MicroProse's FLEET DEFENDER F-14 * Requirements Requires 386-33, 486 recommended 4 Megs RAM, Mouse and Joystick recommended Thrustmaster WCS and FCS support Adlib, Pro Audio Spectrum, SoundBlaster and Roland Support 10-12 MB Hard Disk Space VGA Graphic Card and Monitor * Brief Overview Carrier based flight simulation featuring on Air-to-Air combat, Escort missions, Intercept, and Training. * Theaters Training Theater will be based in Oceana, Va. Combat Theaters will be North Cape/Norway and Mediterranean featuring Bosnia, Libya, and Aegean Sea. * Cool Stuff Authentic radar and weapon systems. Accurate flight model of the A+/B F-14. Realistic Carrier takeoffs and landings, Training missions featuring Wingman interaction, One-vs-One Basic Flight Manuvers, One-vs-many Radar Training, carrier Takeoff and Landing. Enemy AI Manuvers based on Authentic Russian Doctrine Wingman who will respond to your commands and are capable of indepentent action. Carrier which is moving and pitching. Work in cojunction with other strike packages and escorts Campaign and Quick Start Missions Highly complex worlds featuring more planes then any previous MicroProse simulation. * Future Plans FLEET DEFENDER will be an ongoing series featuring additional theaters and strike packages. This MPS VGA Slide Show is brought to you by the MicroProse On-line Services. Call the MPS*BBS at (410) 785-1841 * 24 Hours A Day * 7 Days A Week! Quentin Chaney * Brian Hellesen * Jim McConkey To order FLEET DEFENDER F-14, call MPS Direct at (800) 879-PLAY. Tell them Quentin and Brian sent you! Thanks to Max Remington, Terrence Hodge, Michael Reis, and Scott Spanburg for Artwork and Assistance! Copyrighted 1993 by MicroProse Software, Inc.