The following are DVLink conference rules and regulations. It is our hope that these serve as a guidline to participating Sysops. We attempted to create a network free of intense policies and harassing regulations. These descriptions and their accompanying rules are in our eyes reasonable. As new conferences are sponsored, individual moderators will be required to develop their own conference rules and regulations, for inclusion in this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Messages - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a general message conference, a "chit-chat" area for all members of participating BBS's. Public and private postings are permitted. Topics should be diplomaticly discussed, and of a NON-SEXUAL nature! Vulgar or profane language in public messages is FORBIDDEN. Public fights are to be avoided! Insults, threats or attempts to intimidate any person are prohibited. This is one of two echos that MUST be carried. The other is the administration echo. DVL The Flea Market - Conference moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A message conference for the buying, Selling, and/or trading anything LEGAL. Members must use their REAL names. The individual BBS Sysop is responsible for the legitimacy of the callers. If a user is know to have caused problems with this type of conference the Sysop must lock out that user from this conference. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISMENTS are PROHIBITED !!!!!! DVL BBS ADS - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a conference for BBS ADS ONLY High Ascii allowed ^^^^ Only one AD per month per BBS. Sysops please, Kill the eldest of the duplicated ADS. DVL SysOp-to-SysOp - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a "Sysops-Only" discussion area. Participants should be bona-fide BBS Sysops. Public and private postings will be permitted. Topics should generally deal with Sysop activities. Public arguments will not be tolerated. It's our hope that being Sysops, we can settle differences without a moderator's involvement. DVL Health & Fitness - Conference Moderator; Joann Cosgrove ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This Conference is for the discussion of Health and fitness topics ONLY. Helpful Tips of any kind are welcome. Public and private postings will be permitted. DVL Wildcat! Q&A - Conference Moderator; Mike Lagamba ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is open to the public. It's for any questions from users about how to navigate Wildcat software from the users point of view. Helpful hints and shortcuts are welcome. Public and private postings will be permitted. DVL DVLaughs (humor) - Conference Moderator; Ryan Teague ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is for telling your favorite jokes or one you just heard today. Anything that would make one laugh is permitted. However this echo is open to minors and no profanity is permitted. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Consumer Reports - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is the place for your users to tell us of their horror stories with a company they are or have had trouble with. It is also the place to find out where the good deals are, and who in the business world you can trust. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Wildcat! Support - Conference Moderator; Mike Lagamba ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is for VISITING SYSOPS ONLY!!! It's the place for Wildcat SysOps to go when they have a question about the BBS software they are using. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Great Outdoors - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is for the discussion of outdoor life Any stories of camping, hiking, backpacking, hunting, fishing, ETC, are welcome. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Sci-Fi - Conference Moderator; Dan Shaw ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is for the discussion of science fiction. Postings about Sci-Fi movies, books, conventions, ETC, are welcome. Postings are to be on topic. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Science Tech. - Conference Moderator; Dan Haas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This conference is for the discussion of the science of Physics. Physics trivia and questions are welcome. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL The Game Pad - Conference moderator; to be named ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This echo is for the discussion of ANY type game. Postings of door games, computer games, board games are welcome. Correspondence Chess is also welcome and encouraged. Private and public posting will be permitted. DVL Native Tongue - Echo is moderated by several authors ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This echo is for communicating in foreign languages. Messages can be on any topic as long as it is not sexually explicit and no profanity is used. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL Culinary School - Echo Moderator; Mike Lagamba ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This echo is for the discussion and sharing of cooking, recipes, and the culinary arts. Resturant advertisments are not permitted. Private and public postings will be permitted. DVL The Dark Room - Echo Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This echo is for the discussion of Photography of any type (still, cinema, video, studio, ETC.) Also welcome are discussions of photo history and dark room techniques. Private and public postings are permitted. DVL ADMIN. - Conference Moderator; John Clifton ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the DVLink Administrative conference. It is ONLY for use by the participating DVLink Sysop. A Co-Sysop may access the conference on behalf of his Sysop, but NOT before his/her name has been submitted to DVLink Administration*. Public and private postings will be permitted. ******** Carrying this echo is MANDATORY for ALL DVLink ******* participating systems. This echo will serve as the official conduit for DVLink information and assistance. Participating Sysops are encouraged to use this echo to convey their feelings, ideas, as well as suggestions as to how we can make DVLink better! *DVLink Administrator John Clifton, Sysop; Carn Brea Castle BBS _________________________________________________________________ The following guidelines are for problem situations that may occur. If a problem occurs between users the moderator must handle the situation with a NON-biased view. Look at both sides if need be and settle the argument. The DVLink Administrator has the final say on ANY matter involving Users, Visiting SysOps, DVLink SysOps, Moderators, Coordinators, Hubs, or the Link itself. All decisions are final. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF FILE 09/13/93