___________________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: Creating a Stacked RAM drive for Windows Temporary Swap Files STAC FAX Index #3201 - 02/08/93 ___________________________________________________________________________ Background. Windows can use temporary or permanent swap files as pseudo-memory. A permanent swap file can only be created on a physical drive. A temporary swap file can be created on either a physical or logical drive. Temporary swap files are much slower than permanent swap files because DOS must be used to access them. A temporary swap file on a Stacker drive is even slower. A temporary swap file on a Stacked RAM drive, however, can be faster than a permanent swap file. With an observed compression ratio of 3.0:1, 3Mb of RAM that is allocated for this purpose gives a total of 9MB of usable memory for a Windows temporary swap file. Procedure. Modify your CONFIG.SYS file to create a RAM drive. In the example below, X: is a generic representation of the drive letter for your RAM drive. Substitute the actual drive letter taken by your RAM drive for all references to X: below. Sample CONFIG.SYS file. DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\RAMDRIVE.SYS 3072 /e (Add this line to create the RAM drive) DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK @ DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK /SYNC+ DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SCREATE.SYS X: /r=3 (Add this line to Stack your RAM drive) where X: = the drive letter for the RAM drive The next step is to add a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, following the PATH command line, to mount the Stacked RAM drive: C:\STACKER\STACKER X: Those of you who do not use Windows exclusively may want to add an additional two lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This will permit other DOS-based applications to use the Stacked RAM drive for storing temporary files: These two lines should added after the command to mount the Stacked RAM drive referenced above. SET TEMP=X:\ SET TMP =X:\ Finally, in the Windows SYSTEM.INI file, make the following changes or additions to allow Windows to use the Stacked RAM drive for a temporary swap file: [386enh] PagingFile=X:\WIN386.SWP MinUserDiskSpace=1 ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics