The AnsiGraph toolkit consists of: Source Code in QuickBASIC for: -PBPrint -PCBTranslate -PCBPrint A EXE for: -PCBTRANS(late) -AGVIEW Following is descriptions of each: <> PBPrint - Includes one sub and one function: PBPrint and PBFilter, both involved in the use of PBANSI graphics. PBPrint takes a line of PBANSI graphics and displays it. PBFilter filters out all of the graphics commands. <> PCBTranslate - Two functions one translates a line of PCBoard ANSI graphics to Powerboard graphics, and another that filters out all of the REDUNDANT graphics commands inherently created by the translation. (The reason that many commands are redundant is because PCBAnsi has only one command structure: Four Characters, Two of which contain both foreground and background. PBAnsi has a variable command size, and seperate commands for foreground and background.) <> PCBPrint - The original module, this one handles PC Board Ansi graphics, and contains the sub PCBPrint, and function PCBFilter. They operate similarily to PBPrint and PBFilter above. <> AGVIEW - AnsiGraphic Viewer. View any PCBAnsi or PBAnsi file. Autodetects the graphic type. Usage: AGVIEW AnsiGraph is a toolkit and utilities package. The source code is included so you can write your own utilities. The PCBTranslate EXE is included so you don't have to. As of this release the AnsiGraph toolkit includes all source code, and relavent examples. AnsiGraph was written for Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 and should also work with Microsoft PDS 7.1. From my slight knoledge of PowerBASIC, I believe it should work with it as well. Although, it may need slight modifications. AnsiGraph and all related source code, and all of the examples, and anything else that even slightly falls under my control via the United States of America's copyright laws (United States Code, Title 17) is Copyright 1993 Robert Spier. AnsiGraph is distributed under the concept of Shareware, and if you continue to use it in ANY form you must register it, as shown below. By registering, you will be notified of any major updates, and will be able to test new programs as available. To register: Please fill in the form below, and include a check for either: - $20 for personal and low value commercial use. - $35 for inclusion in anything to be sold for over $100. Make the check out to "Robert Spier" and send it to: Robert Spier One Lookout Circle Larchmont, NY 10538 Any and all distribution of any part of the AnsiGraph toolkit must be done in the following form: -In a suitable archive format (ZIP, ARJ, LZH, ARC, TAR, ZOO, etc.) -No files may be modified in any way. -Only one "BBSAD" file may be included in the archive. -The title of the archive (on a 8+3 file character system) is: ANSIGxxx.ext where xxx is the version number, release code. On unix or macintosh systems (and others that allow more than 8 characters) either use ANSIGxxx.ext or some extended name like Ansi Graphics Toolkit vxxx. Support services are currently available to all on a limited basis. Preference will be given to registered users. Either write or use the following electronic addresses. As of 11/5/93: Rime: Robert Spier -> ACC or -> APPLEWIZ Intelec: Robert Spier, in Netchat, Programming. Thank You for using my software! This file is not meant to be a instruction manual for AnsiGraphics, only a overview and method of registering. This file Copyright 1993 Robert Spier