35 files found in Library "Ham Radio Programs & References"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
10_CODES.ZIP No 2154 12/19/1993
List of the Metro Radio System (MRS)
"10-codes" used on the Boston Area
Notification Net repeater (162.725 MHz).
Operated by a fire "buff" club to alert each
other to fires, police activity and other
public safety emergencies in the Metro
Boston area.
AIRNOV93.ZIP Yes 64370 11/27/1993
Aviation shortwave frequencies in 1-2-3 and
ASCII. ICAO channels updated.
ANTDL6WU.ZIP Yes 21068 12/8/1993
ANTDL6WU v1.0 YAGI DESIGN program for 50mhz
& up based on the work of Gunter Hock,
DL6WU. Also designs T-match, coax baluns, &
provides sources of materials. By WA2TIF,
K1DPP, & W1JOT. Written in Basic
APLOT535.ZIP Yes 76939 11/4/1993
Antenna Pattern prediction program for
antennas side-mounted on towers. Pretty
APRS309.ZIP Yes 640029 1/13/1994
Amateur Packet reporting System by WB4APR.
A program for Ham radio packet that can
show-track stationary or moving stations on
maps at local, state, and national levels,
as well as a global map. with docs Shareware
DISCONE1.ZIP Yes 5496 12/30/1993 How to build a Discone Antenna by K5DKZ.
DOCS515B.ZIP Yes 34009 12/28/1993 User Docs for FBB 5.15B Packet BBS.
DXHUMR23.ZIP Yes 5871 11/26/1993 HAM Technical Stuff.
EXAMS93.ZIP Yes 22893 10/28/1993
Amateur radio license exam schedule
Nationwide Oct. '93 through Jan. '94
FDDCLP.ZIP Yes 94262 10/17/1993
Field Day Dupe Checking - Logging Program
developed by Amateur Radio Club for use
during the annual American Radio Relay League
GP161NL.ZIP Yes 9709 10/27/1993 Dutch language for Graphic Packet v1.61. 30
GP161UP.ZIP Yes 156198 10/11/1993
Update Graphic-Packet v1.60 - v1.61
11-Oct-1993 GP286.EXE GP286.OVR for hamradio
HLOG222E.ZIP Yes 350853 11/1/1993
HYPERLOG, an excellent amateur radio logging
JVFAX60.ZIP Yes 506761 9/30/1993
Latest version of the JVFAX and SSTV program
for amateur radio.
LOG9310.ZIP Yes 35432 12/15/1993
Of special interest to Medium Wave DXers:
Report on 10-93 DXpedition to NFLD by
well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly WA1ION. HAM
LOG9312A.ZIP Yes 5054 12/15/1993
Of special interest to Medium Wave DXers:
Report by well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly
WA1ION of what was heard on a recent
expedition to Rockport MA. Lots of great
listings of European & African MW stations.
LOG9312C.ZIP Yes 4394 1/4/1994
More Medium Wave radio stations logged my
well-known MW DXer Mark Connelly WA1ION from
Billerica MA over the Xmas holidays 1993.
LOGITH10.ZIP Yes 193944 12/13/1993
General purpose logging program for the
casual ham operator
MB1606.ZIP Yes 455344 11/16/1993 Mail Box V16.6 general release by W0RLI
MSYSUSR.ZIP Yes 18589 12/3/1993 MSYS ver 1.16 USER MANUAL
NEWS0122.ZIP Yes 9733 2/1/1994
NewsLine #858 01-22-94 - Ham Radio News
comprehensive and uptodate
NSRA1293.ZIP Yes 15396 12/8/1993
Electronic edition- DEC 93 -Quarterly
Amateur Radio Newsletter of the NSRA based
north of Boston. -Includes a revealing
report on the SuperCharger Alkaline battery
charger. -Also a warning about the dangers
of Ni-Cad batteries. -Novices to get all of
220 band. *List of local exams and more!
Uploaded by Editor-Publisher: Ken Smith
PTM529_1.ZIP Yes 139797 11/12/1993
Packet Terminal Program PTM v5.29 by OZ4ZK
Program English speakfile 08-NOV-1993 (HAM).
PTM529_2.ZIP Yes 32789 11/14/1993
Packet Terminal Program PTM v5.29 by OZ4ZK
Scandinavian Language files 08-NOV-1993
PTM529_3.ZIP Yes 74517 11/14/1993
Packet Terminal Program PTM v5.29 by OZ4ZK
European Language files 08-NOV-1993 (HAM).
PTM529_4.ZIP Yes 139285 11/14/1993
Packet Terminal Program PTM v5.29 by OZ4ZK
Scandinavian Doc files 08-NOV-1993 (HAM).
PTM529_5.ZIP Yes 178581 11/14/1993
Packet Terminal Program PTM v5.29 by OZ4ZK
European Doc files 08-NOV-1993 (HAM).
PT_TWAIN.ZIP Yes 72362 1/17/1994
Latest TWAIN compliant Drivers for PlusTek
Scanners! Also includes the Latest Drivers
for the 24-bit 3000C sheet-fed scanner!
SCANDEC3.ZIP Yes 215317 12/26/1993
Scantric Frequency & Information Guide. For
Dec 1993 over 20,000 listings.
SCDX2192.ZIP Yes 7515 1/10/1994 Sweden Calling DX #2192 01-04-94 (HAM).
SPC0103.ZIP Yes 3936 1/10/1994 Space Bulletin 01-03-94 (HAM).
SPC0110.ZIP Yes 3509 1/16/1994 Space Bulletin 01-10-94 (HAM).
SPC0117.ZIP Yes 4627 1/16/1994 Space Bulletin 01-17-94 (HAM).
SWL1293.ZIP Yes 20613 12/5/1993 Speedx World of Utilities, short wave, Dec.9.
TOR302.ZIP Yes 187059 10/24/1993 PacTor V3.02 by Johan Forrer, HAM.