YDPOP (C)1993 Corvet Systems, Inc. Ver 2.2J 12/23/93 Welcome new users to the Shareware Version of YDPOP. YDPOP is a TSR program designed to be used with the DOS operating system. YDPOP is a Terminate and Stay Resident contact manager. This means you will have instant access to your names and address data from within most other programs. No need to stop and save what you are doing and enter a contact database. When the phone rings press the hot key; Cntrl-Y, and YDPOP will save your place and become active. You can then record memo notes and look up information. This is very handy when someone calls and your memory needs help. All data fields can be searched, one piece of information will quickly find the rest of their record. This is very handy if you deal with many clients or do alot of cold calling. Upon completion of the call press the escape key and YDPOP will restore your place and you can continue without loosing any time. With YDPOP you can share address information with other programs. No longer do you have to grab the rolodex or write down the address after looking it up on the screen. YDPOP will export the name and address right into your letter. As simple as popup, find the record, slash, enter, enter, and the address will have been typed into your letter. NEW with Version 2.2J is the addition of a CALENDAR CREATOR. Calendar.Exe is a stand alone program using the YDPOP data files to create a Dot Matrix or LaserJet calendar. To Use type CALENDAR at at DOS prompt, calendar will use the data in the current path or directory. YDPOP does not use a lot of memory when inactive. YDPOP leaves a "footprint" of 4K while inactive or popped down. Ydpop automatically locates itself in EMS or XMS memory when available, or on your hard drive if memory is not available. YDPOP works with most VGA graphics programs. Typically you should install YDPOP in a subdirectory named YDPOP and use the DOS command c:\ydpop\ydpop to install YDPOP in the background. You may substitute other directory names in place of YDPOP. Add the command line- C:\ydpop\ydpop into your autoexec.bat file for automatic loading of YDPOP when the computer is turned on. YDPOP is very useful within a text based word processor as a rotory name file. YDPOP can type the address directly into your letter using an export feature. YDPOP has the ability to attach up to 200 lines of memos to each record. While working within a DOS program and YDPOP is running in the background, when the phone rings you press Control-Y, answer the phone, determine who the caller is and search for their record. At this point all the past memos can be displayed for your quick reference. This will greatly "enhance" your memory, and with the dates of memos displayed will give a chronology of your contacts with the individual or company. This demo version is limited to 100 contact records. Please register for a full featured version. The main keys to remember when using YDPOP are the slash key /, the F1 key, the F2 key and the escape key. Slash Key / = Will display a menu of available commands F1 Key = Will display a scrollable help screen. Use the up and down arrow to view the entire help message. F2 Key = Allows access to a completed cell for editing. A blank cell may be filled by typing directly into the cell. Once filled you must press the F2 key to edit the cell. This feature acts to protect your data from errant keystrokes. Escape Key = The escape key "escapes" from the current operation and moves backward a single step. While the record is displayed, press- ing escape will exit the popup and return to your calling prog- ram. YDPOP includes a HP/Std 2 mode calculator with export features and a perpetual calendar for your use. YDPOP FULL VERSION: You may order YDPOP with access to 100,000 records by sending $30.00 USA funds to: CORVET SYSTEMS INC. 1714 Featherwood Street Silver Spring, MD. 20904-6659 Note: Add $3.00 per copy for shipping and handling YDPLUS: YDPOP is part of a much larger program called YDPLUS. Ydplus is more of a mailing management program allowing the user to classify the contacts(records) into an unlimited range of classifications. Each record may be part of up to 10 seperate classifications. As an example the contact might be a personal friend, on your christmas card list, and member of your church all at the same time. In the building and contracting industry the classes are used to describe the type of work the contractor is capable of. An example might be; a drywall contractor who also does plaster and trim carpentry. A typical data base might require 3 records to discribe this contractor, whereas YDPLUS uses 1 record and 3 of the 10 available fields. YDPLUS contains many reports and mail management features. A demo version of YDPLUS is available for $10.00 USA funds with the full amount applying to the purchase price of $125.00 USA for the full version. Please add $3.00 for shipping. Registered users of YDPOP may DEDUCT $30.00 (YDPOP registration price) from the price of registering YDPLUS (add $3 shipping = $98.00 total per copy) THANK YOU: Thanks for looking at YDPOP, We are listening to our users and many of their ideas are incorporated herein. If you have an idea to improve our product please let us know.