AMOS v1.11 Suggestions Sheet ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Thank you for supporting AMOS. I need your suggestions to improve AMOS beyond what it is today, and this is what you pay for. Tell me what you think AMOS needs! Yours, Allan Mertner ============================================================================== Software Information: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Current AMOS version : _____________________________________________ Suggestion: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I think the next version of AMOS should feature : (Feel free to expand this space as required) Please make your suggestions as specific as possible, as to avoid misunderstandings. Registration Information: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Are you a registered user of AMOS? [ ] Yes [ ] No Please fill out the next few lines too; This is so I can contact you for more information should I have forgotten a vital question in this file. Thanks you. Full Name : ________________________________________________ Network Adress(es) : ________________________________________________ BBS Phone Number : ________________________________________________ BBS Open Hours : ________________________________________________ BBS Modem Flags : ________________________________________________ Send To: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Allan Mertner Enghavevej 20A, 2tv DK-1674 Copenhagen V Denmark I can be contacted through the following networks and node numbers: FidoNet : 2:234/107 2:234/156 2:234/157 2:234/158 OS2Net : 81:445/14 CryptoNet : 70:450/0 CompuServe : 100327,2035 AMOS registration ID : 1808 Rainbow BBS: BBS Line 1 : +45-3325-7322 (ZyXEL 19k2 / v32bis) BBS Line 2 : +45-3325-7321 (v32bis) BBS Line 3 : +45-3325-7320 (HST 16k8 / v22bis) BBS Line 4 : +45-3325-7319 (ZyXEL 19k2 / v32bis) Again, THANK YOU for sending in this file. With your support AMOS will be a better and more reliable product in the future!