[story/btw-tos-tng/Flanders.Field.zip] comment: ------------------------------------------------------------------- - This story came from the alt.startrek.creative archive on - - ftp.cis.ksu.edu ( - - - - If you have any submissions for the archive, please either - - upload them to the /pub/upload directory on ftp.cis.ksu.edu - - or mail them to jfy@cis.ksu.edu INTERNET (preferred) - - rutgers!depot!jfy UUCP - - CBM2064@KSUVM BITNET - - 72427,1641 COMPUSERVE - ------------------------------------------------------------------- March 9-10, 1991, Walter Koenig (AKA Chekov) was at a Star Trek convention in Raleigh, NC. While there, he discussed his version of the script for Star Trek VI. His script was turned down, but it is still a good story. Note that it contains NO spoilers as to the actual plot of the movie. The folowing story and title were written by Walter Koenig. Star Trek VI: In Flanders Fields story by Walter Koenig transcripted by David Chappell The Romulan Empire is in dire trouble. They are losing all their youth; their most vital warriors are being lost. They are in such desperate trouble that they ask the Federation for help. The Romulans even propose joining the Federation. Klingons get mad at the imbalance of power that would result from a Romulan- Federation alliance. The Klingons decide to start a big war. In the ensuing war, many ships are involved in a huge space battle. The Enterprise crew is deemed too old for battle, so they are replaced by a younger crew. Of the original crew, only Spock is left on board the Enterprise. The Enterprise is then sent to battle. The old crew returns to Earth. The story explores what they do back home. The new crew of the Enterprise does quite well (with Spock in command). The crew will get commodations on their return. The Enterprise is lost on return to Earth; it simply disappears without a trace. Since all Federation vessels are involved in the war, no search ships can be spared to find the Enterprise. The original crew decides to search for the Enterprise; they set out in a scout ship. They find the planet where the old crew was lost. Sulu is wounded when the ship is hit, so he stays on board with McCoy while the others go down to investigate. Kirk, Scotty, Chekov, and Uhura land on the backside of the planet. They discover that aliens on the planet were the ones who took young Romulans. The aliens never die, but they feed on the vitality of other species. Since youth are the most vital, they steal young people. Only a few of these aliens are left alive. The new Enterprise crew is being held in cells. There is a large battle between the four crewmembers and the aliens. On the scout ship, Sulu escapes from the cantankerous McCoy, and he joins the others on the planet's surface. In the battle, members of the crew are wounded one by one, but they manage to kill most of the creatures. Kirk is wounded as he kills the last alien. All five cremembers are mortally wounded. McCoy beams down and investigates the scene. He releases new crew from their captivity. Spock goes to the old crew and walks among them. As Spock passes by each of his friends, there is a flasback of appropriate scenes from the old series and the movies. Finally, Spock reaches Kirk's body, and he falls to one knee. McCoy approaches and takes Spock in hand, and they walk away from the scene. -- David T. Chappell -- david@catt.ncsu.edu North Carolina State University -- Computer And Technologies Theme Program -----------------