HoiNga Lookup Table, version 1.0 (for Windows) HoiNga is a lookup table to help you find Vietnamese words with ? or ~ diacritical marks. It is a handy utility when you doing a paper, layout news, etc... Requirements: ------------- - Microsoft Windows 3.1, VGA - VPSKeys or WINVNKey software (HoiNga automatically detects VPSKeys or WINVNKey and adapts to each environment accordingly.) To setup HoiNga program: ----------------------- There are 4 files in this package: - hoinga.exe - hoinga.dat - hoinga1.hlp - hoinga2.hlp Make a directory and copy them into that directory. Start Windows and click on any folder where you want HoiNga program to be placed, ie. window such as Nhu Lieu Tieng Viet (if you have WINVNKey), Hoi Chuyen Gia Viet Nam (if you have VPSkeys), APPLICATIONS, ACCESSORIES, etc... Within Program Manager, click on "file", then "new" to select a new item. Then use "browse" to locate the "hoinga.exe" file, click "OK". This software is developed by members of the Vietnamese Professionals Society and is distributed freely. Please send your comment to Vietnamese Professionals Society Email: hcgvn@netcom.com