Trade Wars Helper Release 7.2 Copyright 1993 Just FUN Software All Rights Reserved Trade Wars Helper is a terminal program used ONLINE with the BBS door game "Trade Wars 2002" v1.03 published by Mertech Software. This program continuously maintains a database of the explored sectors with their port, adjacent sectors, and other information. Several commands are available to utilize this data while moving around the Trade Wars universe including the ability to graphically map a sector and its warps to any level! In addition there are many commands that automate the repetitive processes such as negotiating trades on your behalf and automatically cross trade between two sectors. Using this program will significantly enhance both your effectiveness and your enjoyment of Trade Wars. Don't leave FedSpace without it! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Make a directory, \twhelp, on your hard disk using the DOS mkdir command. Unzip the ZIP file to the \twhelp directory. Erase the TWHELP.CFG file if it is present. The program will create a new configuration file for use with data related to your installation. Create a batch file (TWH.BAT) in the directory of your communications program like below. It changes to the \twhelp directory, executes the twhelp program, then changes back to your communication program's directory. cd \twhelp twhelp cd \(comm-prog-dir) Print the COMMANDS.TXT file. It contains a listing of all the commands and important points. Use it as reference guide. If you would like assistance installing Trade Wars Helper and/or entering the configuration options call (801) 272-6238 up to 8:00 pm Mountain time. RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS Run your communications program, login to a BBS and start the Trade Wars door. When Trade Wars begins building its title screen, shell to DOS from your communications program and enter TWH to start the batch program. Resolving an insufficient memory condition is discussed below. The program will begin with some configuration questions and then ask for the file name(s) to use. There is one database file for each BBS game you play. Once the configuration portion is completed, you begin with the main program. The configuration portion is not repeated on subsequent runs although you are given a means to change the options. The commands and important points are discussed in the COMMANDS.TXT file. That file is generally printed for use as a reference guide. You can display a menu of commands while online by entering /?. All TWH command begin with the / character. Commands are case sensitive. That is, /b is different from /B. You can use Trade Wars Helper with an existing game or a new game. For an existing game use the /k command to initialize the database for sectors you have previously explored. You generally only use this command once per existing BBS game. The /K command can be used later to ensure the database is up to date in the event of a hardware failure. It will not reissue TW commands to acquire warp to and port information for those sectors already in the database. You can run the program directly without being connected to a BBS and the Trade Wars door. This might be useful the first time to enter the configuration options. In addition, the file EXAMPLE.TWH contains a database that can be used to experiment with the program without being online. You will need to include the sector number after the / for most commands since the current sector remains at last entered sector when not online. Also do not use the /e, /k, /t and most of the advanced commands when not online since they issue commands to Trade Wars itself. For commands like /e, /k, /t and most of the advanced commands Trade Wars Helper wait for specific text sequences from Trade Wars before proceeding. It is inevitable that from time to time something will get Trade Wars and Trade Wars Helper out of synchronization. This will become apparent when TW Helper goes into an indefinite wait (i.e nothing is happening and you can not enter a command). Simply press the ESC and Enter keys until something, such as Trade Wars main command prompt, is displayed to get the two programs back in synch. You can start the program and specify the database number (1-30) on the command line. For example a batch file line might be TWHELP 21 which would start Trade Wars Helper using BBS data file 21. The title screen is not displayed in this case. INSUFFICIENT MEMORY Trade Wars Helper requires a minimum of 300K to operate and some communication programs require around 300K which puts you up against the DOS 640K barrier. The following discuses some of the thing you can do to resolve this situation. First make as much conventional memory available as possible. This means moving drivers, etc. to high memory. DOS 6.0 MEMMAKER program does a good job of this. Check your comm program for an option to maximize the DOS shell memory. Telemate has this useful capability. Lower one or both of the configurations options that affect memory - the scroll back buffer size and the communications buffer size. If the communications buffer is too small it will generally show up when using a command that accesses the CIM. A message will be displayed informing you to increase the size of the communications buffer. Another alternative is to not shell to DOS but, instead, after opening the TW door, quit your comm program and then start TWHELP (assumes you can quit your comm program without dropping carrier). Of course after quitting TW you will need to restart your comm program. Some comm programs, such as Procomm for Windows, seem to reset the ports baud rate when you quit them. You will recognize this when, after starting TWH, it is unable to communicate with the BBS. In this case you will first have to change the configuration option to enter the baud rate for each BBS. After changing the option, reenter the bbs data filenames then enter their baud rates. Still another alternative is to use another comm program. Telemate has an option that allows a maximum DOS shell and you can also quit it without dropping carrier or having to enter a baud rate. UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS If you are upgrading from an older release you can just unzip (or copy) all the files from the new release directly into the /twhelp directory. You will not need to do anything else. It is not necessary to do the /k command again since any changes to the data files will be automatically handled by the program. You should review the Configuration Options as new options may have been added. Once you have run the new release you can not go back to an older release. This is because the configuration and bbs data files will frequently contain additional information that the older release will not be aware of. TW2002 VERSION 2.00 BETA Changes have been made to TW Helper necessary to work with TW2002 version 2.00 release 0.91 being beta tested at this time. However, as that program is being changed on a regular basis, I've decided not to make available the "Large Universe" version of TW Helper until the final version 2 is available. It's possible to use this release in version 2 games of 3000 sectors or less. However any changes to version 2 could make TW Helper partially or totally unusable with it until the next release which will probably be when version 2 is completed. UNIVERSE MAPPING FEATURE New with release 7.0 is the Universe Mapping Feature which is discussed in the DOCMAPER.TXT file. It is an extra charge capability requiring a special registration key to activate. As there are no provisions for trying this module before activating it, read the DOCMAPER.TXT file carefully. There can be no refunds once the key has been given out. LOCAL MODE TECHNIQUE Trade Wars Helper communicates with Trade Wars via the modem. This makes it difficult for them to communicate when both programs are being run on the same machine. The following technique was devised by a user to resolve this problem. TWHELP was configured to use COM2. TW2002.EXE was run with a -WWIV switch and the chain.txt file specified the port as COM3. A null modem cable was hooked up between COM2 and COM3. Both TWH and TW were multitasked under Windows and were thus able to communicate with each other. Local display was specified on in TEDIT. SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTED PRODUCT A product distributed via shareware is not "free software". If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register it with the author for a modest fee within 30 days of your initial usage. You may register this product by mailing cash, check or a money order for $12.00 US (universe mapping feature and S&H extra) to: Just FUN Software 4790 Naniloa Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84117-5547 Upon receipt of the registration fee, you will be mailed instructions to include your name in the program as the registered user and activate the registered features. The return letter is generally mailed the same day the registration fee is received. You must use the REGISTER.TXT file when registering to avoid delays due to lack of appropriate information. If you wish to use the universe mapping feature, also include the REGMAPER.TXT form. These files may be printed using DOS commands. For example: print \twhelp\register.txt or copy \twhelp\register.txt lpt1 Well over 1200 hours have been invested in developing and enhancing this product. That makes the registration fee less than one cent per hour of development time. Please do not use, or allow others to use, the registered features of this program without paying this modest fee. COPYRIGHT Copyright laws apply to both shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with the following exception. The unmodified program files, complete with the files discussed below, may be freely copied and distributed. It is in fact encouraged. If you like this program, please tell your fellow players, even those evil traders, about it and upload it to several BBSes. Of course, registrations key may not be distributed. It one thing to use an unregistered shareware product over the 30 day trial period. Nothing will happen if you do. It's quite another thing to provide others with a registration key or modify a program file in an attempt to circumvent the registration key. Those activities are illegal. As such, a reward, commensurate with the scope of the illegal activity involved, will be given to any individual providing information on any person or persons unlawfully providing registration keys for this product and/or modified version of this product to any other individual or BBS. In addition, this product has been specially coded to detect such illegal activity and will retaliate accordingly. DISCLAIMER Trade Wars Helper is supplied on an "as is" basis. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result for the use of Trade Wars Helper. FILES This product is made up of the following files. README.TXT - The file you are now reading. README2.TXT - A continuation of the README file. REGISTER.TXT - This file contains a printable registration form. Please use this form when registering. REGMAPER.TXT - This file contains the registration form for the Universe Mapping Feature. DOCMAPER.TXT - This file discusses the Universe Mapping Feature. COMMANDS.TXT - This file contains a reference guide to the commands. ANNOUN70.TXT - This file contains an announcement of release 7.0 of Trade Wars Helper suitable for posting on a BBS or network. ANNOUN71.TXT - This file contains an announcement of release 7.1 of Trade Wars Helper suitable for posting on a BBS or network. DESCRIPT.TXT - This file contains a full description of Trade Wars Helper suitable for posting on a BBS or network. FILE_ID.DIZ - A description of this product for PCBoard systems. TWHELP.EXE - The standard version program file. TWHSETUP.EXE - The setup program file. TWHMAPER.EXE - The universe mapping feature program file. EXAMPLE.TWH - This file contains an example database that can be used to experiment with the program. This product may be distributed only when all the above files are included in the distribution in unmodified form. RELEASE ACTIVITY Release 1.0: September 7, 1992 - Initial release. Release 1.1: September 11, 1992 - Made the COMM port and baud rate user options. Changed some of the edit keys for the /b and /c commands. Release 1.2: September 30, 1992 - Eliminated the need to specify the baud rate. Added configuration option to optionally reissue the universal announcement. Release 2.0: October 12, 1992 - Added the /t, Negotiate Trade, command along with the automatic cross trading capability. Also added the /s, Search for notation characters, command. Release 2.1: October 20, 1992 - Added the option to specify the baud rate for those instances where automatic determination does not work. Release 3.0: January 5, 1993 - Added the /X, /I, and /U commands to expand the search for the next six sectors. Fixed the problem that occurred when entering more than seven data file names at one time. Fixed problem associated with using the /k command at high transfer rates. Allowed for ESC to exit program at title screen. Release 3.1: February 8, 1993 - Changed the /k command to use the Crai computer's interrogation mode to collect the warp to sector information. Changed the search for matching notation characters command to /m (was /s). Added the configuration option to enter the IRQ line number. Fixed bug that may have caused the auto trading feature to randomly fail. Release 3.2: February 12, 1993 - Fixed communications software to work with modems and I/O cards using the 16550A UART. Release 4.0: March 1, 1993 - Added /r command which interrogates the Crai computer to record the product percentage for display with the /x command information. Added the /s command which initiates an automatic sell/steal cycle. Added the /> command which prints the command and information screens on the standard print device. Added the /e command which explores the closest unexplored sector. Added the /Z (formerly /E) command which clears the explored status for each sector without clearing it's port and warp to information. Added the /o command which allows entry of the run time options (RTO). Added the bugle calls used to alert the completion of lengthy processes. Release 5.0: April 5, 1993 - Added the capture file feature and the scroll back buffer feature. Added the /D command which shells to DOS. Added the /F command which creates data files for the offline analysis program TWVIEW and TWASSIST. Upgraded the communications software to the newest version. Incorporated the results of the psychic probe during trading to optimize the experience points realized for the auto /t and /s commands. Added the /l command which is used (after the /r command) to locate enemy forces. Fixed the problem with printing to a laser printer. Added the /d command to display the destination path from the current sector. Added the ability to cross trade between nonadjacent sectors using ships equipped with a TransWarp Drive. Expanded the Deployed Fighter Scan produced by Trade Wars to include the port type, notation characters, product percentages and optionally, the number of hops from the current sector. Added the /f command to deploy a single fighter in the toll mode. Added the /C command which initiates automatic colonization of a planet with ability to utilize a TransWarp drive when available. Added the /B command which initiates the automatic buying and conveying of product to a planet. Allowed for cross trading between class 4 (SSB) and class 6 (BSS) ports. Added a Run Time Option to specify whether a ship equipped with a Holographic Scanner stops at the sector preceding the unexplored sector when using the /e command. Added the /P command which displays the next six sectors with a specified port capability. Added the /E command which launches an E-probe to a randomly chosen unexplored sector. Allowed for specifying the database number on the command line. Changed the /k command to use the CIM for both sector and port information. Release 5.5: May 17, 1993 - Added the /& command to display the next five sectors for the /x, /u, /p, etc. commands. Changed the command to create the offline analysis files for TWVIEW and/or TWASSIST to /V and added the option to create only the individual .FRT, .SCT or .PRT files. Made the TWVIEW .SCT file compatible with TWMAP. Added deployed fighters, identified by the TW G and TWH /F (formerly /f) commands, to the /d display. Added the /f command to display the paths to a destination sector from the nearest five sectors containing fighters preceded by the numbers of hops to the fighters from the current sector. Added a check to the /F command to insure fighters are not deployed in FedSpace. Added the /0E command to mark a sector as inaccessible for the /E routines. Added the /1E command to launch an E-probe to a randomly chosen isolated sector. Added the /2E command to launch an E-probe so as to pass thru the most sectors not visited during the current session. Added a configuration option so advanced commands are only displayed or printed if desired for new users. Added the /m command to display a menu of all the commands on a single screen. Added the /< command to output the online documentation to the text file TWHELP.DOC. Moved the option to sound the bugle calls to the configuration options screen. Added the /M command to merge another traders database. Made the automated process restore the default ANSI color which is useful when the TW ANSI mode is off. Added the analysis of the TW Computer X command display to keep track of avoided sectors which now are not shown on the various displays or moved to via the /e command. Allowed for cross trading between a class 8 (BBB) port and any other class of port. Allowed for cross trading between a class 7 (SSS) port and any other port buying equipment. Allowed for cross trading between two nonadjacent sectors without using the Transwarp Drive. Allowed for triple trading which involves all three products at each port to maximize experience points. Added the /X command which displays the five closest sectors for nonadjacent cross trading pairs, transwarp trading pairs, triple trading pairs, and other specialized combinations. Added the product quantities from the /r command to the /x, /p and other command displays. Added a Run Time Option to turn off the haggling over price when trading. Added the /P command which automates the process of buying planetary shields with or without using a TransWarp Drive. Added the /Q command which automates the quashing of mines using mine disruptors. Added the /g command which goes to a specified sector while optionally deploying fighters (RTO), trading (RTO) and density scanning (RTO) along the way. Added an RTO to optionally deploy/trade/scan when using the /e command and added the /2e command which initiates automatic exploration of the TW universe. Added the automatic determination of which sectors are Major Space Lanes which are noted as MSL on some displays. Significantly modified the /w display. Added the /I command to display deeply isolated sectors. Added a configuration option to optionally save the fighter, product percentage, and product quantity data in the disk file. Added prompts to the /k command to ask for the class 0 and 9 sectors. Changed the way the destination sector is specified for the /d command. Based on hearsay regarding the new release of Trade Wars made the commands that use the CIM allow for missing sectors and added a prompt to allow for upto 3000 sectors. Release 5.6: May 19, 1993 - Fixed problem of locking up when entering number of sectors in universe. Release 6.0: June 5, 1993 - Added the /G command to graphically display a sector and its warps to any level. Separated the configuration options portion of TWHELP.EXE to a separate file TWHSETUP.EXE. Added a configuration option to specify the size of the communications buffer. Changed the /b and /c edit routine so the enter key can insert a line and the del key can remove a line. Added the /R command to initiate the robing credits cycle which included a new RTO to set the rob percentage. Fixed a bug in the /I routine. Fixed a bug in displaying the scroll back buffer that did damage to the database and configuration files. Added communicating at 38,400 and 57,600 bps capability. Release 7.0: September 23, 1993 - Fixed problem related to accepting the first offer while trading instead of haggling. Fixed problem with the /P command hanging up when the TW ANSI was turned off. Added the /L command to lower population levels to maximize fighters produced. Changed the /B command to optionally use the TransWarp Drive. Added the /h command to haul colonists, products, or shields from one planet to another optionally using the TransWarp Drive. Fixed problem with extra CR in capture file and TWHELP.DOC causing extra LF for some editors. Changed /g command to ignore density for FedSpace sectors so they are always entered. Changed the /R command to rob down to 1000 credits and to rob 10 percent more than the credits reported. Fixed problem with /r command not clearing percentages first which caused the /l command to not works properly. Made the commands like /d that display a path to sectors work faster. Changed the /B command to buy product for a planet and/or sell product from a planet. Added the /H command to heist product for a planet with or without using the TransWarp Drive. Fixed problem with /t trying to transwarp when no fighter is present in sectors. Removed the online command documentation from the program to save memory and created the command.txt file as a reference document instead. Tested against the new TW version 2 beta release and made the changes necessary for compatibility. This included allowing the /s command to move between sectors, added subcommands for the /X command, expanding the number of pages for the /b command, and various other changes to account for differences between versions 1.03 and 2.00. Created the extra charge Universe Mapping module and the corresponding /6E and 7E command. Changed the Ether Probe routines to automatically launch the probes. Added saving the database to disk when the /D command is issued. Added the /3E command to launch E-probes to isolated sectors sequentially and keeping track of the last sector probed. Added an RTO to specify the number of fighters to automatically attack enemy fighters encountered when using the /g and /e commands. Release 7.1: November 1, 1993 - Fixed problem with /U command printing to a Destjet printer. Added RTO to specify the NavHaz threshold when density scanning for the /g commands (for TW ver 2). Added discussion of a local mode technique to this README file. Fixed problem with system crashes when using a BBS file number on the command line while starting TW Helper. Fixed problem of having modem reset after using Universe Mapping feature on some systems. Allowed for IRQ numbers upto 9. Made additional changes necessary for compatiblity with TW2002 ver 2 R .91. Release 7.2: November 19, 1993 - A reissue of release 7.1 because a hacked copy of release 7.1 was discovered. ease continue by reading the README2.TXT file.