Thank you for registering PSPrint. For your $10 contribution, you will receive a key program which will convert your demonstration version of PSPrint into a licensed copy without the reminder screen or usage counts. Please complete the following form and do one of the following: -- Credit card only -- a) E-mail the completed form to with the subject line, "PSPrint v2.0 Registration". b) Fax the completed form to 217-351-8576. c) Call 1-800-723-4234 or 217-351-3117. -- Check or credit card -- d) Send the completed form, with payment, to: Control Enterprises, Inc. P.O. Box KK 1808 Woodfield Dr. Savoy, IL 61874 U.S.A. Company, site, and LAN licenses are available; call 1-800-723-4324 for more information. PSPRINT V2.0 REGISTRATION Name: _______________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fax: ____________________ Address: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I am paying US$10 by: [ ] check [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard Credit card #: ________________________________ Expiration Date: ____________________ Features of PSPrint that I like: Things I'd like to see added or changed: A few bugs found (also known as "features"):