41 files found in Library "Health & Medical Applications / References"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1STAID.ZIP No 39302 10/8/1993
First Aid - is a first aid tutorial based on
the current standards taught in courses
AC120.ZIP Yes 154901 12/11/1993
AEROCHART V1.20 Exercise Charting and
Motivation Program- Aerobic exercise
logbook. Graphs and reviews track daily,
monthly, and yearly progress. Supports
groups. Calculates Cooper Aerobic Points
and calories expended (45+ activities). Add
your own exercise, goals, routines, and
strategies. Sports MOONSTONE SOFTWARE
ADIPOSIT.ZIP Yes 80939 11/11/1993 Information on fat metabolism
ADS31206.ZIP Yes 6780 12/6/1993 Aids daily summary for 12-6-93.
ADS31208.ZIP Yes 7410 12/8/1993 Aids daily summary for 12-8-93.
AMN31004.ZIP Yes 10840 10/21/1993 Med Notes, American Medical News 10-04-93
AMN31018.ZIP Yes 7140 11/2/1993 Medical Notes, American Medical News 10-18-93
AMN31227.ZIP Yes 7460 1/30/1994 Med Notes, American Medical News 12-27-93.
ATTN1_3.ZIP Yes 9072 2/11/1994
Really good files on Attention Defecit Dis-
order in adults. Emphasis is on diagnosis,
treatment, and pointers to other sources
BREAST.ZIP Yes 10632 10/19/1993 Compressed text of "Q & A about Breast Lumps"
BUYMED.ZIP Yes 1977 10/19/1993 Compressed text of "Buying Medicine?" (FDA)
CARPEL.ZIP Yes 5696 10/28/1993
Information on Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. A
must-read for anyone who uses a keyboard
CFS24.ZIP Yes 12483 10/3/1993 Chronic FAtigue Syndrome news vol. 24
CFS25.ZIP Yes 10211 11/3/1993 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome news vol. 25
CFS_29.ZIP Yes 15846 1/23/1994 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome news no. 29
CFS_30.ZIP Yes 10166 1/23/1994 Chronic FAtigue Syndrome news no. 30
CHEW.ZIP Yes 2162 10/19/1993
Compressed text of "Chew or Snuff Real Bad
Stuff" (NCI)
FATTYCLC.ZIP Yes 580698 10/15/1993
Fatty Calc Tape Calculator - is a calculator
with a tape which works like a simple
spreadsheet. It contains basic calculator
functions, as well as integrated financial
functions, such as calculations for mortgage
payment, and future value of
investment-savings. Tape entries can be
annotated with comments and can be edited,
FDA_VITS.ZIP Yes 4526 1/1/1994
In its never-ending war to weaken the
American population, the FDA has taken aim
at vitamins!
FMLAPOL.ZIP Yes 20072 10/15/1993
A boiler plate Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA) policy in both Word Perfect and Ami
Pro format for use for distribution to
employees by employers especially useful for
Personnel or Human Resources people.
HEALTH_L.ZIP Yes 394952 10/28/1993
The Health Security Act - Legislation sent
to 103rd Congress - 10.28.93 release
HEALTH_R.ZIP Yes 89482 10/26/1993
Health Security - the President's Report to
the American People. How and Why. 10.26.93
HERBTXT.ZIP Yes 95239 1/22/1994
HERBS Text files on use of herbs. Very good
HICN658.ZIP Yes 38264 1/16/1994 Health Info Com Network Medical News no 658
HICN659.ZIP Yes 14282 1/16/1994 Health Info Com Network Medical News no 659
HICN701.ZIP Yes 13168 2/6/1994 Health Infocom Net medical news v. 7 no. 1.
HIVNOV93.ZIP Yes 21432 11/16/1993
HIV - AIDS CDC (Center for Disease Control)
surveillance report nov1993
INMIND.ZIP Yes 50665 1/23/1994
Keeping the Breath in Mind & Lessons in
Samadhi (Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo; translated
from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu). A
guide to breath meditation.
KSONIC.ZIP Yes 663886 10/6/1993
Kaleidosonics - Interactive Art-Relaxation
program Reqs VGA.
LBL34770.ZIP Yes 34124 11/14/1993
Healthcare reform: systems architecture for
care delivery Postscript file.
LEAN220.ZIP Yes 264681 12/22/1993
LEANER V2.20 Weight Control,
Assessment & Motivation- Find your ideal
weight. Discover your cardiovascular risks.
Check your anxiety level. Determine your
eating style. Graphs & reviews your daily,
monthly & yearly progress. Tracks over 45
different exercises. Handles groups, while
insuring privacy. Home MOONSTONE SOFTWARE
MMM120.ZIP Yes 107594 12/11/1993
ME & MY METABOLISM V1.20 Effects of
Lifestyle on Your Energy Balance- Examines
basal metabolic rate, assesses total energy
expenditure, and evaluates eating style.
You'll be surprised to discover how small
changes in exercise, caloric intake or even
the types of food you eat can make a
dramatic difference in your weight.
Education - Science MOONSTONE SOFTWARE
NZBEQN94.ZIP Yes 223514 12/28/1993
NZBEQN93.EXE A collection of stress and
nutrition information, collected in
compressed, "study-note" format. When
unfolded, it is 560+ separate files, by
symptom, substance, or condition. Author is
Shari Soza, software developer and technical
ON50.ZIP Yes 182866 12/15/1993
Of Note, by Cure - assorted medical issues
notes of interest
ON9312B.ZIP Yes 18084 12/31/1993
Of Note, by CURE - Text on the connection
between depression and addictions. Which
comes first? Medical
ON9401B.ZIP Yes 17165 1/19/1994 Of Note, by CURE 01-15-94. World Health News
PTCSHARE.ZIP Yes 133740 11/29/1993
The Personal Tennis Coach. Use your
computer to play better tennis. Stroke
charting and rating, tip library, game and
stroke analyzer, phonebook, scheduler and
more. Full working shareware version!
PTRNS11K.ZIP Yes 96405 1/3/1994
Patterns v1.1K: intelligent weight loss tool
that works w-any diet pgm to reveal patterns
of change w-in your weight history, using AI;
RETHINK.ZIP Yes 3378 12/3/1993
Commentary on recent Statistics from the CDC
SLIM303B.ZIP Yes 575500 11/10/1993
SLIMMER Rev 3.03b. Diet tracker helps you
set your weight & calorie goals, then tracks
your daily wt, cal, chol, fat, prot, carboh,
fiber sodium, and potass for over 1200
items. Graph results in mono, CGA, EGA or
VGA. Requires a hard disk w-1.5 meg, 300k
RAM, and DOS 3.0 or higher. Shareware w- a
30-day unlimited trial of database editor.
PKUNZIP SLIM303B.ZIP, then run GO.BAT to
VEDA4.ZIP Yes 16831 2/5/1994
VEDA Newsletter. From the Vestibular
Disorders Association. Winter-94
newsletter. Contains info for persons
suffering from vertigo, dizziness and other
inner ear probs.