10/31/93 Hello again to all you Wolf-3D fans out there! Now, I have modified levels 1, 2 & 3 just slightly (!) to make them a little more difficult (actually, a lot more difficult). Even I have trouble getting through on Death Incarnate. You may find a surprise or two on all other levels except 10. I won't mention that there may be MORE than two surprises on level 9 (heh-heh). First of all, thanks again to Apogee Software for a great game... Thanks again to Bill Kirby who made a great map editor... Now, the hints: 1) Look for secret doors 2) Use tactical maneuvering when in a battle 3) Try to remain calm when you enter the mazes and can't get out! (you can with just a liiiiiiiiiiiitle patience). You MUST go through the mazes to get everything and to get out (sorry!). 4) Only levels 1, 2, & 3 (9?) have been altered, but they should keep you busy, try to find everything 5) Yes, it's levels 1, 2, & 3 (9?) but you WILL have trouble recognizing them 6) Levels 4-10 (not 9?) are normal and I will modify them 1 at a time in the future 7) Keep track of extra health and ammo, you ARE going to need it. 8) The game is not quite perfect, I need some more hints from others who have done this (I'm getting better though!). 9) Check those corners!!!!!!! 10) There are LOTS of goodies!!!! 11) Play on Death Incarnate; no wimps, please! 12) There are some new surprises on levels 1 & 2! (probably not on 9!) 13) Levels 1 & 2 have changed slightly and play differently (10/31/93). 14) GOOD LUCK!!! heh-heh-heh!!! 15) Does NOT work on version 1.4 - try to get an earlier version from a BBS. Let me know what your scores are and what kind of problems you seem to encounter. This is a fun game and this should keep it interesting. Of course, there is no charge since the game belongs to Apogee. Happy gaming! (You can reach me on Delphi LAYNESOFT) or (on Channel 1 - Bobby Palmer)