The most important piece of office equipment is the telephone. The telephone is also the most frequently used instrument in the office. For many businesses, the telephone is the major means of getting orders; therefore, the telephone is the lifeline of those businesses. Unless all employees are educated on the proper use of the telephone, valuable business will be lost. Most people feel that they know how to use the telephone; however, in reality most people are sadly lacking in the fundamental skills of proper telephone etiquette. In order for a business to run smoothly, employees must be trained in proper telephone usage. Rules governing telephone usage vary greatly from company to company; however, there are basic rules for which all businesses adhere. Telephone courtesy is one of these. The person answering the telephone should always be polite and considerate of the other person on the line. The tone of the voice and the attitude of the person answering the telephone can do much to make or break a company that depends on the telephone to get and maintain business. The efficient manager knows that a smile on the face of the person who is answering the telephone can readily turn an annoyed person into a happy customer. The company needs a person who can convey with his or her voice a professional image. Although some people have these talents naturally, all employees can be trained to develop these characteristics.