen contents displayed when the scene is encountered, the special effect may not be very noticeable. Thus, entry styles are most useful when the scene being entered is significantly different from what is currently displayed on the screen. Entry styles are especially effective when moving between SR snapshot scenes or moving to a new scene as the result of a menu selection. The entry styles you may choose from include: Normal Vertical and Horizontal Blinds, Left,Right, Top and Bottom Wipe, Vertical and Horizontal Expansion, Vertical and Horizontal Squeeze, Left Checkered and Right Checkered, and Dissolve. Note that DW automatically ignores these special effects on slow processors on which the time required to process the special effect wouldslow down the presentation unacceptably. 28 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide KEEP/REMOVE EXISTING TEXT WINDOWS If the scene is set to Keep Existing Windows currently, the selection Remove Existing Windows is displayed in its place. This selection determines whether text windows displayed on the screen when the current scene is entered will be erased before the current scene's initial screen is displayed. Keeping existing text windows allows you to accumulate text windows across scenes. Note that text windows always occupy the foreground, with the scene displayed in the background. DO NOT REFRESH SCREEN ON ENTRY When a scene is created (with SR, Insert Scene Break, or Clone), the current screen image is saved. Normally, this saved screen is displayed when the screen is entered. This allows screens to be re-ordered without losing context. This may not be desirable in some circumstances, so this selection is provided to eliminate the saved screen. Note that once removed, the saved screen data may not be restored. Removing superfluous saved screens can significantly reduce the size of your presentation .EXE file. CANCEL [ESC] This selection returns you to the Main Menu without taking any action. 29 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide WORKING WITH TEXT WINDOWS When you select Add Text Window from the Scene Operations sub-menu, DW creates a text window and places you in Edit mode. While you are in edit mode, you can enter text into the window, re-size the window with Shift-, and move the window with Ctrl-. Press the Esc key to leave edit mode. The Insert key can be used to toggle between insert and overstrike mode. When you leave edit mode, the Text Window Options menu is displayed. The selections contained in this menu are described below. EDIT This selection returns you to edit mode. While you are in edit mode, you can enter text into the window, re-size the window with Shift-, and move the window with Ctrl-. Press Esc to return to the Text Window Options menu. Text entered into the window automatically word-wraps at the right margin. Word-wrapped text is automatically reformatted when you change the window size. If you enter new-lines with the Enter key, re-formatting will not remove the new-line. You should start new paragraphs with one or more new-lines entered with the Enter key. 30 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide IMPORT TEXT FILE This selection allows you to insert text from a DOS text file into the window. You will be prompted for the file from which the text is to be read. DW reads the entire file you specify. The text from the file is entered into the text window just as if you had typed it at the keyboard at the current cursor position. This allows you to prepare your window text with the editor of your choice, or to obtain window text from existing documents. RELOCATE The Relocate selection allows you to move the text window to a new location on the screen. After selecting this option, you can use the arrow keys to relocate the window. Press the Esc key when you are done. Note that you can also move the window while in Edit mode using the Ctrl- key combination. RE-SIZE This selection allows you to change the size of the text window. After selecting this option, you can re-size the window with the arrow keys. The up and down arrow keys will move the bottom border of the window, while the left and right arrows will move the right border. Any text within the window is automatically re-formatted to fit in the new size. Note that you can also re-size the window while in Edit mode using the Shift- key combination. TITLE This selection allows you the enter the text that is displayed in the top title bar of the text window. If the title is empty, the title bar is not displayed with the window. 31 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide TIME-OUT This selection allows you to enter the window time-out value. The window time-out is the number of seconds that the window will be displayed before the presentation continues. The viewer of your presentation can press any key to cause the presentation to continue even if the time-out period has not expired. A time-out value of zero causes the presentation to wait until a key is pressed with no time-out (i.e., it could wait forever.) A time-out value of -1 causes the presentation to continue without pause after the window is displayed. If the text window is set to erase before continuing and the time-out is set to -1, the text window may appear and disappera so quickly that it will appear not to have been displayed at all. BORDER TYPE This selection allows you to choose between the various window border types provided by DW. The border types you may choose from include: None Blank Single Line Double Line Double Horizontal & Single Vertical Double Vertical & Single Horizontal Frame When you select a border type, it is immediately applied to the text window and you are returned to the border selection sub-menu. This makes it easy to try out several border types to find the one most appropriate for the screen background. 32 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide COLORS The Colors selection allows you to set the color scheme for your text window. A Text Window Colors sub-menu is displayed, from which you select the window component whose color you which to modify. The window components you may select include: Text Background Border Foreground Border Background Title Text Title Background Once you have selected the window component, a color selection menu is displayed. For text and foreground components you may select from 16 colors. For background components, you may select from eight colors. The colors are displayed in the color selection sub-menu along with their names. Once a color is selected, the text window is immediately updated with the new color, and you are returned to the window component selection sub-menu. This allows you to try out multiple color schemes for your window easily. ENTRY STYLE AND EXIT STYLE The Entry Style and Exit Style selections allow you to select a special effect to be applied to the window when it is displayed and when it is removed from the screen, respectively. A sub-menu is displayed from which you may select the effect you wish to apply. The effects you may choose include: Normal Zoom Vertical Blinds Horizontal Blinds Left, Right, Top, and Bottom Wipes Left and Right Checkered Dissolve 33 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide When you select an effect, it is immediately applied and executed so you can evaluate its effectiveness at this point in your presentation. ERASE/DO NOT ERASE BEFORE CONTINUING If Erase Before Continuing is presented in the menu, it indicates that the text window is currently set not to erase itself before continuing. That is, when the user hits a key or the window time-out period expires, the window will be not removed from the screen. If you select this option, the menu item will be replaced with Do Not Erase Before Continuing, and the window will be removed from the screen when your presentation proceeds beyond the window. Note that if a menu is assigned to the scene, it is also displayed if the window is set not to erase before continuing, so that you can see how the screen will appear with them both present. TEST TEXT WINDOW This option allows you to see how the text window will actually appear to viewers of your presentation. The DW windows are removed from the screen and any special effects are applied. The time-out period, if one was specified, is active, and DW will return its menu to the screen when the time-out period has expired or when you press a key. Note that if a menu is assigned to the scene, it will be displayed after the window timeout period, or when a key is pressed. Press any key when the menu is displayed to redisplay the DW menu. MAIN MENU [ESC] This selection, or the Esc key, returns you to the DW Main Menu. 34 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide WORKING WITH MENUS When you select Add Menu from the Scene Operations sub- menu, an empty menu is constructed, and the Menu Options sub-menu is displayed. The items on the Menu Options sub-menu are described below. Menus allow the viewer of your presentation to select an item from those presented on the menu by highlighting the item they want using the arrow keys (or the tab and shift-tab keys) and pressing Enter. A destination scene is associated with each menu item. When a menu item is selected, the presentation continues from the destination scene associated with the selected item. SHORTCUT KEYS Menu items may also be selected using shortcut keys. A shortcut key is a single key that may be used by the viewer of a presentation to select a menu item. The use of shortcut keys reduces the number of keystrokes required to select a menu item. The shortcut key for each item is generally displayed in a different color from the rest of the menu item text. Shortcut keys are assigned automatically by DW, but you can override DW's choice of shortcut key using the Modify/Move Item selection from the Menu Options sub-menu. 35 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE MENU OPTIONS SUB-MENU TITLE This selection allows you to enter text to be displayed in the title bar at the top of the menu. If no text is entered, no title bar is displayed. TIME-OUT This selection allows you to specify a time-out value for the menu. The menu time-out is the number of seconds after which, if no selection is made from the menu by the user, a menu item is automatically selected. The item that is selected is determined by the selection options setting described later in this section. BORDER TYPE This selection allows you to choose between the various window border types provided by DW. The border types you may choose from include: None Blank Single Line Double Line Double Horizontal & Single Vertical Double Vertical & Single Horizontal Frame When you select a border type, it is immediately applied to the menu and you are returned to the border selection sub-menu. This makes it easy to try out several border types to find the one most appropriate for the screen background. 36 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide ZOOMING This selection allows you to control whether your menu is displayed using the zoom effect. The zoom effect is the only special effect that may be applied to menus. COLORS The Colors selection allows you to set the color scheme for your menu. A Menu Colors sub-menu is displayed, from which you select the menu component whose color you which to modify. The menu components you may select include: Text Background Border Foreground Border Background Title Text Title Background Shortcut Text Selected Item Text Selected Item Background Once you have selected the menu component, a color selection menu is displayed. For text and foreground components you may select from 16 colors. For background components, you may select from eight colors. The colors are displayed in the color selection sub-menu along with their names. Once a color is selected, the menu is immediately updated with the new color, and you are returned to the menu component selection sub-menu. This allows you to try out multiple color schemes for your menu easily. RELOCATE The Relocate selection allows you to move the menu to a new location on the screen. After selecting this option, you can use the arrow keys to relocate the window. Press the Esc key when you are done. 37 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SET DEFAULT ITEM This selection allows you to set the default item for the menu. This is the menu item that is highlighted when the menu is first displayed. Note that whichever item is highlighted when you exit the Menu Options sub-menu becomes the default. This selection merely provides an easy way to highlight the item you wish to be the default. You should perform this action as the last step before you leave the Menu options sub-menu. SELECTION OPTIONS The Selection Options selection allows you to set the behavior of your menu when it is displayed multiple times during a presentation. You might, for example, have a "main menu" that the viewer uses to select from several possible sections of your presentation. After each section is complete, control is returned to the main menu, where the viewer can select another presentation section to view. If the main menu in the above example has a time-out associated with it, the menu item highlighted when control returns to the main menu is selected when the time-out period has elapsed (assuming no user intervention). Which menu item is highlighted when a menu is displayed is determined by which of the following selection options is applied to the menu. Default The default selection is highlighted whenever the menu is displayed. Sticky The last item selected in this execution of the presentation is selected. Auto-Increment The item after the one last selected is highlighted. If the last item selected was the last menu item, then the first menu item is highlighted. This 38 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide option is particularly useful for self-running presentations, as it allows all selections to be presented in rotation. ADD ITEM TO END OF MENU This selection allows you to add a new item to the menu. The item is placed after the last item currently on the menu. You will be prompted for the menu item text, and then presented with the Scene Selection sub-menu. Select from this sub-menu the scene to which control is to be transferred when the new menu item is selected. INSERT NEW ITEM This selection allows you insert a new menu item in a location other than at the end of the menu. When you select this item, the following occurs: 1.You are prompted for the text of the new menu item. 2.You are placed in your menu. You select the item before which the new item is to be inserted in your menu by using the arrow keys and pressing Enter. 3.You select the destination scene from the Scene Selection sub-menu. To cancel the insert operation, press Esc. REMOVE ITEM This selection allows you to remove an item from your menu. After you make this selection, you choose the item to remove with the arrow keys and press Enter. To cancel the remove operation, press Esc. MODIFY/MOVE ITEM 39 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide This selection allows you to change the text, destination scene, or location of a menu item. When you make this selection, the following occurs: 1. You are placed in your menu. Select the item to be modified using the arrow keys and press Enter. 2. The Modify Menu Options sub-menu is displayed. From it you may elect to change the item text, change the destination change the shortcut key, or move the item within the menu 3. If you elect to move the item, you are again placed in your menu. Select the item before which you wish to place the item being modified and press Enter. To cancel the modify/move operation, press Esc. TEST MENU This selection allows you to test your menu. Each time you select an item from your menu, control is returned to DW rather than transferring to the destination scene. You can observe the auto-increment selection option and view the menu against the scene background using this option. 40 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide THE DW FILE MENU The File Menu is displayed when the File item is selected from the DW Main Menu. The File Menu contains selections for saving your work, including scenes from another DW presentation file, and creating .EXE files containing your presentation. SAVE CHANGES This selection allows you to save your work so that you can continue working on your presentation at a later time. Saving your work also protects you from losing your work should you experience a power failure or hardware problem. When you select Save Changes, you will be prompted for the name of the file in which to save your work. The default file name is the name of your input file. If you wish to save your work by overwriting your input file, just press Enter. You may, alternatively, save your work in a different file, preserving the presentation as it was before the current changes were made. CREATE .EXE FILE This selection creates a standalone program that, when executed, displays your presentation. You will be prompted for the file name. Enter it without the .EXE 41 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide extension. If the file already exists, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite it. ADD MONOCHROME SCENES TO .EXE FILE This selection adds the current presentation's scenes to an existing .EXE file created with the preceding menu selection. The scenes added will be used instead of the scenes originally placed in the .EXE file if the presentation is executed on a monochrome system. PRESENTATION PROGRAM ARGUMENTS Note that you can force execution of the monochrome presentation by passing the argument M on the DOS command line when invoking the presentation. Similarly, C will force execution of the color presentation. The argument F will force execution of special effects even on systems which the presentation determines are too slow to adequately perform the functions. The S argument will disable special effects even on processors fast enough to support special effects processing. For example, if your presentation program is DEMO.EXE, the following command will force display of the monochrome preeentation (if any), and disable special effects. C:\DW> DEMO MS INCLUDE SCENES FROM ANOTHER FILE This selection allows you to include scenes from another DW presentation file in your presentation. The included scenes are added at the end of the current presentation. You will be prompted for the DW presentation file from which the scenes are to be obtained. All scenes in the specified file are copied into the current presentation and assigned new scene numbers. 42 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS MEMORY REQUIREMENTS SR - THE SCREEN RECORDER SR, when installed, uses 28 KBytes of conventional memory. Note that SR need only be installed when you are actually recording screens. It is not required when using DW. DW - THE PRESENTATION EDITOR DW normally requires a minimum of 360 KBytes of free conventional memory in which to execute. Additional memory is used as scenes, text windows, and menus are defined. The help text uses approximately 170 KBytes, and that memory can be recovered by renaming the DW help file DW.HLP to something else. DW, if it can't find the help file, simply disables the help system, thus not using the 170 KBytes which it would otherwise have. MINIMUM DOS VERSION Demo Workshop may not function reliably on DOS versions below 3.0. It is likely that presentation programs will function properly in earlier versions of DOS, but this has not been tested. 43 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide DESIGN LIMITS A single text window and a single menu may be assigned to each scene. (If customers request it, multiple text windows may be supported for a single scene in a future release.) A maximum of 100 scenes may be defined for a single presentation. Screens larger than 80 X 25 are not supported in this release. Graphics display is not supported. While Demo Workshop may be hosted by Windows 3.1 in a DOS box, the recording of Windows program output is not supported. CPU REQUIREMENTS Demo Workshop performs best on a 80386 CPU at 25 MHz or better. Operation is possible on lesser CPU's, down to the 8086, but at significantly reduced performance. On systems with slower CPU's or very slow video systems (such as early LCD displays), special effects may be automatically disabled. 44 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide LICENSE, WARRANTY, REGISTRATION, AND SUPPORT LICENSE DEMO WORKSHOP is not and has never been public domain software, nor is it free software. Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use DEMO WORKSHOP on a 21-day trial basis for the purpose of determining whether DEMO WORKSHOP is suitable for their needs. The use of DEMO WORKSHOP, except for the initial 21-day trial, requires registration. The use of unlicensed copies of DEMO WORKSHOP by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited. A single user license permits a user to use DEMO WORKSHOP only on a single computer. Licensed users may use the program on different computers, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. No one may modify or patch the DEMO WORKSHOP executable files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the program. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute DEMO WORKSHOP only for the trial use of customers, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1. DEMO WORKSHOP must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the provided license and registration information. 45 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide 2. The full machine-readable DEMO WORKSHOP documentation must be included with each copy. 3. DEMO WORKSHOP may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product without a specific license to do so from P2 Enterprises. 4. No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted, except as authorized below: Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make DEMO WORKSHOP available for downloading only as long as the above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long as there is not a specific charge for the download of DEMO WORKSHOP. Vendors of user-supported or shareware software approved by the ASP may distribute DEMO WORKSHOP, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-approved vendors may distribute DEMO WORKSHOP only after obtaining written permission from P2 Enterprises. Such permission is usually granted. Please write for details (enclose your catalog). Vendors may charge a disk duplication and handling fee, which, when pro- rated to the DEMO WORKSHOP product, may not exceed eight dollars. 46 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide LIMITED WARRANTY THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ALL OF WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL P2 ENTERPRISES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF P2 ENTERPRISES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of P2 Enterprises. 47 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide REGISTRATION This program is shareware. It is not free. If, after an evaluation period of 21 days, you wish to continue using this program, you must register by sending US$65.00 by check or postal money order to DOS Phantom P2 Enterprises P.O. Box 25 Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025 In response, P2 Enterprises will send you a personalized Product Registration Key (PRK) which you can use to register this program. Registration suppresses the display of the statements requesting that you register. Registration entitles you to three months of support from P2 Enterprises as described in the following section. Your Product Registration Key can be used to register future versions of this program for a period of one year at no additional cost. Licenses for unlimited use on a single LAN are also available. Contact P2 Enterprises for details. 48 Demo Workshop V1.1 Users Guide SUPPORT Registered users receive three months of support from P2 Enterprises. P2 Enterprises will answer questions and fix serious bugs during the three month support period. P2 Enterprises may choose not to attempt a fix to a problem involving a specific hardware or software environment or feature. If this is the case, a full refund of the registration fee will be made upon your request. P2 Enterprises may be reached via a VoiceMail system at 408 336-8080 mailbox 9090, or via CompuServe ID 70621,2475, or by US Mail at PO Box 25, Ben Lomond CA 95005-0025 USA. The VoiceMail system is in operation during working hours in the Pacific Time Zone. P2 Enterprises is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. 49 REGISTRATION ====================================================================== P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025 ====================================================================== PRODUCT REGISTRATION KEYS (PRK) Upon receiving payment for registration, P2 Enterprises will send you by mail a personalized Product Registration Key (PRK) which, used with the Register Main Menu option, will allow you to register your current copy of the software as well as future versions for a period of one year, without additional charge or paperwork. A separate Product Registration Key is required for each copy of the software. (A single copy may be moved from computer to computer, but if it is executed at the same time on different computers, it is regarded as constituting multiple copies requiring multiple registrations.) DISKETTES If you wish, we will mail you diskettes containing the latest version of the product(s) along with your Product Registration Key(s). There is an additional charge of US$4.00 per product for diskettes. Be sure to specify whether you prefer 3-1/2 or 5-1/4 inch diskettes. QUANTITY PURCHASES The order form on the following may be used to purchase multiple copies with discounts as follows: 1 - 5 copies no discount 6 and up 33% discount The name on the order form is the person whose name wil be associated with the Product Registration Key(s). PAYMENT Unfortunately, P2 Enterprises cannot accept credit card purchases. Payment must be by cash, check, or postal money order in U.S. dollars. Checks denominated in US Dollars must be drawn on a US bank. You may pay with a check denominated in other than US Dollars if you first add 5% to the registration fee before conversion to US Dollars at the prevailing exchange rate. AVAILABILITY All orders are shipped within 10 working days after receipt of the registration fee. Most orders are shipped within 48 hours. DEMO WORKSHOP REGISTRATION AND ORDER FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Remit to: P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Qty Item Price =================================================================== DEMO WORKSHOP ___ Demo Workshop Single User PRK @ US$65.00 US$_______ ___ Demo Workshop Single User PRK + diskette @ US$69.00 US$_______ ___ Demo Workshop Users Guide @ US$12.00 US$_______ ___ Demo Workshop Multi-User LAN License @ US$240.00 US$_______ Allows unlimited use on a single LAN. A separate license is required for each LAN installation. Volume Discount US$(______) Outside North America add $3 per diskette or users guide ordered US$_______ California residents add state and county taxes (at least 6.5%) US$_______ ___ 3.5-inch 720K diskette TOTAL US$_______ ___ 5.25-inch 360K diskette Name__________________________________________________________ Company__________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ DOS PHANTOM REGISTRATION AND ORDER FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------- Remit to: P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Qty Item Price =================================================================== ___ DOS Phantom Single User PRK @ US$25.00 US$_______ ___ DOS Phantom Single User PRK + diskette @ US$29.00 US$_______ ___ DOS Phantom Laser-printed Users Guide @ US$12.00 US$_______ ___ DOS Phantom Quick Reference Booklet @ US$1.00 US$_______ (One FREE with each registration.) ___ DOS Phantom Multi-User LAN License @ US$90.00 US$_______ Allows unlimited use on a single LAN. A separate license is required for each LAN installation. ___ DOS Phantom Commercial Distribution @ US$120.00 US$_______ License Allows unlimited distribution of the PHANTOM2.EXE file with another product. The TXT2PTM, PTM2TXT, MAKEPTM, SCHEDULE, and HOTFILE programs may not be distributed. ___ Borland C Phantom Programmer's Kit @ US$180.00 US$_______ ___ Microsoft C Phantom Programmer's Kit @ US$180.00 US$_______ C source code module which performs TXT2PTM translation for use in application programs and a play-only version of PHANTOM2.EXE. No restriction on use for commercial purposes. Volume Discount US$(______) Outside North America add $2 per diskette or users guide ordered US$_______ California residents add state and county taxes (at least 6.5%) US$_______ ___ 3.5-inch 720K diskette TOTAL US$_______ ___ 5.25-inch 360K diskette Name__________________________________________________________ Company__________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________