153 files found in Library "Mail-Readers / Electronic Mail (E-Mail)"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
0294SON.ZIP No 9346 2/19/1994
SON-net We are looking for some quality
bbs's to join SON-net. This Network is for
the discussion of Biblical matters from a
Bible-Believing Christian perspective. Feb
1994 packet. (Now a high speed modem on
each node)
1093SON.ZIP Yes 9396 10/4/1993
SON-net We are looking for some quality
bbs's to join SON-net. This Network is for
the discussion of Biblical matters from a
Bible-Believing Christian perspective.
OCTOBER 1993 packet.
1193SON.ZIP Yes 10555 11/15/1993
SON-net We are looking for some quality
bbs's to join SON-net. This Network is for
the discussion of Biblical matters from a
Bible-Believing Christian perspective.
NOVEMBER 1993 packet. (Now a high speed
modem on each node)
1A_NNET.ZIP Yes 7793 12/17/1993
Information packet on NIGHTNet! A new
National E-Mail network. Come grow with us!
Easy to join and no fees.
1C_NNET.ZIP Yes 9216 2/4/1994
Information packet on NIGHTNet! 02-94 A new
National E-Mail network. Come grow with us!
Easy to join and no fees.
1NNET.ZIP Yes 4180 11/20/1993
Information packet on NIGHTNet a new
National E-Mail network. Come grow with us!
Easy to join and no fee's.
AEDIT100.ZIP Yes 102710 12/1/1993
Excellent editor for AEdit v1.00 offline
mail readers; freeware.
ALT1193.ZIP Yes 39292 1/17/1994
Usenet Alternative Newsgroup Listings as of
Nov 1993.
AM2020.ZIP Yes 334005 10/31/1993
AutoMessage 2.0 20-Column! Professional
graphical messages. Has 5 fonts, optional
password protection, a QuickShow feature,
and some bug fixes. Registered version has
10 fonts, a GIF and PCX intermission viewer,
a text to message converter, DOS message
player, background music. Very nice
software! A Shareware Express President's
AM2032.ZIP Yes 313961 10/31/1993
AutoMessage 2.0 32-Column! 32-Column
Version of AutoMessage 2.0!! Professional
graphical messages. Has 4 fonts, optional
password protection, a QuickShow feature,
and some bug fixes. Registered version lets
you show GIF & PCX files, has background
music, a DOS message player, text to message
maker. A Shareware Express President's
ANNX0294.ZIP Yes 22073 1/30/1994
Not a computer network a people network!
Find out more about this exciting new QWK
network. All of our procedures, policies,
conference and node listings, and admission
information are contained in this archive.
ANNX1193.ZIP Yes 22045 10/31/1993
Not a computer network a people network!
Find out more about this exciting new QWK
network. All of our procedures, policies,
conference and node listings, and admission
information are contained in this archive.
ARNET024.ZIP Yes 4246 2/19/1994
ARnet EchoMail Network Information Pack
ARnet is an Amateur Radio Oriented Net FIDO
& QWK distribution available
BAYNET16.ZIP Yes 7341 11/8/1993
BayNet Information Packet Massachusetts
based network. Easy to join, fun, family
oriented net. New nodes and hubs needed and
welcomed. No fees, no hassles. November 9,
BDOS_258.ZIP Yes 323592 11/29/1993 BinkleyTerm 2.58 Wide Beta for FidoNET
BNP_600.ZIP Yes 62089 10/11/1993
BNP v6.00. The BinkleyTerm Netmail Packer.
Many options. For FidoNet
BOS2259B.ZIP Yes 358916 1/14/1994
BinkleyTerm 2.59a beta for OS-2 includes
second executable compiled with Microsoft
Visual C and linked with Microsoft C 6.0
runtimes. (snappier and smaller).
BOS2_259.ZIP Yes 214514 12/21/1993 BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Beta (OS-2)
BUS1_3.ZIP Yes 13890 11/29/1993
Board User's Search utility v1.3. VERY
fast, easy, off-line search of file
listings. Boolean logic and up to eight
search strings in one pass. Multiple files
and wildcard support. Output to screen
(with hilite) and-or file. Filters for file
date or size. No setup required, run from
command line or batch file. A must-have for
BBS users. By GehretSoft.
BWDEV201.ZIP Yes 40956 1/17/1994
updated Blue Wave mail packet file
structures, 1-18-94
BWNT_259.ZIP Yes 229347 12/21/1993 BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Alpha (NT)
CAP_941.ZIP Yes 7933 12/27/1993
CAPLink Network Application. Join a fast
growing and exciting network today. We
offer techinical conference, as well as
general chat conferences. We are always
looking to expand our conference list. Give
CAPLink to your users, they will love you
for it.
CENT9312.ZIP Yes 17717 11/29/1993
Centipede not only offers a place to share
poetry and literature, but also European
Film reviews, and assistance with having
your works published. We now distribute by
Fidonet technology, four high class e-pubs.
Quality and creativity is our goal, and is
what we offer. This is CentNet's December
Informational Packet for Sysop's and Users.
[9312] QWK-REP Systems are also accepted
CHPRMAIL.ZIP Yes 220661 1/23/1994 An excellent EMAIL package for Novell.
CNT0294.ZIP Yes 6079 2/1/1994
CatNet (TM) QWK Network Application. This
package contains the following files: 1)
Application for a BBS to join the
"CatNet(tm)" mail network. 2) Discriptions
of the conferences carried on the
"CatNet(tm)" Mail Network. 3) Listing of
participating BBSs carrying the "CatNet(tm)"
mail network. Last updated 2-1-94. 4)
Rules & Regulations of the "CatNet(tm)" mail
CRLUNVRS.ZIP Yes 35175 1/24/1994
Cruel Universe" from alt.startrek.creative
Data finds a new girlfriend and then the
trouble really begins.
CS012794.ZIP Yes 10072 1/26/1994
Compuserve local access #'s for 2400, 9600,
and 14,400, as of 1-27-94.
CS_MAC.ZIP Yes 7682 10/5/1993
Seybolt's {COMMO} macro - 10-5-93 Offline
mail reader macro for {COMMO} 5.x. Handles
most popular mail readers. Has many
advanced features. Can be easily modified.
CUD609.ZIP Yes 22202 1/23/1994 Computer Underground Digest #609.
CW_IA_20.ZIP Yes 16096 10/11/1993
IntApp-Intelec Network Application Generator
v2.0 - Complete network information database
with search options for conference, nodelist
and more! Freeware PPE, installs in
CMD.LST. IntApp requires an up to date net
info file. DL IN-yymm.ZIP for network
DHARMA.ZIP Yes 36023 1/10/1994 DharmaNet information-application package.
DRGN0194.ZIP Yes 12225 1/16/1994
DragoNet (01-16-94) SYSOPS: DOWNLOAD THIS
FILE! This is the current DragoNet node
application package! Join an established
and growing Net today! DragoNet is a FIDO
compatible Net with discussions on
programming, space, the sciences, and plenty
more to come!
DRGN1293.ZIP Yes 11424 12/4/1993
current DragoNet node application package!
Join an established and growing Net today!
DragoNet is a FIDO compatible Net with
discussions on programming, space, the
sciences, and plenty more to come!
DVLINK.ZIP Yes 8444 10/30/1993
DVLink,The Delaware Valley
Connection,information file. A *.QWK packet
network designed to link BBS's in the PA-NJ
region with each other, and other regional
systems. Less complicated and restrictive
than other networks, DVLink is actively
recruiting Sysops to participate. We are
also seeking Sysops who are interested in
developing, and moderating their own
conferences. DVLink has the ability to
develop into a premier regional message
network. Read the information enclosed in
this archive, and we believe that you'll
fine DVLink a worthwile addition to your BBS!
EMERGNET.ZIP Yes 8571 11/27/1993 Emergency Network Application.
EMOTIC11.ZIP Yes 16080 12/26/1993
Emoticon TSR Version 1.1 Finally a utility
to keep track of those pesky little
creatures. Use w-your email.
ER_9312.ZIP Yes 304194 12/21/1993
ER-9312 Electronic Review Literary Magazine
>> Combined November-December Issue! << A
hypertext magazine that showcases today's
brightest talents in fiction, poetry, and
artwork. Simply the best!
ER_9402.ZIP Yes 161713 1/30/1994
ER-9402 Electronic Review Literary Magazine
A hypertext magazine that showcases today's
brightest talents in fiction, poetry, and
artwork. Simply the best!
EZPGP100.ZIP Yes 18256 1/26/1994
EZ-PGP v1.00 Use PGP with offline
mailreaders Integrate PGP with your off-line
mail-reader! EZ-PGP is designed to work
with the Bluewave reader, but will work with
any off-line mail reader! Lets you encrypt,
sign, ASCII-armor and post keys, all from
the comfort of your off-line mail-reader!
Simple to use and set up! *FREE* Try it
FD_9311.ZIP Yes 8769 10/31/1993
Friends Network Mail Packet, NOV, 1993 Come
Join The Friendly Network Nodelist,
Conference List, Network Rules Network
Membership Application, News
FIDO337.ZIP Yes 779334 12/9/1993
Current FIDONet Nodelist. For use by thosee
interested in joining FIDONet. In boston
area contact 1:100-0 to be assigned a node
number and also to get all details on
FM110A3.ZIP Yes 148653 10/16/1993 Freemail v1.10a3 Spitfire Fido Mail tosser.
FREQR21.ZIP Yes 78922 12/13/1993
FILE REQUEST REPORTER v2.0 Reads log file
made by FrontDoor (tm) and makes a report of
files sent in response to filerequests. The
report may also be posted as a message. NOW
updates files.bbs download count.
GEDG1219.ZIP Yes 317194 12/18/1993
GoldED 2.42 GAMMA RELEASE. Copyright (C)
Odinn Sorensen 2:234-159. GoldED is a
FidoNet compatible msg reader-editor.
Supports Fido *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish,
Ezycom and now JAM msgbase formats! Lots of
features. DOS, DOS 32-bit protected mode
and OS-2 versions are available.
GEOG1114.ZIP Yes 302345 11/13/1993
GoldED 2.42.G1114 GAMMA RELEASE. Released
November 14, 1993. Copyright (C) 1990-93 by
Odinn Sorensen 2:234-159. GoldED is a
FidoNet compatible msg reader-editor.
Supports Fido *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish
and Ezycom msgbase formats. Lots of
features. DOS, DOS protected mode and OS-2
versions are available.
GEOG1218.ZIP Yes 337640 12/17/1993
GoldED 2.42 GAMMA RELEASE. Copyright (C)
Odinn Sorensen 2:234-159. GoldED is a
FidoNet compatible msg reader-editor.
Supports Fido *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish,
Ezycom and now JAM msgbase formats! Lots of
features. DOS, DOS 32-bit protected mode
and OS-2 versions are available.
GEOG1219.ZIP Yes 319797 12/18/1993
GoldED 2.42 GAMMA RELEASE. Copyright (C)
Odinn Sorensen 2:234-159. GoldED is a
FidoNet compatible msg reader-editor.
Supports Fido *.MSG, Hudson (QBBS), Squish,
Ezycom and now JAM msgbase formats! Lots of
features. DOS, DOS 32-bit protected mode
and OS-2 versions are available.
GLNK1193.ZIP Yes 118985 11/2/1993
[ The Global-Link Network Inc. ]
International Conference & Mail Network
Information & Application Packet Over 400
International Echo Conferences General
Vendor Support Medical Join This Fast
Growing Network Today! Using The .QWK Mail
Bag Format "Make The Connection" 11-01-93
GLP_NET.ZIP Yes 57589 12/28/1993
GLP-Net Information Package Containing the
echolist, application, rules, nodelist, and
menus Now covering ten states and
GMSG402.ZIP Yes 49408 10/16/1993
Latest GenMsgMSG editor-interface for
FidoNet-PGP-Internet. NEW features!
GNREG.ZIP Yes 54065 11/23/1993 GlobalNet Network Info. Package! "THE NET"
HOTLIN93.ZIP Yes 54398 10/28/1993
Government descriptions for getting onto
gov't bbs for environmental protection data.
HRPTV101.ZIP Yes 37169 10/31/1993
Utility for POSTLINK hubs - Node caller logs
and statistics manager - with options v1.01
ILCNF401.ZIP Yes 36831 1/1/1994
Official ILink International Conference List
for January, 1994. All ILink conferences
with descriptions and hosts; also a short
list suitable for a member BBS's bulletin.
ILNK0194.ZIP Yes 99741 12/31/1993
ILink International NetMail Network
information packet for January, 1994:
official membership listings, network map,
and membership application.
ILNK1293.ZIP Yes 52122 11/30/1993
Official ILink International NetMail Network
Membership Lists and Network Map for
December, 1993.
INDEXCIS.ZIP Yes 16297 10/14/1993
This is a listing of all Indexed Topics on
CompuServe as of 10-14-93. Use these with
the G command (G Index for example) Great to
have when you are paying 12.95 an hour and
can't seem to find the SIG you want!
IN_9310.ZIP Yes 52206 9/30/1993
The Intelec Network Information File Oct 93
Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
Covering a Wide Range of Topics From Issues
to Tech Support, Special Interests and more!
184 conferences 307 members 10 Countries
IN_9401.ZIP Yes 40563 12/31/1993
The Intelec Network Information File Jan 94!
Friendly, Professional, Top-Quality Network!
Covering a Wide Range of Topics From Issues
to Tech Support, Special Interests and more!
190 conferences 313 members 11 Countries
IS20.ZIP Yes 7449 1/5/1994
IS.EXE v2.0 File Size Checker! For checking
size of your REP packet. Errorlevel branch-
ing can help ensure you won't BOMB the net!
Freeware utility from Ed Dluzen of Intelec!
KILTOS11.ZIP Yes 52465 12/27/1993
KILLTOSS 1.1 Killtoss v1.1 - Incoming File
Management for Satellite Systems. If you
are a member of Planet Connect or another
Satellite system this will monitor incoming
files, read your tic processor setup &
delete unwanted files when they come across.
KJ_TAGS.ZIP Yes 13530 1/30/1994
My personal collection of about 500 taglines
in .TXT format. Quality, no quantity check
'em out
KM300G.ZIP Yes 134198 10/12/1993
KMAIL v3.00g ** BETA ** level 'g' 10-12-93
PCB 15.0+, TPA interface, Network compatible
HS-Link bi-directional support. Prescanned
mail packets and online help. File services
handy for network hubs. File
locking-sharing for multinode systems.
Overlay structure for low memory usage.
Fully compliant with the new PCB .IDX
format. Attached file support. REQUIRES
PCB 15.0
KOENIG6.ZIP Yes 2311 2/4/1994
Walter (Chekhov) Koenig's unaccepted idea
for the move Star Trek VI,
KWQ12D.ZIP Yes 233967 11/1/1993
KWQ Mail-2, version 1.2d. A 32 bit QWK mail
reader for OS-2 PM. Features advanced
multithreaded searching, taglines, many
archivers, fast access toolbar, colored
"message syntax" text, Adobe fonts, an
internal editor, PM, OS-2, DOS or Win3.X
external editors, bookmarks, unlimitted
packet size and more.
LAKENET1.ZIP Yes 6672 1/27/1994
LakeNet Information Package as of : February
1,1994 - Join this friendly net !
LCPN1293.ZIP Yes 2760 12/18/1993 Lawson Christian Prayer Network, Dec 93
LDS0194.ZIP Yes 15013 12/28/1993
Application for the LDS_Net mail system At
last! A netmail strictly for members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
(the Mormons). Includes many
church-specific conferences. This system is
one of a kind that you will find anywhere!
Join up today!
LEAPTRK1.ZIP Yes 33536 2/10/1994
"Leap Trek" a Quantum Leap - Next Generation
cross-over story from alt.startrek.creative
LEAPTRK2.ZIP Yes 57025 2/10/1994
"Leap Trek II" Sam & Al's adventure in the
24th Cent. continues
LEAPTRK3.ZIP Yes 25004 2/11/1994
"Leap of Faith" from alt.startrek.creative
Dr. Beckett's continuing adventures aboard
the Enterprise
LHL23US.ZIP Yes 248866 11/14/1993
LHL, a full color off-line reader 100%
compatible QWK and BlueWave, multilingual,
easy installation, full mouse support,
intuitive and more more more
LN0194.ZIP Yes 14809 1/13/1994
Join the LAREM Network today! New info
packet for LAREM NET. Unusual confs! QWK
or FIDO style message handling! Check it
LN1193.ZIP Yes 3377 11/1/1993
Attention Sysops Fun network! LostNet is
looking for sysops to carry this net devoted
only to having fun. No lengthy application
procedures. Virtually no rules or red tape.
First come, first served. Quick and easy
approval if you run a 24Hr-day BBS and can
handle .QWK or FIDO based E-Mail. Check it
out. What have you got to lose?
LNXJAN94.ZIP Yes 23452 1/30/1994
Lastest FAQ file for LINUX 1.03 from
Compuserve. FAQ file date: January 1994.
LOST0194.ZIP Yes 3374 1/4/1994
[] Attention Sysops [] Fun network! []
LostNet is looking for sysops to carry this
net devoted only to having fun. No lengthy
application procedures. Virtually no rules
or red tape. First come, first served.
Quick and easy approval if you run a
24Hr-day BBS and can handle .QWK or FIDO
based E-Mail. Check it out. What have you
got to lose?
MAILBOX.ZIP Yes 108754 2/12/1994
Log on E-Mail system. Users can read and
reply to E-Mail during LOGON, before they
reach the BBS. Features "Junk Mail" to send
mail to all users by levels (for GAP BBS
only). From The Brainex System 310-275-2344
MNLK103.ZIP Yes 8111 10/20/1993
MainLink Mail Network Informational and How
To Get Started File for MainLink Mail
Network. MainLink is looking for new nodes
and hubs all over the country. MainLink is
one of the easiest network to join. Please
download this file and join today! MainLink
Mail Network
MORLSWAR.ZIP Yes 68291 2/5/1994
"The Morals of War" story set on the new
Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, alt.startrek.creative
MRDUP15.ZIP Yes 21084 11/14/1993
** MR. Dup ** by Nor'Easter Software.
Searches through Tagline Files and removes
all Duplicates. Will see similar taglines
even with different punctuation! Version 1.5
MTN1193.ZIP Yes 4780 10/14/1993
Application for the Mountain Net mail
system. A netmail system specifically for
BBS systems in the Mountain States. Finally
a system that caters to those for a specific
need and has the feel of the local
population! We need more BBS systems in
these areas to join now! Must be QWK-REP
NDRPT104.ZIP Yes 25240 10/16/1993
Nodelist Reporting util for Nets by
Zone-Region w-total counts of each. Fidonet.
NETCHK10.ZIP Yes 38982 12/27/1993
Hubs, close Nodes at specified times for Net
Mail Runs. Set up the times you want to
have Nodes call in for mail. Set up the
nodes you want to shut down for just mail
runs. Set up to 9 different Security levels
for Nodes calling.
NFILE13C.ZIP Yes 21362 11/6/1993
Newfiles version 1.3C Compares two file
listings from two QWK packets and checks
which files are duplicates and which files
are the true NEW files. More!
NIN_NET.ZIP Yes 7478 1/16/1994
New, fun network. Info pkg for NinnyNet.
This is a new, small, fun and friendly net.
Give us a call! We are located in
Rochester, NH.
NNV13N5.ZIP Yes 76012 2/6/1994 Neural Nets Digest Vol 13 No. 5
NWL_9401.ZIP Yes 12954 1/10/1994
Introducing NorthWest Link! A small general
topic E-mail network serving the Pacific
NorthWest and beyond. Supports .QWK packet
mail transfers. Come join this network
created specifically for us in the great
Pacific NorthWest.
OLX152.ZIP Yes 159349 1/10/1994 Patch for OLX from 1.5? to 1.52
OMNI0194.ZIP Yes 10394 12/29/1993
OMNILINK Network OmniLink is a QWK Mail
packet net- work specialing in fun and theme
type conferences. This Zip file contains
everything you need to get started in the
O_QWK11.ZIP Yes 92499 12/30/1993 O_QWK v1.1 - QWK mail door for Opus 1.7
PBNET1.ZIP Yes 17769 12/18/1993
Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists
P&BNet is a fast-growing network for writers
and artists. We feature direct feeds from
publishers and news items from galleries.
We are using .QWK packets, FIDO, and
Postlink to satisfy all network
participation requirements.
PBPOST.ZIP Yes 21984 11/27/1993
Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists
P&BNet is a fast-growing network for writers
and artists. We feature direct feeds from
publishers and news items from galleries.
We are using regular .QWK packets AND
Postlink to satisfy all network
participation requirements.
PCGNET11.ZIP Yes 30009 11/10/1993
The Professional CAD & Graphics Network
Application Information PCGnet is a
professional and friendly CAD and Graphics
based network seeking nodes with active and
mature user bases. PCGnet specializes in
Design, Drafting, Engineering, 2D & 3D
Modeling, Multimedia Systems, Raster
Imaging, Raytracing, 3D Rendering and
PEGALO.ZIP Yes 9876 10/13/1993
PEGA-LO Network - The Network of Access
PEGA-LO is the network devoted to the
concept of the public's access to
information. This network is for Public,
Educational and Government Access as well as
Local Origination programmers and the people
who who watch and listen to the programs.
Postlink is the supported networking
software. (v1.1 10-13-93)
PEN_9312.ZIP Yes 13265 12/5/1993
Planet Earth Network! 12-93 Important
Issues of the 90's!! No fees! We have many
Regional Hubs ready for swift approval
within 24 hrs! Check out the Planet Earth
Network today and help in our fight for a
better world future! The PEN is mightier
than the sword
PEN_9401.ZIP Yes 28711 1/1/1994
Planet Earth Network! 01-94 Join one of the
fastest growing International Networks! PEN
actively covers topics ranging from
environmental to inner city issues. PEN is
also available through Planet Connect
Satellite feed. Swift approval within 24
PMNETNFO.ZIP Yes 15005 10/24/1993
Information on joining Paradigm Matrix, a
freedom of speech network geared towards the
free of mind and free of tongue.
PMPOP10.ZIP Yes 50177 11/24/1993
POP gateway for PMail - email transfer
PNJOIN40.ZIP Yes 47041 11/26/1993 PIONEER NET INTERNATIONAL! Information Pack
POINT176.ZIP Yes 175340 1/2/1994
PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic
Setup and Maintenance. Automatically
accepts and sets up new areas. Simple to
use. Sets up and interfaces transparently
with Binkley. 4d or FakeNet addressing.
Efficient message database system. Optional
Modules available for QWK or LAN Support.
By the author of OFFLINE, Harvey Parisien.
PRONET.ZIP Yes 7093 10/20/1993
Sysops: Info about joining ProNet, the
Professional Photographers Network
PSRT_11B.ZIP Yes 112318 12/16/1993
PacketSorter v1.1b (bug fixed version)
Defragments FidoNet mail packets. Can split
large messages according to FSC-0047. Speed
up message base tossing up to five times
with Squish. Runs with OS-2 2.x and DOS.
QBASE12A.ZIP Yes 33028 1/1/1994
QWKBase v1.2a:Is an-add on program that
turns your "one packet at time" offline mail
reader into a database reader. Quick and
easy set up. Configure each conference to
accept mail only from you, to you, or all.
Just replace PKUNZIP with SWAP:QWKBASE in
the packers menu of SLMR and OLX. Requires
SLMR-OLX. Archive also contains the latest
catalog of Blueview programs. Join Blueview
Software's uploading team! Read UPLOAD.TXT
QF_102.ZIP Yes 564368 11/2/1993
Wide-area beta release of QFront v1.02b.
You MUST already have QFront v1.01b running
before installing this update.
QMSCRIPT.ZIP Yes 2166 1/20/1994
Contains modified QWKMAIL.RS script (renamed
to QMAIL.RS) for RoboComm; implements the D
CONFS command to get the full CONTROL.DAT
when downloading from QMail. It uploads a
REP packet AFTER downloading the QWK packet
QNODE202.ZIP Yes 92473 10/9/1993
Latest QNODE nodelist processor. Can use
EMS if you have it. Also MNP. For FidoNet.
QNODX202.ZIP Yes 198213 10/9/1993
DPMI version. Requires an 80286 w- 2Megs of
ram. QNode v2.02 For FidoNet
QQL121.ZIP Yes 45019 10/29/1993
QQLink v1.21, Improved Reply Linker for
Squish - for FidoNet.
QWKBASE.ZIP Yes 28220 11/8/1993
QWKBase v1.0: Is an add on product that
turns your "one packet at time" offline mail
reader into a database reader. Quick and
easy set up. Just replace PKUNZIP with
SWAP:QWKBASE in the packers menu of SLMR and
OLX. Requires SLMR-OLX. Archive also
contains the latest catalog of Blueview
programs. Speacial offer for programmers!
QWKSTF12.ZIP Yes 14463 1/3/1994
** QWKSTF ** by Nor'Easter Software.
Searches directory for REP-QWK packets and
notifies you that they need to be read or
sent. Version 1.20
QWKSTF_1.ZIP Yes 13892 12/30/1993
** QWKSTF ** by Nor'Easter Software.
Searches directory for REP-QWK packets and
notifies you that they need to be read or
sent. Version 1.0
RIP_NET.ZIP Yes 12075 12/26/1993
Latest RIP-Net (echos) info packet.
Contains Nodelist-Nodediff-Application.
ROBOM13U.ZIP Yes 522231 2/12/1994
ROBOMAIL QWK Reader version 1.3 Upgrade Kit
Use this file to upgrade from any previous
RoboMail version to the new, protected mode
version 1.3. Requires a 286 and 1.5 megs
RAM See the enclosed README.1ST for
installation instructions.
ROBOT600.ZIP Yes 26348 10/24/1993
Harvey's Robot allows you to produce
incoming or outgoing 4d PACKETS. Any format
message systems can use this system, since
it writes to in-outbound packets directly.
The system's message database format does
not matter.
RP100.ZIP Yes 223959 12/25/1993
The Prime External Request Processor v1.00
for Frontdoor 2.11.sw+ and Frontdoor
2.20a.ml. Offers request limits depending
the requesting system, time, baudrate and
day of the week. Request limits per session
and per timeslot (ie, per day). Variate the
list of requestable files depending the
requesting system, time, baudrate, day of
the week, secure-unsure sessions and for
unlisted nodes! Password protected files
only for specific nodes, or during certain
time slots. Easy "about" requesting.
Attach messages if people request certain
files or files from certain directory's.
Userdefinable response messages with a
powerful (multilanguage)
RSAAPP22.ZIP Yes 31044 10/15/1993
the official RsaNET application form
generator. V2.2 Fully menu driven, and in
FULL colour Download this TODAY if you want
to join RsaNET - The greatest network since
. Please upload your application form to
NetLINE Flagship BBS as a Message !! RsaNET
- The fastest growing NET in S.A !
RVNSROAR.ZIP Yes 54704 2/4/1994
"The Raven's Roar" from
alt.startrek.creative sequel to "the Morals
of War" on NCC-1701B
SCRSUM.ZIP Yes 8980 1/20/1994
Summaries of OzCIS Script Language Commands
& Variables (interim reference material);
SEEKNET.ZIP Yes 62315 1/17/1994
SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network
January 94 packet - Professional Quality
Mail Net, compatible with both .qwk & Front-
End type mail transfers. Designed with BOTH
the User and Sysop in mind. We have bridged
the gap between professional and friendly.
Consumer Reports, SeekNet(tm) Shareware
Review, & more. Our conferences are Unique,
Fun, and Informational! Over 100 QUALITY
Nodes from Canada to Australia and Growing
all the time! Find out Why! Run the
program Seeknet.exe for details. You can be
Networked with us in 48 hours!
SEEKNT11.ZIP Yes 65549 11/3/1993
November 1993 Information Packet
S.E.E.K.N.E.T.! Is a Professional Quality
International Mail Net, compatible with both
.qwk & Front-End type mail transfers.
Designed with BOTH the User and Sysop in
mind, We bridge the gap between professional
and friendly. What good is national mail if
few participate in it. Our conferences are
Unique, Fun, and Informational! Over 100
QUALITY Nodes from Canada to Australia and
Growing all the time! Find out Why! Run
the program Seeknet.exe for details. You
can be Networked with us in 48 hours!
SEX21093.ZIP Yes 9478 10/19/1993
= *> WBS Presents <* = SEXnet-2 information
package for 10-93 Includes: Application,
Nodelist, GuideLines, Conference Listings.
a NEW .QWK format based network. looking
for DP's, HUBS, and nodes; plus gates to
other formats! Join this new ADULTS ONLY!
network today and grow with us! call MEO at
215-921-8836 for more info.
SKILL320.ZIP Yes 45506 11/11/1993
SPOTKILL Version 3.20 from HOTware. A
utility to browse a message area and
automatically delete or mark bagged messages
by Sender Name, Reciever Name, or Subject.
SPOTKILL can delete messages that have been
Recieved, Bagged, Either, Incoming, Received
Incoming, or ALL. Version 3.20 gives the
ability to EXCLUDE message areas when doing
GLOBAL processing of message areas.
SNAGTAG3.ZIP Yes 27697 10/24/1993
SnagTag Plus V3.00 - The premium tagline
snagger for the 1st Reader offline mail
program. Snag tags from any message, edit
them and add them to your collection as you
read messages; they'll be immediately
available for use in your replies. Includes
sound (MME) support for Sound Blaster cards
and much more. Easy to install and use!
SNET1293.ZIP Yes 29139 12/29/1993
An independent network for the support of
all peoples. Discussion of Paranormal, and
Spiritual experiences, with a theme of each
person SEARCHing for his individual PATH, or
reason for living. Includes discussion of
UFOs, Conspiracies, World News, Channels and
Earth Changes. Tolerance is Mandatory.
Some Internet Usenet Groups optional.
SRN1193.ZIP Yes 6251 11/7/1993
-=SRNet - Sanctified Revolutions Mail
-=Network Application, join a small but
-=growing network today! Latest Node -=List
SRNETAPP.ZIP Yes 5194 10/9/1993
SRNet - Sanctified Revolutions Mail Network
Application, join a small but growing
network today! No fee's.
SX500DOC.ZIP Yes 43631 10/29/1993
Silver Xpress QWK-OPX Offline Mail System
Documentation. From Santtronics Software.
SXR400.ZIP Yes 363866 10/30/1993
Silver Xpress QWK-OPX Mail Reader 4.00 from
Santronics Software. Now in 6th year!
Fido, Internet, Fax, Forms Processing,
Speech Friendly Interface, much more! Toll
Free Technical Support. Fully featured
Shareware Version.
TAGLX330.ZIP Yes 219263 12/9/1993
TAG LINE XPRESS v3.30 Tagline Manager
for offline mail readers. Offers UNLIMITED
taglines; installs automatically into most
mail readers; has a built in quote enhancer;
and even suggests taglines based on your
message. Minor update adds RoboMail
support, and doubles maintenance speed! TLX
is fully functional shareware
TRADENT1.ZIP Yes 11189 10/6/1993 TradeNet EchoMail Application Package Fido
TRANX05.ZIP Yes 24961 12/19/1993 Set clock from remote - Binkley-FD log.
TWC93DEC.ZIP Yes 6005 12/20/1993 Wine Cellar Cleveland Area BBS List - Dec'93.
TWITIT05.ZIP Yes 12227 12/28/1993
Version 05 of TWIT_IT. Utility for RoboMail
Adds the ability to twit out a subject
globally or by a specific board. Plus a
nifty OS-2 icon!
TXTBCS12.ZIP Yes 34899 10/14/1993
TXTBCST v1.2 - This utility creates a REP
packet out of any text file. Version 1.2
adds a broast feature. s utility is gat for
Product Anouncements, BBSde Lists, Mrator
Rule msages and BBS-Ads.
TXTBCST.ZIP Yes 33165 10/11/1993
This utility takes a standard text file and
converts it to a REP packet.Text longer than
75 lines get broken into multiple messages.
ULAN_111.ZIP Yes 25443 11/15/1993 Ultimate Log Analyzer v1.11 for FrontDoor.
UNI107CD.ZIP Yes 16733 12/31/1993
Conference descriptions for U'NI-net,
including host information. Updated
monthly. Latest: Accurate to 12-31-93.
UNI168.ZIP Yes 43265 10/1/1993
Information on the U'NI-net International
echomail network. Dossier, Application and
node listing. accepting applications from
BBS systems compatible with the .QWK-.REP
mail method.
UNPOS220.ZIP Yes 121314 10/14/1993
UNPOST v2.0.3 - a "smart" uudecoder for
extracting binary files from multi-segmented
USENET or email uuencoded binaries. Can use
w-DOS, OS-2, MS Windows, Unix systems.
UPC12BAD.ZIP Yes 357759 10/4/1993
UUPC-extended 1.12b. Formatted
documentation files for UUPC-extended.
Includes samples.
UPC2N2.ZIP Yes 273514 10/4/1993 UUCP-Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package 2
UPC2N3.ZIP Yes 86555 10/4/1993 UUCP-Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package 2
UPC2S1.ZIP Yes 472842 10/4/1993
Build UUCP-Extended from Source files
completes the UPC12 files 1-2 source files
UPC2S2.ZIP Yes 53579 10/4/1993
UUCP-Extended 1.12b - Email & News Package
VRET1193.ZIP Yes 9956 11/25/1993
Information on how to join the brand new
VRETNET This net is for any BBS systems
intrested in Virtual Reality and New
Technologies. A specific net to meet
specific needs! We need members! Join now!
Regional and State Hubs Needed. FIDO Info
Now Included
WINNET.ZIP Yes 4599 1/29/1994
Information about WinNet a windows based
WMOS20A1.ZIP Yes 250712 2/19/1994
The latest and greatest version of NCSA's
Mosaic for Windows v2.0 Alpha 1. This is a
great front end for using the Internet. You
need to "be a node" on the net. 2-18-94
WR10A.ZIP Yes 409223 11/21/1993
Wave Rider v1.0QWK mail reader 1-2 for
Windows 3.1
WR10B.ZIP Yes 298497 11/20/1993 Wave Rider v1.0bQWK mail reader 2-2
WRITEJAM.ZIP Yes 47722 12/20/1993
The write-to-jam C function, Dec 1993 An
example of a function to write to the
JAM(mbp) (the message base format by Joaquim
Homrighausen, Andrew Milner, Mats Birch, and
Mats Wallin). This message base is in use
with many BBS's and this sample code is
meant primarily for door authors needing a
hand in writing JAM messages. Includes JAM
library for MSC & Borland C compilers. By
Michael Lecuyer Fidonet 1:2600-140, Internet
YARN_055.ZIP Yes 187421 1/29/1994
YARN v.55, SOUP-compatible offline reader
w-database. for USENET
ZNR092W.ZIP Yes 164406 12/25/1993
ZipNews local-remote newsreader;PCBoard
BBSs+ Wildcat!, Waffle, and others. BETA
v0.92w. A threaded Usenet news-reader &
companion to the ZipNews Door (DOS) & uqwk
v1.7 (on Unix hosts). Select
newsgroups-maintain pointers via upload to
the door. Also a LOCAL reader & mailer for
sysops using the ZipNews door. Registered
version is a mailer for uploading Internet
E-mail and your own news postings to the
ZipNews Door or uqwk. Reg. Cost: $19.95.