Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
BK5_9310.ZIP | No | 78143 | 10/5/1993 | Brother's Keeper 5.1f documentation. Genealogy |
BRITINT1.ZIP | Yes | 26136 | 12/10/1993 | A Members Interest database using Q&A for The British Isle Study Group - Genealogy |
CSTORY12.ZIP | Yes | 256886 | 1/1/1994 | Cumberland Story v1.2 or your ancestors life story. Pull-down menus, on-line help. Word processor with cut & paste features. Suggested or user-defined chapters and topics. ASCII import and export. Multi- entry text search. Prompts help outline your story with ideas of things to write about. Allows creation of multiple books. Cumberland Family Software, $20.00 US. |
CTREE35.ZIP | Yes | 368451 | 1/1/1994 | CUMBERLAND FAMILY TREE v3.5 friendly genealogy program with pull-down menus and extensive context sensitive help! Enter birth, death, marriages, notes. Automatically keeps track of relationships. Surname anywhere in name, place names entered once then selected from pop-up screen. Print pedigrees, descendents, family groups, time line, statistics, many more. Cumberland Family Software, $30.00 US. |
EZT221.ZIP | Yes | 187998 | 11/10/1993 | EZ-Tree 2.2A Genealogy from MicroFox Company. A Family Tree Tracking and Reporting System. EZT221.ZIP (EXE, DOC, and sample tree files). Improved ancestrial and descendant print outs with connecting lines. Capacity of each tree has been greatly expanded, and you can link family trees together for seemless searching, reporting and movement through members. {STAR} (Authors: Ron Martin, Jim Hass) |
FJOL1005.ZIP | Yes | 41009 | 10/4/1993 | Federal Job Offer Listing for 10-5-93 in the Baltimore-Washington D.C. Area predominantly. |
GA2.ZIP | Yes | 17130 | 12/13/1993 | Genetic algorithm source code. Pretty darn good! |
GBBS9401.ZIP | Yes | 47745 | 1/1/1994 | Genealogy BBS list for 1.94 |
GD93286.ZIP | Yes | 54455 | 10/13/1993 | 103 new Tiny Tafels from Genealogy Database |
GD93364.ZIP | Yes | 101501 | 12/30/1993 | 124 new Tiny Tafels from Genealogy Database. |
GED2FL3.ZIP | Yes | 53858 | 11/2/1993 | Creates a flat file from a GEDCOM file. Also creates the Soundex code for each individule. Source code available. |
GEDCHART.ZIP | Yes | 76253 | 1/2/1994 | GEDCHART v1.6 - an updated and enhanced version of Tom Blumer's excellent utility for printing genealogical charts from GEDCOM files via laser printers. |
GEDCHT16.ZIP | Yes | 75739 | 1/2/1994 | GEDCHART v.1.6 Jan 1994 by Thomas Blumer (BETA) It will prepare family tree charts on a laser printer from GEDCOM data. It will produce an elegantly formatted chart of up to 10 generations that will fit on letter-size paper and still be very readable. |
GEDDOC.ZIP | Yes | 112350 | 11/16/1993 | GEDDOC v.5.3(Draft) Nov 1993 by LDS Church This file contains the definition of the new draft GEDCOM standard. The purpose of GEDCOM is to simplify the exchange of computerized historical and genealogical information. Copies of the standard are included in both WordPerfect 5.1 and DOS text formats. |
GEDLAB.ZIP | Yes | 65542 | 1/11/1994 | GEDLAB Jan 1994 by Richard Hughes This is a utility for genealogists who use GEDCOM files. Provides several commands for examining-manipulating GEDCOM files which PAF users might find useful including compare and show differences, convert to-from Brothers Keeper format, search (and replace), etc. |
GIM_222.ZIP | Yes | 566454 | 11/16/1993 | GENEALOGICAL INFORMATION MANAGER, v2.22 provides all of the basic features of traditional genealogical database managers, plus many new features not available from any other product. GIM is fast and powerful, yet intuitive and easy to learn. This archive contains executables and documentation. |
IGI25543.ZIP | Yes | 203380 | 1/27/1994 | IGI255 v.4.3 Jan 1994 by P. Deatherage This utility for genealogists using PAF will read IGI text files created by FamilySearch, eliminate duplicates, sort and search the remaining data, then print the results using 55 lines per page vs. FamilySearch's 12-13. Updated for latest IGI version changes. |
METISNET.ZIP | Yes | 9648 | 11/23/1993 | Info re: The North American Network for Metis and Aboriginal research. Genealogy |
NAMCL12B.ZIP | Yes | 10228 | 1/29/1994 | NAMCLEAN v.1.2B Jan 1994 by Jack Chandler This is an accessory utility for genealogists who use Personal Ancestral File (PAF). It will remove unused names (they occur when you delete records or correct mispellings) from PAF's NAME2.DAT file. Use this version for PAF version 2.3. |
NE13.ZIP | Yes | 38151 | 1/24/1994 | NE v.1.3 Jan 1994 by Jonathan Paul This is a set of utilities for genealogists who use Personal Ancestral File (PAF). It includes two programs (GETNOTES-PUTNOTES) and a batch file that permit the editing of PAF Notes data using your favorite text editor. They can also be used to import-export text. |
NE4PAF62.ZIP | Yes | 73071 | 12/7/1993 | NE4PAF v6.2: Personal Ancestral File (PAF) accessory utility for genealogists that allows you to edit the name file of PAF & also corrects common capitalization errors; |
PAFBFRM2.ZIP | Yes | 8119 | 1/1/1994 | PAF Blank Forms 2 Jan 1994 by T. Boelling This is an accessory file for users of Personal Ancestral File. It contains several blank forms that can be printed by PAF for collection of census and other data during genealogical research. These forms do not duplicate those in collection 1. |
PAFNMLS2.ZIP | Yes | 55395 | 1/3/1994 | PAFNMLS v.2 Jan 1994 by Mike St. Clair The "List PAF Name File Counts" utility is for genealogists who use Personal Ancestral File (PAF). It will list all names in the PAF name file (NAME2.DAT) with counts, by field type, of the number of times each appears in the PAF database. Freeware. |
PAFOCH11.ZIP | Yes | 62773 | 12/25/1993 | PAFOCH v.1.1 Dec 1993 by Mike St. Clair PAF Ordinance Check is for genealogists who use Personal Ancestral File (PAF). It's worksheet lists individuals or marriages with Submitted, Cleared, Completed or no date in any temple date field. It helps members of the LDS Church extract dates from the IGI. |
PAFRC936.ZIP | Yes | 83976 | 11/30/1993 | PAF Review Edition 93.6(updates) Nov 1993 Information about shareware utilities to enhance Personal Ancestral File (PAF). This file, PAFRC936.ZIP, includes only updates since edition 93.5. For information on all 127 known utilities, get file PAFRV936.ZIP. |
PAFRFRM.ZIP | Yes | 13486 | 1/1/1994 | PAF Report Forms Jan 1994 by T. Boelling This is an accessory file for users of Personal Ancestral File. It contains several reference lists that can be printed by PAF such as relationship charts, counties of Great Britain, etc. |
PAFRV936.ZIP | Yes | 150258 | 11/30/1993 | PAF Review - Edition 93.6 - November 1993 Information about 127 shareware utilities to enhance Personal Ancestral File, a widely used genealogy program. Programs described provide new ways of printing, displaying or working with PAF-GEDCOM data. by M. St.Clair ==> IF YOU USE PAF, LOOK AT THIS FILE!! <== |
TTED210.ZIP | Yes | 122893 | 11/18/1993 | Tiny Tafel Editor v2.10 genealogy researchers, allows you to quickly and easily create, edit, and run matching reports and keyword searches on Tiny Tafel files, it has lots of info about how and where to use your TT (TMS, GenData, TTCS). No tafel editor does more than TTEDIT. Shareware. ($15) |
UK_TRAV.ZIP | Yes | 131297 | 11/6/1993 | Travel in the United Kingdom. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file from the Usenet |