Ok, try to beat this: 100% difficulty - 11 planes shot down! The mission review says I only shot down 9 but if you watch the film, you can clearly see the two that crashed into the ground after I shot them - I count that as a kill, 'cause there was no one else around to do the dirty work for me! I was running low on bullets... I made the mistake of dropping my external fuel tank too early - so I had to bail out from lack of fuel at the end - but I landed in friendly territory so that's ok! (hey, I lived didn't I?) If you are going to play the mission, make sure you set the difficulty level at the start. I had to set it to 100% while I was still on the runway - if you don't set it, I think you'll end up with 34% or something and once you begin combat, you can't change it. You can tell when I changed the skill level because there is a pause when I am on the starting runway.