Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
21APARS.ZIP | No | 19536 | 12/10/1993 | Os-2 a readable list of apars fixed in 2.1 |
21COMM.ZIP | Yes | 19972 | 2/8/1994 | updated serial device drivers for OS-2 |
21INSTL.ZIP | Yes | 73931 | 10/19/1993 | Supplement for installing OS-2 2.1 on a stacker drive |
21SPAPAR.ZIP | Yes | 19960 | 12/12/1993 | List of bugs fixed in the upcoming OS-2 2.1 patch from IBM. |
32DUDF12.ZIP | Yes | 51143 | 12/31/1993 | 32 bit du and df (unix disk commands) ported to OS-2 version 1.11 |
8514SMAL.ZIP | Yes | 205416 | 11/17/1993 | Gives you small fonts in 8514 video mode in the OS-2 PM |
9LIVE121.ZIP | Yes | 72591 | 1/29/1994 | Multiple Desktop expander for OS-2 PM |
AFE20.ZIP | Yes | 295261 | 10/14/1993 | AFE version 2.0 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS-2 2.1 PM archive utility program which provides a visual front end for the creation, updating, unarchiving, virus scanning, viewing and printing of ZIP, LZH, and ZOO files. Now supports multiple sessions. Shareware $19.50 Author: H.M. Weiner |
AFE22.ZIP | Yes | 365299 | 1/14/1994 | AFE version 2.2 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS-2 2.1 PM archive utility program which provides a visual front end for the creation, updating, unarchiving, virus scanning, viewing and printing of ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files. Shareware $19.50 Author: H.M. Weiner |
AMIOS2.ZIP | Yes | 25324 | 11/22/1993 | AMI0OS2.ADD Series 15-44-441-48-70 Adapter Driver for OS-2. |
AMOS111.ZIP | Yes | 80651 | 1/27/1994 | A M O S v1.11 AMOS is a DOS-program for OS-2 users! It gives easy access to HPFS-formatted drives from native DOS. It will read, write, copy, edit, del, md, rd, type, and much, much more No need for an OS-2 Service installation anymore!! Release date: 27th January 1994 A -=> You wish to install a patch for OS-2. M -=> You have made an error in OS-2's O CONFIG.SYS No more "Please correct S the error and restart the system". A -=> You accidentialy deleted an important M HPFS-partition using FDISK. O -=> Something has gone terribly wrong, S and you simply cannot make OS-2 boot. A -=> You simply want to play the newest M game which will not run under OS-2. O Use AMOS |
ANIPAL.ZIP | Yes | 16041 | 11/1/1993 | PM application cycles through a 250 color palette, cool effect, for OS-2 |
ARCADIA.ZIP | Yes | 557968 | 12/8/1993 | OS-2 PIM |
ATRGF30.ZIP | Yes | 33799 | 11/17/1993 | Run commands at specific dates & times OS-2 |
BACKWP13.ZIP | Yes | 27509 | 2/5/1994 | New version 1.3 of WorkPlaseShell backup program for OS-2 |
BACK_WPS.ZIP | Yes | 26063 | 1/29/1994 | Program to backup and restore OS-2 desktop |
BAR1.ZIP | Yes | 30242 | 1/28/1994 | BaR is a PM-based front end for OS-2's backup and restore text-based programs. Version 1.0. Needs VROBJ.DLL 1.02 (not included). |
BARTOS2.ZIP | Yes | 12605 | 1/29/1994 | BMP of Bart Simpsons opinions on OS-2 |
BASH_112.ZIP | Yes | 1370309 | 12/6/1993 | Version of the BASH shell for use in OS-2 with CMD.EXE |
BIBDAYO1.ZIP | Yes | 73477 | 11/18/1993 | BIBDAY-2 for OS-2 v1.00 Bible Verse fo the Day Program |
BIGBEN2.ZIP | Yes | 81682 | 12/15/1993 | Os2 hourly chime of big ben sound. |
BIPROB.ZIP | Yes | 33151 | 10/30/1993 | OS-2) Binomial probability calculator. |
BLANK13A.ZIP | Yes | 40483 | 11/22/1993 | Screen Blanker for OS-2 2.x Nice. |
BLANKER5.ZIP | Yes | 31093 | 10/14/1993 | Screen blanker for OS-2. |
BLIST10.ZIP | Yes | 18245 | 12/11/1993 | BBSLIST VERSION 1.0 - (12-93) An OS-2 program to create an ASCII and ANSI BBS list using the FIDONET Nodelist as its Input. Extracts a single "Host" or "Hub" to create a BBSLIST for welcome screens, logoff screens or bulletins. |
BLOOMICO.ZIP | Yes | 8598 | 1/29/1994 | 256 color OS-2 Bloom County Icons |
BMDEMO1C.ZIP | Yes | 207275 | 12/7/1993 | BackMaster for OS-2. This is a demo version of BackMaster 1.01 or OS-2. It is limited to a 5 MB volume, and no compression. |
BMPGIF2.ZIP | Yes | 11421 | 10/31/1993 | OS-2) Command line BMP to GIF converter. |
BMR_200.ZIP | Yes | 31775 | 11/19/1993 | An OS-2 PM Netware utility that manages those annoying "popup" line messages. Sends them too! v2.0 supports multiple servers, auto-refresh of user lists and much, much more. |
BOULDERD.ZIP | Yes | 185643 | 12/17/1993 | Boulder Dash for OS-2 (Fullscreen OS-2 program). Requires GI.ZIP. |
BOXOS2_6.ZIP | Yes | 403877 | 1/4/1994 | BOXER-OS2 v6 Powerful, top-rated text editor! Already a favorite of DOS users, BOXER is now available for OS-2! BOXER is a full-featured editor with a smooth, courteous interface. Color Syntax Highlighting, multi-level Undo and Redo, full mouse support, macros, column marking, WP, keyboard reconfig, & much more! This 32-bit character mode program uses OS-2 virtual memory to edit large files, and has support for HPFS filenames. From David Hamel. |
BSYS098B.ZIP | Yes | 155729 | 12/21/1993 | Bits and Bytes BBS System for OS-2. Beta version |
BUSLOG.ZIP | Yes | 21984 | 11/12/1993 | BusLogic SCSI Adapter Driver v1.12 for OS-2 v2.x - works on 4 BT xxx adapters. |
BW212OS2.ZIP | Yes | 323475 | 1/20/1994 | Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader v2.12 for OS-2 |
BW300MX2.ZIP | Yes | 380190 | 12/8/1993 | The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door for Maximus-2 v3.00. This version of the mail door is compatible with Maximus v2.00 and v2.01wb for OS-2. You must be running OS-2 v2.0 or higher, as this is a 32-bit program. Contains massive amounts of features, including internal protocols, new msg packing options, more limits and controls for the sysop, and internal NEWFILE list generator. There is a simple conversion process to upgrade from the DOS version of the door for Maximus. Installs from scratch in MINUTES! |
BWP4_5.ZIP | Yes | 54259 | 11/27/1993 | Os-2 bakupwiz upgrade patch from 1.04 to 1.0. |
CDAUDIO.ZIP | Yes | 14091 | 12/14/1993 | A Compact Disc Audio Player Application The programs only requirements, besides a CD-ROM drive capable of audio playback of music discs, is OS-2 2.x and PM. This program does NOT require the Multi Media PM2 to be installed. The program sends IOCTLs to the CD-ROM device driver, both OS-2 2.0 and OS-2 2.1 drivers will work with this application. CDAUDIO.EXE will NOT stop playback if the program is closed. |
CE200.ZIP | Yes | 252605 | 12/16/1993 | XIRCOM Creditcard Ethernet Adapter release 2.0 NDIS drivers (from Compuserve). Requires FLASH ROM upgrade to 2.13 Rev. E (see CEF213.ZIP) |
CEDIT10.ZIP | Yes | 63312 | 1/23/1994 | Norton editor compatible text editor for OS-2 |
CENVI2.ZIP | Yes | 246987 | 1/16/1994 | Cenvi Programming Library for OS-2 2.1 Shareware Version |
CHGW.ZIP | Yes | 10934 | 1/10/1994 | Toggle an OS-2 Text Window between 24 and 53 line mode. |
CLISP.ZIP | Yes | 1218731 | 10/19/1993 | Common LISP - OS-2 LISP Interpreter Run it as LISP -M LISPINIT.MEM to see all the options. |
CLOCK201.ZIP | Yes | 126500 | 10/12/1993 | PM Clock 2.01. A simple PM clock application written in 32-bit GNU C Includes a few features you wouldn't expect of a simple clock. Freeware. Src incl. For OS-2 ? |
CMDFLDR.ZIP | Yes | 43099 | 1/1/1994 | Adds an OS-2 command box to every folder |
COMINF.ZIP | Yes | 115247 | 1/10/1994 | Information on com ports under OS-2. Hints, tips, supported configurations. |
COMSYS.ZIP | Yes | 22206 | 10/13/1993 | Updated OS-2 Com.sys VCom.sys drivers with PCMCIA support |
CONFCOPY.ZIP | Yes | 3078 | 1/10/1994 | Config.SYS backup program for OS-2 keeps up to 1000 different copies |
CPOSTSRC.ZIP | Yes | 47435 | 2/6/1994 | Typset C programs in postscript for OS-2 |
CPYOS2TX.ZIP | Yes | 2427 | 10/29/1993 | How to copy OS-2 and applications from one computer to another using LinkRight |
CS0054_2.ZIP | Yes | 1360167 | 12/19/1993 | 32-bit OS-2 2.1 PM Squish message editor (beta). Very nice interface. Non-backbone support echo SQED32. |
CSED11.ZIP | Yes | 74525 | 10/2/1993 | System Config Editor version 1.1; Notebook of settings for the OS-2 startup files. Simplifies the editing of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. |
CSHELL.ZIP | Yes | 43550 | 12/2/1993 | Text mode shell for OS-2. Replaces the PM shell and allows operation of full screen DOS and OS-2 programs. Takes less memory and disk space and can be used on laptops with less memory. |
CUTV10.ZIP | Yes | 289759 | 12/27/1993 | OS-2 PM Utility saves sections of ASCII Text to user defined categories |
DCLOCK11.ZIP | Yes | 25198 | 12/30/1993 | PM based digital clock |
DCOPYPM6.ZIP | Yes | 144980 | 10/30/1993 | DCOPY PM 6 - OS-2 PM File Manager |
DE100.ZIP | Yes | 35060 | 1/19/1994 | Detect & Execute allows you to detect whether an application is running (exists in the PID list) or dead, If not found, DE will start it over again. For OS-2 |
DELTREE2.ZIP | Yes | 21728 | 11/7/1993 | OS-2) Delete an entire directory tree, like MS-DOS deltree. |
DIGIBOS2.ZIP | Yes | 178661 | 12/29/1993 | DIGIBOARD drivers for OS-2 2.x |
DMINE120.ZIP | Yes | 93187 | 10/5/1993 | MineSweeper Game for OS-2 |
DMPLAY92.ZIP | Yes | 71065 | 1/23/1994 | Native OS-2mod player for MMPM-2 in OS-2 |
DOCSBOOT.ZIP | Yes | 34562 | 1/31/1994 | Replacement for OS-2's bootmanager |
DSIZ12.ZIP | Yes | 14934 | 1/15/1994 | DSize 1.2 for OS-2 - 32-bit utility lists sub-directories with file counts and sizes on one or more drives. With short text file of documentation. This version fixes a bug with very large disks. |
DSN3GI.ZIP | Yes | 119467 | 10/20/1993 | Developer Support News. OS-2 INF format. |
DSN3IA.ZIP | Yes | 48720 | 12/15/1993 | IBM OS-2 Developer Support News 12-15-93 ASCII version |
DWNSRS59.ZIP | Yes | 104727 | 12/19/1993 | Maximus download file SORT and LIST v5.9 source for OS-2 |
EDMI1_5A.ZIP | Yes | 223930 | 10/6/1993 | OS-2 Programmer's Mag. Vol. 5 |
EDMI2_1.ZIP | Yes | 416668 | 1/11/1994 | OS-2 Programmer's Mag 1.11.94 |
EMXFIX01.ZIP | Yes | 235100 | 12/21/1993 | Fix package #1 for emx 0.8h |
EMXRTN.ZIP | Yes | 152674 | 1/17/1994 | Bug fixed version of emxrt for OS-2 |
EPMGCC10.ZIP | Yes | 36944 | 2/8/1994 | EMX-GCC interface to EPM 5.1 for OS-2 |
EXCAL.ZIP | Yes | 287451 | 1/21/1994 | OS-2 PM Calender Program keeps track of daily activities. The calendar allows you to view months at a glance and to schedule events for one or more days. |
FAQ21D.ZIP | Yes | 229639 | 11/22/1993 | OS-2 Frequently Asked Questions List by Timot. |
FC2_016.ZIP | Yes | 100719 | 10/13/1993 | OS-2) File Commander-2 v0.16, Norton Commander clone. |
FIESTA94.ZIP | Yes | 1046002 | 1/5/1994 | AV files of the ads IBM ran during the IBM OS-2 Fiesta Bowl |
FILBAR11.ZIP | Yes | 70760 | 1/25/1994 | File Bar v1.1 A file bar across the top of your OS-2 PM screen |
FILEB_14.ZIP | Yes | 132398 | 2/12/1994 | Filebar v1.4 for OS-2. Puts a menubar across the top of a PM screen |
FM2_115.ZIP | Yes | 257236 | 12/28/1993 | PM based file manager with many features for OS-2. Version 1.15 |
FM2_121.ZIP | Yes | 276366 | 1/29/1994 | File Manager-2 for OS-2. A PM based feature rich file manager |
FM2_124.ZIP | Yes | 292803 | 2/9/1994 | File Manager-2 v1.24 for OS-2 |
FMBETA6.ZIP | Yes | 277105 | 10/18/1993 | * File Manager to replace-augment "Drives" v0.99. - "Super Drives object" to replace or use with your WPS. Near-final Beta. OS-2 |
FORTH037.ZIP | Yes | 79460 | 11/14/1993 | Forth-2 - fully 32-bit native Forth for OS-2 2.x. Created using MASM 6.0 |
FORTH038.ZIP | Yes | 81872 | 1/20/1994 | Forth-2 - OS-2 Full Screen Text 32 bit FORTH Full assembler source included. Version 0.38 - Fixes some bugs including THREADing. Requires MASM 6.0 to recompile Shareware - Requires OS-2 2.0+ |
FOURPM.ZIP | Yes | 75984 | 12/22/1993 | Connect Four for PM. for OS-2 |
FRAFMOS.ZIP | Yes | 368689 | 1/26/1994 | Freeware OS-2 communications protocol |
FREE15.ZIP | Yes | 15435 | 1/26/1994 | Displays free disk space spanning multiple drives in OS-2 |
FTDVR13.ZIP | Yes | 11964 | 12/2/1993 | BackMaster for OS-2 FTDVR.SYS 1.3 Fixes problem of system hang when obtaining tape info on unformatted tape. |
FX80_1.ZIP | Yes | 11099 | 1/19/1994 | Prints ASCII docs in 2 columns on Epson FX80 printer for OS-2 |
GCP21D.ZIP | Yes | 926822 | 11/30/1993 | Golden Commpass 2.1 Demo a OS-2 Compuserve navigator |
GETINFS.ZIP | Yes | 7930 | 10/25/1993 | PM front end for selecting and VIEWing INFs. Needs VROBJ.DLL (not included). For OS-2 |
GI.ZIP | Yes | 173076 | 12/17/1993 | OS-2 generic interface between games and input devices. Important for OS-2 game play. |
GRX01B.ZIP | Yes | 36537 | 1/30/1994 | Easy science like graphic displayer (PM) for OS-2 |
GUIX01.ZIP | Yes | 3116 | 1/26/1994 | Guidlines Examples - Multiple child windows for OS-2 |
GUSMIXER.ZIP | Yes | 23031 | 2/6/1994 | Gravis Ultrasound Line Mixer for OS-2 |
HALTOS.ZIP | Yes | 10004 | 12/10/1993 | Text mode shutdown program for OS-2 |
HAZ12.ZIP | Yes | 149569 | 1/8/1994 | contains Hazel v1.2, a new release of the Shareware Address Book-Dialer for OS-2 Presentation Manager. |
HELRES.ZIP | Yes | 133724 | 12/10/1993 | PM based helicopter game for OS-2 |
HIHOTELN.ZIP | Yes | 457666 | 11/29/1993 | 2.xPM app that catalogs many Internet resources. If you have TCP-IP you can telnet, ftp, gopher to these sites. For OS-2 |
HO.ZIP | Yes | 24183 | 2/12/1994 | Do X to all files fitting specification Y in OS-2 |
HOBB0131.ZIP | Yes | 153790 | 1/31/1994 | Hobbes January 31, 1994 file list in .inf format for OS-2 |
HSTART03.ZIP | Yes | 52614 | 12/19/1993 | Enhanced start command for OS-2 |
ICBM101.ZIP | Yes | 39790 | 1/16/1994 | ICBM OS-2 Boot-up Manager V1.01 January 1994 OS-2 Boot-up Manager. Fully configurable. Can specify non-default COMMAND interpreter and parameters to same. ie. 4OS2, etc. |
ICONSET.ZIP | Yes | 62679 | 10/16/1993 | A collection of bright, attractive icons for OS-2. |
IDCHIP.EXE | No | 16234 | 2/12/1994 | Identifies the chipset and bios on your Cirrus Logic 542x video card for OS-2 |
ILGDM110.ZIP | Yes | 90903 | 2/2/1994 | DirMaster 1.10 (by iLogic Software) News in 1.10: Directory manager for OS-2 PM -1024x768 bug fixed inspired by DOpus on Amiga -"wait" bugs fixed -New button cfg sys Features: allowing all buttons to be configured - 2 dir windows (listboxes) -configurable double - copy, move, clone, delete, click extensions makedir, rename, attribute ++ -configurable colors - Zip, Lha, Arj, Zoo & Arc with in listboxes the use of external programs -configurable fonts - directory autoread at startup -ini file no longer - 48 configurable buttons for saved in c:-os2 internal AND external functions +lots of other stuff |
INFXDL79.ZIP | Yes | 59113 | 10/24/1993 | INFConvert PM beta 79, converts OS-2INF & HLP format files to plain text files. Requires VROBJ.DLL ver 1.01. (not included). |
INIEXE3.ZIP | Yes | 443844 | 11/5/1993 | IniMaint v3.0 11.5.93 release File Backup, Repair and docs for OS-2 2.x |
INIM21K.ZIP | Yes | 406211 | 10/7/1993 | Inimaint v2.1k Major OS-w application 1-2 |
INIM21K2.ZIP | Yes | 54265 | 10/6/1993 | INIMAINT v2.1K: OS-2 PM-based application that will display, maintain, copy or move all OS-2 INI files All the text files 2-2 |
INIM30F2.ZIP | Yes | 103538 | 1/7/1994 | INIMAINT v3.0F: OS-2 PM-based application that will display, maintain, copy or move all OS-2 INI files; 01-08-94; Larry J. Martin- Carry Associates [2-2]. |
INIMT30.ZIP | Yes | 495546 | 11/5/1993 | IniMaint is an OS-2 PM program to display and manage *.INI. lets you change almost anything |
INIMT30F.ZIP | Yes | 611085 | 1/8/1994 | IniMaint V3.0f is a 32 bit PM app that allows the user to view, edit, copy, move, backup, search, compare, size, repair and otherwise maintain any INI file, including the OS2SYS.INI and OS2.INI files. |
INIMT30G.ZIP | Yes | 576170 | 1/28/1994 | INI and System maintenance program for OS-2 with new bugfixes |
INSCDP.ZIP | Yes | 79367 | 10/23/1993 | Updated Audio cd player from Inside OS-2 11'93. Bug fix. |
IPLPAU.ZIP | Yes | 11304 | 10/31/1993 | IPL Pause - A small timer program for your CONFIG.SYS during startup - should work well with any version of OS-2 since 1.1 (tested through OS-2 2.1) - EXE msc-src. |
IRC10H.ZIP | Yes | 34771 | 11/9/1993 | IRC Client for OS-2 - allows you to run off of an IRC server - V1.0h fixes bugs when dealing with V2.8.X servers. |
IRIT40E1.ZIP | Yes | 624410 | 1/5/1994 | OS-2 executable for IRIT 4.0 solid modeler Part 1 of 2 |
IRIT40E2.ZIP | Yes | 1292264 | 1/4/1994 | OS-2 executable for IRIT 4.0 solid modeler Part 2 of 2 |
JOEVW122.ZIP | Yes | 344334 | 1/19/1994 | JoeView v1.22 256 color viewer for OS-2 |
JPLAY01.ZIP | Yes | 117583 | 10/7/1993 | JPLAY is a 32bit command-line WAV-VOC-MID player created with IBM's C Set-2. Requires OS-2 2.1 GA and MMPM-2. |
K542X_D4.ZIP | Yes | 1239897 | 10/29/1993 | OS-2 v2.1 256 Colors Blitter Driver for Cirrus Logic's GD542X Chips. |
KED206B.ZIP | Yes | 78941 | 10/12/1993 | KEd is a character mode text editor for OS-2 v 2.x. It is a full 32-bit application, and features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited number of files, huge file sizes, cut and paste, and shelling to a command processor. You'll also find extensive on-line hypertext help for ease of use. New version 2.06 with greater speed, Numlock settings, and HPFS name fixes. Shareware registration $20. |
KIS1193.ZIP | Yes | 318298 | 11/27/1993 | Keepin' It Simple for OS-2 PM Utility for DOS BBS SysOps Spawn DOS sessions using semaphores DEMO version. $5.00 registration fee. |
KLZIP006.ZIP | Yes | 63348 | 11/21/1993 | KL-zip is an early beta test of a GUI interface for zip.exe and unzip.exe for OS-2 |
KLZIP016.ZIP | Yes | 162835 | 1/16/1994 | KL-ZIP OS-2 32-bit GUI for freeware zip-unzip no runtime needed $5 shareware |
KLZIP060.ZIP | Yes | 143801 | 1/30/1994 | KL-ZIP 0.60 32-bit OS-2 PM Archive Shell for ZIP-UNZIP .EXE [BETA] |
KWQ12C.ZIP | Yes | 233548 | 10/19/1993 | KWQ Mail-2, version 1.2c. A 32 bit QWK mail reader for OS-2 PM. Features advanced multithreaded searching, taglines, many archivers, fast access toolbar, colored "message syntax" text, Adobe fonts, an internal editor, PM, OS-2, DOS or Win3.X external editors, bookmarks, unlimited packet size and more. |
LISTEA.ZIP | Yes | 98709 | 1/30/1994 | OS-2 REXX Utility creates a text file listing of the EA's (extended attributes) on all local drives. |
LMS205.ZIP | Yes | 17237 | 12/17/1993 | Latest OS-2 driver for Phillips CD-ROM. |
LOGINOS2.ZIP | Yes | 11756 | 1/17/1994 | Login Vers 0.2 for OS-2 |
LTIMES23.ZIP | Yes | 147637 | 11/30/1993 | LA Times vers 2 maint release. PM based news reader for os-2 2.x. |
LW21.ZIP | Yes | 257629 | 12/17/1993 | Latest official release of Livewire 2.1 for OS-2. Great comm program. |
LWB2.ZIP | Yes | 208603 | 10/20/1993 | LiveWire 2.1 Beta-2 32-bit OS-2 comm pgm. |
MCD101.ZIP | Yes | 14313 | 11/1/1993 | Change dirs like the Norton CD, in OS-2. |
MEMSZ220.ZIP | Yes | 159294 | 11/1/1993 | Latest version (2.20) of Memory Size and system monitor for OS-2 |
MHPCMCIA.ZIP | Yes | 39657 | 1/6/1994 | Card services client for Megahertz PCMCIA modems. Beta. Reqs OS-2 2.1 com.sys-vcom.sys |
MIG21.ZIP | Yes | 16446 | 11/6/1993 | 32 bit PM based migration aid and program launcher. Requires OS-2 2.x Browse icons, launch and migrate programs fast. (FW). |
MITFX2.ZIP | Yes | 15721 | 11/23/1993 | IBM Ship Level (Nov 93) OS-2 2.1 Mitsumi CDROM drivers. Supports the new FX series of Mitsumi drives: the single speed CRMC-FX001 & double-speed CRMC-FX001D. Also supports older to play audio and read data and multisession photo CDs (except LU002) and MMPM-2 support. |
MLGP1E.ZIP | Yes | 490414 | 11/17/1993 | Microlearn gamepack 1.0 for OS-2 |
MM1293.ZIP | Yes | 113294 | 12/16/1993 | Mid Missouri OS-2 users group Dec 93 newsletter |
MN0194.ZIP | Yes | 32669 | 1/16/1994 | MNOS2 Threads Jan '94 Newsletter - IPF Version Viewable online in OS-2 with the VIEW command. Produced for MNOS2 by Mat Kramer and MekTek ( |
MOUINF.ZIP | Yes | 91714 | 1/10/1994 | Information on various mouse and pointer devices under OS-2. |
MSHELL.ZIP | Yes | 87385 | 12/3/1993 | Mini shell for OS-2. Smaller version of PM shell for OS-2. Allows people to use OS-2 with less then four megs ram |
MUSER066.ZIP | Yes | 66378 | 11/22/1993 | OS-2 utility allows multiple desktops for multi-users |
MWAVE2.ZIP | Yes | 61230 | 1/25/1994 | The game of Wor for OS-2 |
NEONICON.ZIP | Yes | 150187 | 1/29/1994 | New England Online's OS-2 ICON Collection Our collection of nice and off-the-wall novelty |
NIKNAK11.ZIP | Yes | 28872 | 12/6/1993 | PM strategy game like tic tac toe. For OS-2 |
NIM_101.ZIP | Yes | 32783 | 11/15/1993 | NIM is a strategy game for the OS-2 PM |
NLMERGE.ZIP | Yes | 20636 | 1/16/1994 | Merges nodediff into nodelist each week (os-2 native). |
NLOCK_ON.ZIP | Yes | 11957 | 10/1/1993 | Turns numlock on in the OS-2 WPS. Handy! |
NOLIST2A.ZIP | Yes | 28803 | 11/15/1993 | Remove PM, OS-2, DOS, WIN-OS-2 programs from window list. For OS-2 |
OBACK202.ZIP | Yes | 114150 | 1/24/1994 | OS-2 backup and restore, a full 32-bit OS-2 2.1 application |
OCLN109.ZIP | Yes | 304584 | 11/10/1993 | McAfee's Virus Clean for OS-2 v1.09 |
OLENS.ZIP | Yes | 11319 | 10/8/1993 | Lens v0.9: an OS-2 magnifying glass, magnifies an area around the mouse cursor from 0.5 to 40 times. Can be made to stay on top even when notactive, to display the position of the mouse cursor, to disable its title and menu bars, etc. |
OPENFDR3.ZIP | Yes | 4052 | 10/11/1993 | OS-2 REXX script that works in conjunction with 4OS2 to open folders of your choice |
OPSYS1.ZIP | Yes | 12843 | 11/17/1993 | OPSYS 1.1: DOS - OS-2 Utility that informs which Operating System is running (Either OS-2, OS-2-MDOS, MS-DOS). Returns ERRORLEVEL! Now also works with DOS 6.20. |
OS232.ZIP | Yes | 668633 | 10/1/1993 | Mach 32 and Mach 8 32bit drivers for OS-2 Release! |
OS24CL.ZIP | Yes | 4361 | 11/8/1993 | OS-2 config files as example for Clipper and OS-2. |
OS2BMP9.ZIP | Yes | 531074 | 11/30/1993 | Very nice 1024x768x256 tuned down colors for OS-2 2.1 Desktop Background BMPs, can be used in Windows 3.1 as well. |
OS2C_080.ZIP | Yes | 144025 | 11/19/1993 | OS-2-Commander v 0.80wb - The better NC-Clone for OS-2 - handles archives like FW |
OS2GFC.ZIP | Yes | 34864 | 1/27/1994 | Graphical File Comparison v1.0. OS-2 PM utility compares two files and notes lines that are common to both. A bar chart gives an overall view of matching lines. Text of either file and the composite is displayed. |
OS2KEYS.ZIP | Yes | 2786 | 11/21/1993 | ASCII Text Listing of OS-2 Key Combinations Great for those times you need to Shutdown without a mouse pointer |
OS2S3_32.ZIP | Yes | 1415196 | 12/10/1993 | Beta release of S3's 32 bit OS-2 drivers |
OS2V11.ZIP | Yes | 669512 | 10/8/1993 | V1.1 of ATI's Graphics Ultra (Mach8-Mach32 chip) drivers for OS-2. From ATI BBS poseted 10-8-93. Corrects lockup problem with mach32 cards having DRAM instead of VRAM. |
OS2_TREE.ZIP | Yes | 375708 | 12/7/1993 | OS-2 Tree Shareware Version - 16 bit OS-2 "tree" type File and Directory Manager Similar to Xtree |
OTHELL10.ZIP | Yes | 32243 | 1/31/1994 | Othello v1.0 is a 32-bit multithreaded implementation of Reversi for OS-2 |
OT_100.ZIP | Yes | 13791 | 12/27/1993 | OS-2 2.x 32 bit serial programming example |
PC2PS.ZIP | Yes | 31316 | 12/19/1993 | Convert ASCII to PostScript in OS-2 |
PCD15.ZIP | Yes | 96091 | 1/26/1994 | Display photo-cd images in an OS-2 fullscreen session |
PCD231.ZIP | Yes | 51022 | 11/12/1993 | Paddys directory changer for OS-2 2.x able to handle HPFS and FAT drives as well as files |
PCLOGIC.ZIP | Yes | 3297 | 11/29/1993 | OS-2 driver for Mouse Systems-Logitech mice |
PCMTAB.ZIP | Yes | 66335 | 2/12/1994 | List of PC manufacturers-machines-printers- adapters tested with OS-2 2.x |
PEEKNMP.ZIP | Yes | 6232 | 12/31/1993 | Patch to solve some named pipe problems in win-OS-2 |
PEG008.ZIP | Yes | 248505 | 12/29/1993 | PEGASUS Resource Monitor for OS-2 2.x 32 bit PM Resourse Monitor shows all running processes and realtime memory allocations. |
PHONE10B.ZIP | Yes | 63390 | 10/4/1993 | OS-2 Telephone Dialer V1.0B rz. |
PM2UB12.ZIP | Yes | 704553 | 11/13/1993 | OS2you and pm2you terminal program for OS-2 |
PMCC00.ZIP | Yes | 93870 | 11/22/1993 | Beta test of PM control center for OS-2 |
PMCHAOS.ZIP | Yes | 80673 | 11/13/1993 | OS-2 Graphical display of a chaotic system. |
PMDIFF25.ZIP | Yes | 87526 | 1/26/1994 | Side by side graphical file comparison for OS-2 |
PMDIFF26.ZIP | Yes | 88208 | 2/6/1994 | ProgramManager file difference. A side by side graphical comparison of files for OS-2 |
PMDU13.ZIP | Yes | 32893 | 2/19/1994 | PM based diskcopy utility for OS-2 |
PMFLCOMP.ZIP | Yes | 61764 | 1/3/1994 | OS-2 PM based file compare utility |
PMJPEG15.ZIP | Yes | 196499 | 12/18/1993 | PMJPEG 1.5 - shareware JPEG-TIFF-GIF-PCX-BMP- Targa-PPM viewer-converter for OS-2 2.x. New features include screen capture, bug fixes, reverse-random ordered slideshows, etc. |
PMP203.ZIP | Yes | 95852 | 12/21/1993 | Resource monitoring tool for OS-2 |
PMSYSLV.ZIP | Yes | 24368 | 1/28/1994 | PM interface to the OS-2 syslevel command |
PMUND111.ZIP | Yes | 73747 | 12/25/1993 | PM program for quick recovery of deleted files. OS-2 |
PMVIEW86.ZIP | Yes | 232196 | 10/31/1993 | PM view beta .86 for OS-2 now with more mouse operated features. |
PMXEYES.ZIP | Yes | 23550 | 1/24/1994 | XEyes for the OS-2 ProgramManager |
PRSCTL.ZIP | Yes | 15716 | 10/21/1993 | Os2 view presentation parms - similar to pms. |
PS2ASST1.ZIP | Yes | 999863 | 12/16/1993 | 82nd Edition of PS-2 Assistant part 1 |
PS2ASST2.ZIP | Yes | 1204429 | 12/16/1993 | 82nd Edition of PS-2 assistant part 2 |
PS2AV791.ZIP | Yes | 917325 | 10/15/1993 | PS-2 Assistant, Ver79, 1 of 2. Chock full of info about IBM products, services, etc. In INF format for OS-2 VIEW.EXE. |
PS2AV792.ZIP | Yes | 1188757 | 10/15/1993 | PS-2 Assistant Ver 79, part 2 of 2. |
QVDM100.ZIP | Yes | 53639 | 1/28/1994 | Write VDM settings from OS-2 to a text file |
REXXBASE.ZIP | Yes | 107924 | 11/21/1993 | Os2 rexxbase 1.1 (beta). |
RMAILOS2.ZIP | Yes | 17932 | 12/24/1993 | Renemail 12-25-93 for OS-2 - use w-Renegade |
ROLODX24.ZIP | Yes | 161624 | 11/29/1993 | OS-2 address book, with the ability to email ftp and send faxes. Requires VROBJ102.ZIP for the VROBJ.DLL dated 11-19-93. |
RUN160.ZIP | Yes | 19157 | 12/23/1993 | Run OS-2 programs within DOS sessions. |
RXPRIOR.ZIP | Yes | 5528 | 2/6/1994 | Sample OS-2 REXX function package |
RXU15.ZIP | Yes | 144763 | 1/12/1994 | Rexx external functions for OS-2 |
SEAHAV11.ZIP | Yes | 55401 | 2/6/1994 | Seahaven Towers card game v1.1 for OS-2 |
SEAMWIN3.ZIP | Yes | 10018 | 11/25/1993 | OS-2 util speeds up loading of seamless Windows |
SEAMWIN4.ZIP | Yes | 27141 | 2/7/1994 | A program that allows the speedy loading of seamless WIN-OS-2 programs in OS-2 |
SIO126C.ZIP | Yes | 130227 | 1/29/1994 | Ray Gwinns High Performance communications drivers for OS-2 |
SONY31C.ZIP | Yes | 24605 | 11/23/1993 | OS-2 CD drivers Sony 31a & 7305 |
SORRYOS2.ZIP | Yes | 30552 | 12/29/1993 | The board game Sorry for OS-2 pM |
SORT32B.ZIP | Yes | 36689 | 1/5/1994 | Multi-threading ASCII SORT program for OS-2. |
SQED087.ZIP | Yes | 232821 | 12/18/1993 | OS-2 PM message editor for Fido-Squish |
SS24XOS2.EXE | No | 908049 | 1/30/1994 | Diamond Speedstar 24x drivers for OS-2 finally released |
SSIIM12.ZIP | Yes | 724557 | 12/22/1993 | Three dimensional water and sedimentary flow simulator for OS-2 |
STARTDOS.ZIP | Yes | 54408 | 11/17/1993 | StartDOS is A Utility to Start Dos Sessions With Settings From an OS-2 Session. Companion Program to MShell And Tshell (Formerly Cshell). |
STARTER.ZIP | Yes | 28105 | 10/14/1993 | Start programs-command files at specified times. For OS-2. |
SUB101.ZIP | Yes | 27593 | 10/17/1993 | SUBSTP v1.01, an OS-2 version of SUBST. This utility will substitute drive letters for paths, much like DOS SUBST. Setup as an Installable File System under OS-2 2.x, the SUBSTP drives are visible under all modes (including DOS & Windows). |
SV2DSK.ZIP | Yes | 252498 | 1/17/1994 | OS-2 PM Utility saves changed-new files to floppy disk |
SWBAR.ZIP | Yes | 9749 | 1/23/1994 | OS-2 PM Utility enhances switching between sessions in OS-2. It is activated by dragging the mouse to the bottom of the screen. |
TCLOCK1.ZIP | Yes | 44569 | 10/6/1993 | Talking Clock for PM This archive contains the WAV files required for Talking Clock. 1-2 |
TCLOCK2.ZIP | Yes | 451947 | 10/6/1993 | Talking Clock for PM - 2-2 For OS-2 Contains executable,help,install and text. |
TEAM9310.ZIP | Yes | 40361 | 10/12/1993 | Issue 1 of the new Team OS-2 Newsletter - INF Format - need OS-2 VIEW.EXE to read. |
THEOS215.ZIP | Yes | 152425 | 12/7/1993 | CMS-XEDIT like editor for OS-2 |
TIMB11P.ZIP | Yes | 162955 | 12/29/1993 | TimEd-B11; Fast msg editor for FidoNet; supports Squish, JAM, *.MSG and now also Hudson bases. Now with internal editor! OS-2 (32 bit) version. |
TIN122.ZIP | Yes | 189769 | 10/2/1993 | TIN newsreader Version 1.2 PL2. For reading usenet newsgroups. For OS-2 |
TNEW02.ZIP | Yes | 62213 | 11/4/1993 | Team OS-2INF format newsletter and Information. |
TOPICS.ZIP | Yes | 29421 | 11/1/1993 | OS-2 2.x Utility for Saving Mail Text under Topics Headings of your choice. Works with Any Mail Reader in DOS or OS-2 Session; Uses PM Clipboard |
TRICKS2.ZIP | Yes | 121708 | 11/29/1993 | Stupid OS-2 Tricks - Release 2 A collection of "Why didn't I think of that" tips and tricks for the WPS. Contains both Text and INF versions. |
TRSHCN11.ZIP | Yes | 55662 | 1/28/1994 | Trashcan WPS object v1.1 for OS-2 |
TSHELL.ZIP | Yes | 43664 | 12/13/1993 | Text based protected mode shell for OS-2 |
TSTDEV.ZIP | Yes | 22527 | 12/6/1993 | C code to list all devices and device types in OS-2 |
TWCP131.ZIP | Yes | 43629 | 2/5/1994 | Text Windows Cut and Paste v1.31 for OS-2. Allows cutting and pasting from an OS-2 window with the mouse like in XWindows |
UACLOCK.ZIP | Yes | 21542 | 11/13/1993 | The Ultimate Alarm Clock for OS-2 By Scott D. Ganyo. This program was written to provide an small, attractive, and easy-to-use alarm clock for all of those reoccuring appointments none of us can afford to miss! This alarm clock has been kept purposefully small and simple. All the scheduling power you may need and the requirements are just incredible: only about 30K of hard disk space and a running copy of OS-2 1.3 or better. |
UNDEL102.ZIP | Yes | 46646 | 1/6/1994 | Use this PM app instead of OS-2's UNDELETE. This is a demo of v1.02 of UNDELPM. All functions work and there is NO exp. Date! |
UPC12B21.ZIP | Yes | 382279 | 10/4/1993 | UUPC-extended 1.12b. Executable files for 32 bit OS-2 (version 2.x), 1 of 3. UUPC Clone from Kendra Electronic Wonderworks |
UPC12B22.ZIP | Yes | 386407 | 10/4/1993 | UUPC-extended 1.12b. Executable files for 32 bit OS-2 (version 2.x), 2 of 3. |
UPC12B23.ZIP | Yes | 115658 | 10/4/1993 | UUPC-extended 1.12b. Executable files for 32 bit OS-2 (version 2.x), 3 of 3. |
UUGAT024.ZIP | Yes | 139868 | 1/16/1994 | Complete fidonet-Internet gateway for OS-2 |
VASPIBET.ZIP | Yes | 9211 | 12/15/1993 | Beta release of virtual ASPI drivers to allow DOS programs to issue SCSI commands handled by OS@ASPI.DMD in OS-2 |
VPRXX.ZIP | Yes | 39181 | 1/16/1994 | VPRxx is the first 3rd party VisPro-REXX v2.0 toolbar object availa It adds Extras t to your t when inst,ch makes codsing RxE as easy ang VisPro-RE.0. |
WBO132S.ZIP | Yes | 83440 | 12/9/1993 | Weather Board [OS-2] 1.32 Shareware (c) Rhino Ware A weather information retrieval program. Installs & runs as an event from a BBS or front end mailer. Weather Board will give you and your users up to the hour weather information for your area. Weather Board can be used as a bulletin or as a logon screen. It uses the WeatherMation number at the nearest airport. Multi-BBS compatible. |
WCAT10.ZIP | Yes | 49976 | 11/1/1993 | Watchcat 1.0 - allows you to regain control if OS-2 "crashes" (FW). |
WCAT11.ZIP | Yes | 122961 | 1/26/1994 | Watchcat v1.1 an OS-2 program that allows you to recover from some PM hangs |
WISHLIST.ZIP | Yes | 35218 | 1/24/1994 | 1-22-94 edition of the OS-2 wishlist traveling around the Internet |
WOR11.ZIP | Yes | 94542 | 12/12/1993 | Wizard of Wor for OS-2 (PM program). Requires GI.ZIP. |
WPFLD18.ZIP | Yes | 35045 | 12/28/1993 | Replacement WPS class for WPFolder to give child folder option to close parent on open. |
WPFLD181.ZIP | Yes | 35004 | 1/15/1994 | Replacement WPS class for folders that adds the option of opening-closing the parent folder in OS-2 |
WPNEWF.ZIP | Yes | 57977 | 11/20/1993 | A replacement for the WPFolder WPS class, it allows you to close the parent folder when opening a sub-folder (Just press F2). OS-2 |
WPPRG18.ZIP | Yes | 40921 | 12/28/1993 | Replacement WPSclass for WPProgram. Give program objects option to open-close calling folder. |
WPPRG181.ZIP | Yes | 40819 | 1/15/1994 | Replacement WPS class for programs that adds the option of opening-closing the parent folder in OS-2 |
WPPRGEXT.ZIP | Yes | 39104 | 11/29/1993 | A replacement WPS class for WPProgram. OS-2 Class adds to the original program object an option to close folder it belongs to upon starting its program or settings notebook. |
WPSBK203.ZIP | Yes | 49432 | 12/30/1993 | Workplace Shell Backup 2.03 for OS-2 PM Utility backs up WPS andINI files for instant restores. -A must-have utility for OS-2 Users. |
WPS_BACK.ZIP | Yes | 26479 | 1/6/1994 | Command line utility for backing up the OS-2 desktop. |
WPTOOL11.ZIP | Yes | 186842 | 12/19/1993 | Checkini, Copyini, Replini, WPsbkup, Resetwps Etc. Maintenance Release, Added "silent" Switch For WPsbkup. For OS-2 |
WR07020.ZIP | Yes | 891582 | 10/1/1993 | Service for Network Transport Services A service pack for OS-2 |
WUZ10C.ZIP | Yes | 21088 | 1/4/1994 | WUZ v10C unzip shell for OS-2 - creates a temporary directory and extracts the archive into it. Then it opens a command line and a folder icon view for the extracted icon. |
WUZ11A.ZIP | Yes | 20185 | 2/7/1994 | WPS Unzip v1.1a - Workplace Shell archive handler for OS-2. Just double-click on a ZIP, ZOO, ARJ, etc. and WPS Unzip will extract it into a temporary directory and open it as a folder on the desktop. Handy! |
XMENOS2.ZIP | Yes | 11274 | 12/2/1993 | X-Men icons for OS-2 converted from Windows. |
YAOS03.ZIP | Yes | 57192 | 1/20/1994 | Yet Another OS-2 Shell v3 |
YAOS05.ZIP | Yes | 71359 | 2/4/1994 | Yet Another OS-2 Shell version 5 with filename completion |
YRN2_056.ZIP | Yes | 193739 | 2/6/1994 | Store-Read usenet mail (SOUP format) v56 for OS-2 |
ZOC110.ZIP | Yes | 258852 | 1/19/1994 | Zap-O-Comm 1.110 terminal emulator for OS-2 |
ZSX2_310.ZIP | Yes | 36785 | 1/24/1994 | ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS-2 Supports X-Y-Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions also available |