THE WALL OF ONELINERS - (c) Copyright 1993 by Mario Mueller HISTORY.TXT - Listing of the CHANGES made to the PROGRAM V3.03 - The LOG file will truncate the oneliner if it is over 75 letters long so this will prevent it from overlapping on the screen. - Added the /PROMPT option that will allow you t let your user PROMPT them to see if they want to go into the oneliners program or not. - THE WALL OF ONELINERS is not FREEWARE. Check DOC files for more information on how to register for FREE! V3.02 - Now I changed the look of the way you can enter in a oneliner. Before it showed a question mark '?' and then a set of parentheses '()' but now it will show the oneliner pointer only. It looks better =] - Fixed a simple typo I had, it said GRAHPICS instead of GRAPHICS, I am going to blame this one on the keyboard. =] - The word scanner has now a trash can file. This was asked for by quite a few people. Glad to see I am getting a response from some of you. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave me a message in the SYSOPs conference on RIME or with the following NET MAIL address: - Fixed the error when you tried to backup another data file while there was currently one already there, you would get an error. That problem was fixed. =] - Added the option to restore your back up data file and delete the current one. Which now reminds me...I need to fix something else! V3.01 - If you reset the oneliners data file, there is now an option that will allow you to back up the data file before deleting it and making a new data file. - Fixed the message to the sysop if the user would enter a dirty word and you had the scanner on, the message would be sent by the SYSOP and would be to the users instead of to the SYSOP and from the USER. Sure hope this didn't cause any problems. - Added to the option to remove the oneliners data file and start from scratch, just as if you would have just installed the program. This is good for if you just increased the number of oneliners to a screen, this file would make all of the possible oneliners and the program would truncate it to the normal size. - Added a couple of new interesting words to the "Naughty Word" database. - Added the option to confirm deletion of the master log file, so this way, if you accidentally press 4 at the sysop configuration, it won't delete it until you answer yes to the following question. I got some complaints on that and should have realized before that the log file was a little too important for mistakes to occur on. - If you didn't use the master log file, it would disable the viewing feature. This way you do not get an error. Need to make the program look nice and clean. =] - If an option is disabled, it will still show the option, but it will instead display it in a dark grey color instead of just removing it from the list. - If you didn't want the oneliners program to clear the screen the twirling line would twirl one line above where it should have been. Fixing this would cause some other problems so I just disable the twirling option when you want to use scrolling instead of screen clearing. V3.00 - Start the history file over right from scratch. the information before this is really not that important anymore.