SEMI-LEGAL-EESE This program (LJENV) is copyrighted 1993 by Rob Prindle and WingSauce Publishing. It was inspired by all the fine Freeware and Public Domain programs I have D/Led, used and enjoyed over the last few years. As payment to all those authors who gave away there code for the good of the entire computing community, I am releasing LJENV free of charge for non- commercial uses. If you want to pass it around, that's fine with me -- as long as the program is unaltered and this note goes along with all copies. NO FEE (except normal on-line charges for AOL, CompuServe, local BBS, etc.) MAY BE CHARGED. PERIOD. NOT EVEN A DISKETTE TRANSFER FEE can be charged for distributing this program, which is to say that it can't be sold as part of another software package or compilation...well, unless I give you my consent. And I probably will. If you like LJENV, send me a postcard or letter and I will give you the latest version. You can also ask questions, report bugs, or request the code. I'm a nice guy. May all your wings be crispy, and all your WingSauce hot. Rob Prindle 1506 Chestnut St. Erie, PA 16502-1706