Guidelines Example 001. Guidelines Tech Support 26jan94 This example is released to demonstrate one or more techniques. No warranties expressed or implied. (c) JBA 1994 - adapted from code by Greg Jones [JBA]. Multiple Child Windows under Guidelines --------------------------------------- The accompanying file, CHILDX.GUI is a simple example of a way to construct multiple modeless child windows within a frame, giving a similar appearance to an MDI application. It is compatible with Guidelines V2.0G and later. There are only really three JOT rountines behind this, the Frame Create() and Size() methods do the work, and the "Arrange" menu click event handler which simply calls the Size() method. The JOT code is shown below: VOID Frame1.Create () ; Load the child windows Child1.Load (NullWindow) Child2.Load (NullWindow) Child3.Load (NullWindow) ; Set their parent to Frame1 so they are clipped to it Child1.Parent = Frame1 Child2.Parent = Frame1 Child3.Parent = Frame1 ; Activate them Child2.Activate () Child3.Activate () Child1.Activate () ; activated last so it has active title. ; Cause them to be resized Frame1.Size () end VOID Frame1.Size () LONG x, y, cx, cy Frame1.GetClientRect (x, y, cx, cy) ; Child 1 takes up the top half of the client if Child1 then Child1.XPos = 0 Child1.YPos = cy / 2 Child1.Height = cy / 2 Child1.Width = cx endif ; Child 2 takes up the left half of the bottom half of the client if Child2 then Child2.XPos = 0 Child2.YPos = 0 Child2.Height = cy / 2 Child2.Width = cx / 2 endif ; Child 3 takes up the right half of the bottom half of the client if Child3 then Child3.XPos = cx / 2 Child3.YPos = 0 Child3.Height = cy / 2 Child3.Width = cx / 2 endif end VOID Frame1.MenuItem4.Click () Frame1.Size() end Please address any questions regarding either this sample, or the Guidelines product in general to: Jon Wright - Guidelines Tech Support CompuServe 100316,3353 Internet Preferably these should be posted in Section 1 of the OS2AVEN forum, although direct email is accepted.