How do I run more than 1 node? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, set up a node just like you want all your other nodes to be like (for the most part). Then make another path to be your main path for the other node. Off of that you will need to make TEMP and SWAP paths just like the ones in your root directory! Then copy everything in your root directory of your first node, into the root directory of your second node! Then run your new node and edit the modem settings for it. Now just open each node's EXE file through some sort of multi tasker like Windows or DesqView!! Its that easy! This is what my paths look like for two nodes (node 0 and node 1).. its pretty simple once you get the hang of it. If you need further help feel free to contact one of our Alpha Sites. (Listed in SWUDATE.DOX) Hope this helped some till we get out formal dox out! Directory PATH listing for Volume SWCOOL! Volume Serial Number is 12AF-4734 D:. ÃÄÄÄ0 ³ ÃÄÄÄGFILES ³ ÃÄÄÄMSGS ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄGENERAL ³ ÃÄÄÄMENUS ³ ÃÄÄÄTFILES ³ ÃÄÄÄAFILES ³ ÃÄÄÄTRAP ³ ÃÄÄÄTEMP ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄ1 ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄ2 ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄ3 ³ ÃÄÄÄMNODE ³ ÃÄÄÄSWAP ³ ÀÄÄÄDLS ³ ÃÄÄÄSYSOP ³ ÀÄÄÄMISC ÀÄÄÄ1 ÃÄÄÄTEMP ³ ÃÄÄÄ1 ³ ÃÄÄÄ2 ³ ÀÄÄÄ3 ÀÄÄÄSWAP