Please send your completed application to the closest person listed below. If you can't find anyone in your area or state, please send it to the CC. If after sending it to someone, you do not hear from anyone within two days, please contact Howard Sucher. *GC* GlobalNet Coordinator Howard Sucher 514-487-7086 CIS:76074,2101 Fax: 514-333-9933 Voice: 514-333-9933 Internet:76074.2101@COMPUSERVE.COM North America: Name Data Number Compuserve States *AC* Stuart Click 1-608-522-4339 N/A North America *DC* Howard Sucher 1-514-487-7086 76074,2101 Montreal Europe: *CC* Stefan Schaffner 49-6161-2914 100027,124 Europe