Polly Klaas is a twelve year old girl that was abducted out of her Petaluma California house on October, 1 1993 during a slumber party. Through a massive volunteer effort, millions of fliers are being distributed country wide in an effort to reunite Polly with her family. I have children of my own and I can't even begin to imagine what Polly's parents are going through. What really hit home was the fact that Polly was abducted from the safety of her own home. The only way Polly is going to be found is to keep up the vigil and to continue this volunteer effort. We must send a strong and clear message to let kidnappers know that we will not tolerate children being abducted. This effort obviously requires funds to keep up it's work. I've wanted to provide some sort of aid to help recover Polly but there is only so much I can do as an individual. In order to aid in the recovery of Polly, California Software Design will be donating 10% of the sale of it's shareware software products to the Polly Klaas Fund. This includes the programs SHEZ and FFF. I will continue to make this donation starting immediately and will continue through the end of 1993 or until Polly is found, which ever happens first. If you are a shareware author I would appreciate it if you would consider making a similar offer. Donations to aid in the recovery of Polly can be sent to: Polly Klaas Fund P.O. Box 800 Petaluma, CA 94953. Sincerely, California Software Design Jim Derr 10/16/93