The Talking Checkbook - Version 7.4 What's New? * The first thing that is new is that it has hot happened yet but probably will! Huh, you say. Yeah, we have had the good fortune of Jamal Mazrui compiling our code into automatic "protected mode!" If the testing works, then we will release another version of the talking checkbook (same as this one) that will run in expanded/extended memory with oodles of memory conservation. You would need a 286, 386, or 486 computer with expanded or extended memory to run the protected mode version, but it ain't out yet and so don't get too excited. * This version (7.4) puts the question of verifying back when running in expert mode. Some users were concerned that they did not want automatic verification and so now the question is back. The calculations and display operations of the talking checkbook were also updated to reflect the changes in the verification operations. Enjoy! December 14, 1993 - Charlie Crawford.