TEMPRA MODELER THE BEST!!! There isn't a better way I can describe to you our new windows based 3D modeling and rendering software. It's powerful, easy, and ...well, read the attached press release for more info on the "MODELER". I'll tell you about our offer....As a TEMPRA user, you can get the gamma version for only $99.00. We are limiting this offer to the 1st 100 users who respond. As an owner of a gamma version of MODELER, you will be able to upgrade to the professional version for a special price. The professional version will be available in February 1994 and until then, the "TEMPRA 3D MODELER " will not be made available through any retailer outlet or distributor. There are only 100 copies to be made available, so call 800-852-6284 or fax 813-686-5969 today to receive your copy. The Professional 3D Modeler version will have a MSRP of $995.00. Tell sales that you read this on line. GO TEMPRA on CompuServe (75300,1760) Mathematica, Inc BBS 1-813-683-6840. America Online Graphics forum (E-mail GARY DUNN)