_________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE ROM BIOS SUPPORT FOR DBLSPACE.BIN (Applies to Stacker 3.1 for Windows & DOS) STAC FAX 31021 (10/05/93) _________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND Some computers don't support Microsoft's use of interrupt 1AH to implement its pre-loading compression driver, although most systems that support MS-DOS 6 do. If you have one of the following models, Microsoft indicates that your computer may hang up in the startup process: Sharp models 6700, 6781, 6785, 6800 and 6881 Cannon C-200 M-50 and C-200 M-55 Computers using a Microsolutions Compaticard Positive Computers Snap-On Intel 386 and Intel AboveBoard 2.0 Some AEG Olympia 386SX Laptops Some older ACER machines Texas Instruments (TI) Travelmate 2000 Zeos 80386 with an AMI BIOS dated 09/15/89 SOLUTION Start your computer from a floppy disk, and add the switch /-LZS to your STACKER.INI file. 1. Restart your system with a startup disk. If you don't already have a startup disk, you can use MS-DOS 6.0 Setup Disk 1 if it is compatible with drive A, or you can use the MS-DOS 6.0 Uninstall disk. 2. Insert Stacker Disk 1 into drive A or B, and change to that drive. 3. From the DOS prompt, type: \TOOLS\STACINI C: 4. Add the switch /-LZS to the beginning of the file. For example: /-LZS /DIR=c:\STACKER C:\STACVOL.000,NS C:\STACVOL.DSK,NS 5. Press Ctrl+Z to save the file. _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics