01-18-93 -=-=-=-=- LORD 300 is released. 01-19-93 -=-=-=-=- LORD 302 is released with the following changes: *Bug fixed with multi-node setup ups, it was not reading the correct BTYPEX.CFG. This is THE reason this fix was released. *CLOAK.TXT menu View Your Stats changed to Your Stats. *Added a portion to the Trouble Shooting section of the docs on what to do if it says people are online when they aren't. (if they don't want to wait for LORD to automatically fix it the next day) *Took out the text window in END.RIP. *Took out the "Do you want to view the status bar"? And "Do you want tiny text?" options from LORDCFG.EXE. *Added "Hints & Tips On Running LORD" chapter to the LORD.doc file. *LORD now shows what BTYPEX.CFG file it is attempting to load to the LOCAL side when it starts. You need to look quick tho, this, and the function that tells you what Multi-tasking envirement it detects are set to appear for only about half a second everytime it is run.