When selecting people to fill a position within a company, the employer looks for many characteristics in an individual. Some of those characteristics have nothing to do with job skills. Employers are looking for people that can function well in their offices and that will relate well to the other employees. They want an employee that is reliable, dependable, and honest. These characteristics must be foremost in considering a new employee. The person to be hired must show a degree of maturity and enthusiasm for the job. Employers are looking for good job skills in an individual; however, they consider the ability to communicate just as important as preparation in the vocational field. Most employers feel that they can train the employee after he is hired to perform specific job assignments, but he must have basic skills in oral and written communications to begin his career. The ability to get along with others is a trait for which employers are looking. This can be even more beneficial to the employer than being the best in your field. Many individuals who are considered to be the best in their field have caused their employers problems because they could not relate well with those around them. The employer knows this to be true and will do everything possible to hire people who can both do the job and make a pleasant work environment for others. Employers are also looking for future employees who will display patience. Most jobs will have stressful periods, and the ability to deal with stress can be a very important factor in getting a job.