FileDesk 1.01 for Windows 3.x Installation Documentation Copyright © 1993 Thierry André & Marc Pélissier All Rights Reserved 1) System requirements You need at least the following configuration to run File Desk : * An IBM AT, PS/2 or PS/1 computer with a 386 processor (or higher) or a 100% compatible computer. * Windows 3.1 (or later release) running in protected or in 386 enhanced mode. Windows 3.0 users can run FileDesk; see the note later in this documentation. * About 400 Kb free on your hard disk. 2)Installation procedure Installation will require that you create some directories and copy some files. To do that, you can use Dos commands or the file manager utility (or any equivalent utility). This documetation describes only the actions to do, use whatever you want to execute them. 2.1 Basic installation Execute the following steps : Create a directory that you call "FILEDESK" from the root directory of your system. Copy the files "FILEDESK.EXE" and "BWCC.DLL" from the distribution diskette into this directory. Go to the windows Program Manager and select the "ACCESSORIES" group. Add "FILEDESK.EXE" to the group you've just selected. If you don't know how to do, check your windows documentation. File Desk is now installed. To run File Desk, double-click on its icon. 2.2 Experimented users If you are an experimented user, you can easily optimize your system. Check first if you do not already have a copy of "BWCC.DLL" in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you don't have, do not copy the file "BWCC.DLL" in the "FILEDESK" directory, but in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you do have a copy, compare the date of this copy to the date of the distribution diskette copy and put the most recent one in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Do not copy the file "BWCC.DLL" in the "FILEDESK" directory. 2.3 Windows 3.0 users If you plan to use File Desk under windows 3.0, you must copy the file 'SHELL.DLL' from the distribution diskettte in the 'FILEDESK' directory. 3) What to do now? Your shareware is now ready to use. The best way to use it, is to, at least, have a look at the user documentation. You will discover the full features of this software. This documentation is in the files USER_DOC.WRI (in windows Write format) and USER_DOC.TXT (in ASCII format). Please, do not forget to read the disclamer section of this documentation. Authors are not responsible for any damage you could cause to your system using File Desk.