******************************************************* * MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0 * * Version 1.01 patch * * 10/22/93 * * includes Falcon 3.02 to version 3.02.1 patch * * and Acer BIOS compatibility utility * ******************************************************* ####################################################### WARNING: If you have the stand-alone version of MiG-29 (the one that does not require Falcon 3.0) DO NOT use this patch! You will damage your copy of MiG-29 and will have to re-install! ####################################################### Applying the patch ------------------- This patch will update MiG-29 version 1.0 to version 1.01 and will update Falcon 3.02 to Falcon 3.02.1. Only use this patch for MiG-29 1.0 or Falcon 3.02. If you have an earlier version of Falcon, you need to first update it to 3.02 before using this patch. The patch consists of three files (not counting this readme file). They are: PATCH.BAT PATCH.RTP GOPATCH.EXE Be sure all three of these files are copied into your FALCON3 directory before going on with the patch. Switch to the FALCON3 directory (if you're not there already), then type "PATCH" at the DOS prompt. Falcon 3.02 Only (without MiG-29) ---------------------------------- If you only have Falcon 3.02 (and not MiG-29), you should type "GOPATCH". You will see a number of messages indicating that various files are being updated. After a few minutes, the patch should be complete. If you only have Falcon 3.02 (without MiG-29 1.0), the GOPATCH program will abort when it can't find MiG-29 1.0, but the correct Falcon 3.02 files will have been updated. Verifying the patch -------------------- If you were updating MiG-29 1.0 and Falcon 3.02 together, you should see the following screen: --------------------------------------------------- - Results of Application of Patch File - --------------------------------------------------- File Patches Applied..........................( 5) Files Modified.........................( 2) Files Renamed..........................( 0) Files Added............................( 3) Files Deleted..........................( 0) File Patches Skipped: New Files Up-To-Date....( 0) File Patches Ignored: Old Files Missing.......( 0) Old Files Invalid.......( 0) --------------------------------------------------- Total File Patches Processed..................( 5) --------------------------------------------------- You can verify the patch by typing "CHECKVER" at the DOS prompt. In addition to some memory and system information, you should see the following lines: Program Version Date Time Size FALCON3.EXE V3.02.1 10-14-93 5:29pm 1366611 MIG29.EXE V1.01 10-14-93 3:59pm 1366551 The version number is also shown in the game on the bottom of the title screen. If the version number for MiG-29 reads "1.01," the patch was successful. The version number for Falcon 3.0 should read "3.02.1" after a successful patch. Program fixes -------------- This patch fixes the following problems: - Ground units in Red Flag will no longer fire upon your MiG-29 near Nellis. - The flight model has been improved, which is most noticeable in nose stability, trim control, and stability at high airspeeds. - In Red Flag, enemy F-16s can now be assigned weapons loads. - Owners of Acer computers, Acros computers or other computers with Acer motherboards using BIOS version version 1.2 could not play MiG-29 or Falcon 3.02. When either game was run, it would simply freeze with a blank screen. The solution is to use a small TSR (terminate-and- stay-resident) program called ACER.COM which we created to deal with this incompatibility problem. Running this patch will automatically copy ACER.COM into your FALCON3 directory. If you have an Acer with BIOS version 1.2, type "ACER" before you run MiG-29 or Falcon 3.02. This will load the ACER TSR into memory, where it will allow you to play Falcon 3.02 or MiG-29. When loaded, ACER.COM takes up 768 bytes (0.8K) of conventional memory. Since MiG-29 and Falcon 3.02 require 603K of conventional memory, you should try to load ACER.COM high. Consult the manual for your memory manager, your DOS manual or the MiG-29 Installation and Loading Card for tips on memory management. If you cannot load it high, be sure you have enough free conventional memory for both ACER.COM and MiG-29. When you are done playing, type "ACER U" to unload the TSR from memory. - Problems with joystick calibration are now fixed. - The coolie hat problem when switching between cockpit and scroll lock view has been fixed. - Some users reported difficulty with rolling right. This problem is now fixed. - Adjustments to the MiG-29 flight model have made maneuvering and control smoother. - Some users reported problems with pitching upward when in any outside view. The problem was that the plane would not go beyond 30 degrees upward pitch until the player switched back to an inside cockpit view. This problem has been corrected. - The airspeed scale on the HUD is now marked correctly. Previously, 1100 kts was marked as 1000 kts (so it went 950, 1000, 1050, 1000, 1150). - At extremely high airspeeds (in excess of 800 knots), the nose would rise no matter how the trim controls were used. The trim controls are now effective at all airspeeds. NOTE: If you have a video card with the Tseng ET4000/w32 chipset, you may experience problems with frequent white flashing in the simulation. You can download a specific fix for this video problem from our Customer Support BBS at (510)522-8909 or from GEnie,CompuServe or America Online. Finding Spectrum HoloByte Online --------------------------------- America Online: Press Ctrl-K for "Go to Keyword." Then type "SPECTRUM" in the Keyword window. You can also send e-mail to us at S HOLOBYTE. CompuServe: Type "GO GAMBPUB" at any ! prompt. Then select "Section 3" for Spectrum HoloByte. You can also send us e-mail at 76004,2144 GEnie: Type "M805;1" at any ? prompt. Then select "Category 18" for Spectrum HoloByte. You can also send us e-mail at HOLOBYTE. Internet: Send us e-mail at 76004.2144@compuserve.com. Prodigy: Check the "Flight Simulators" topic on the Game Club bulletin board (located in the Game Center area). You can also send us e-mail at TKNJ33A.