Leadership skills are necessary for any student of management. If you do not aspire to a management role, the study of the basic leadership skills will help you to be a better member of a group. Although many people are born with a talent for leadership ability, leadership skills can also be acquired and developed. All people are potential leaders. If they have the desire and are given the opportunity, they can develop into effective leaders. In a group there can be many positions of leadership at different times. Since group goals and tasks change, positions of leadership will also change. New leaders can emerge with each change of tasks. Power can shift from one person to another in a truly democratic group. Leadership in a group depends on the immediate goals of the group and the leadership qualities that the individuals are looking for at that given time. From the group an effective leader will emerge who will understand the situation at hand. A good leader will be aware of the impact that he or she has on the group. The effective leader will use the power he or she possesses to mold the situation into the final results. This leader will assess all factors in a group situation even when the factors point to an outcome that is opposite of his or her personal needs. The truly effective leader will put the needs of the group above his or her own needs. The characteristics of an effective leader are varied. The most common charcteristics are self-confidence, intelligence, integrity, and a caring spirit. The leader has to want the role as leader and be competent in handling new situations. To be effective, the leader must be consistent and reliable.