Copyright (c) 1983 Compumax Associates,lnc. All rights reserved. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES Compumax Associates, Inc. has dedicated great care in designing, developing,coding and publishing its programs. It, however, makes no express or implied warranties of any kind with regard to performance or fitness of purpose of any product. In no event shall Compumax Associates, Inc. be liable for inci- dental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the distribution or use of its products. Title and ownership shall at all times remain with Compumax Associates, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------- RUNNING MICROLEDGER 1. Before running this program read the MICROLEDGER User's manual, stored in file MANUAL.TXT. 2. Copy all files you received with MICROLEDGER in a sub-directory of your choice. This sub-directory should include the MICROLEDGER programs: COMPUMAX.BAS LEDGER1.BAS LEDGER2.BAS LEDGER3.BAS LEDGER4.BAS LEDGER5.BAS LEDGER6.BAS the Data Files: CHAFIL JOUFIL and the BASIC program: GWBASIC, BASICA, or MBASIC. 3. Once in the sub-directory of your choice, enter the command: GWBASIC COMPUMAX.BAS (enter) and the main menu will be displayed on the monitor's screen. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS This program was written in Microsoft BASIC. It requires a IBM PC or compatible, a minimum of 64 Kbytes of RAM, and either MBASIC, BASICA, or GWBASIC. REGISTRATION Please fill out the Registration Form below and mail it with your $15.00 check, payable to: |---------------------------------------------------------------| | COMPUMAX | | P.O. Box 61956, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | REGISTRATION FORM Number:_________ | | (for company use)| | Name:___________________ | | Company:________________ | | Address:__________________________________________________ | | | | Tel.:___________________ Fax:________________________ | | Program name:___________ Where obtained:_____________ | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------| This registration will entitle the user to any future updates, at a discounted price, and will help us to enhance these products.. COMPUMAX INTEGRATED MICROBUSINESS SOFTWARE MICROBIZ The CompuMax business application programs are computer programs that keep records and compute transactions for business or personal use. They are designed for people who have minimal familiarity with computers and only a basic knowledge of accounting rules. This is possible because the programs are self-explanatory, telling you exactly what they need at every step. After you have become acquainted with MICROLEDGER, you might want to try the other programs of the MICROBIZ package: MICROLEDGER, MICROPAY, MICROREC, MICROINV, MICROPERS, and ORDER ENTRY. They may be purchased individually or in combination with other COMPUMAX packages. Each module may be used alone to provide powerful record keeping services, or in combination with other modules to use as a comprehensive business accounting system. Two complementary methods of integrating the packages are available: 1. MICROLEDGER and/or MICROPAY and/or MICROREC and/or MICROINV and/or MICROPER. MICROLEDGER receives data to update its files from the MICROPAY, MICROREC, MICROINV, and/or MICROPERS packages via the interactive Journal File(JOUFIL). 2. You can add ORDER ENTRY to the above integrated set. ORDER ENTRY furnishes update information directly to Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Inventory Control system. In addition, ORDER ENTRY indirectly updates the General Ledger package (MICROLEDGER) through its interface with MICROPAY, MICROREC, and MICROINV. If you want to use several of the Compumax's programs as an integrated set, you need to have in a directory of your choice: a)all the modules for EACH of the programs you want to use b) the data files required by EACH program c) the MICROBIZ Main Menu (COMPUMAX.BAS) Once all these modules and data files are in your chosen directory, you can RUN the programs by typing: GWBASIC.EXE COMPUMAX.BAS Example 1: ---------- To use MICROLEDGER, MICROREC and MICROPAY as an integrated package you need in one single directory of your choice: COMPUMAX.BAS LEDGER1.BAS MICROREC.BAS MICROPAY.BAS LEDGER2.BAS R2.BAS PAY2.BAS LEDGER3.BAS R3.BAS PAY3.BAS LEDGER4.BAS R4.BAS PAY4.BAS LEDGER5.BAS R5.BAS PAY5.BAS LEDGER6.BAS R6.BAS PAY6.BAS CHAFIL R7.BAS PAY7.BAS JOUFIL RECFIL PAYFIL RECMAST PAYMAST Example 2: ---------- If you want to use ALSO the MICROINV and MICROPER programs plus the ones in Example 1, you need: a)all the programs and data files of Example 1 plus b) MICROINV.BAS MICROPER.BAS INV2.BAS PERS2.BAS INV3.BAS PERS3.BAS INV4.BAS PERS4.BAS INV5.BAS PERS5.BAS INV6.BAS PAYROLL INVFIL PERSMAST INVMAST Example 3: ---------- If you want to run ONLY the MICROINV and MICROPER programs you need in one directory of your choice: COMPUMAX.BAS plus all the programs in Example 2 (b). The programs of the MICROBIZ package are the following: MICROLEDGER is a series of six computer bookkeeping programs for a small business, LEDGER1 through LEDGER6. You open two files, a Chart of Accounts File (CHAFIL, which covers a fiscal year) and a Journal File (JOUFIL, which covers smaller periods). The six MICROLEDGER programs are used for the data entry, correction, matching, computing, and reporting used to produce a Profit and Loss Statement per period and a Balance Sheet at the end of each period. MICROPAY is an accounts payable system that keeps records and updates transactions in Accounts Payable. MICROPAY shows data by vendor, by time period, or by single date, and computes cash requirements and prints checks. This program simultaneously creates entries for the MICROLEDGER Journal File. MICROREC is an accounts receivable system that keeps and updates Accounts Receivable records; prints invoices; shows data by customer, by time period, or by single date; and computes Cash Projections. MICROREC creates journal entries that communicate with the MICROLEDGER Journal File. MICROINV is an inventory control system that establishes and updates inventory control records and produces the STOCK STATUS REPORT, showing standard inventory stock data, stock valuation, and the ABC ANALYSIS, breaking down the inventory into groups by frequency of usage. MICROINV produces JOB COST REPORT/MATERIALS showing allocation of materials used year-to-date by each job or work code. MICROINV also computes and provides Economic Order Quantities. The Journal entries communicate with the MICROLEDGER Journal File. MICROPERS is a payroll/personnel program that keeps and updates records, computes payroll, prints the Payroll Register, and prints paychecks. MICROPERS produces the JOB COST REPORT/LABOR and computes the quarterly 941 bank deposit and the annual W-2 forms. Journal entries can be fed into the MICROLEDGER Journal File. .PA ORDER ENTRY is a package designed to assist in the control of Purchasing and sales. ORDER ENTRY keeps records and produces documents for both areas. It prints purchase orders and invoices, and organizes sales orders and purchase orders by record number, vendor. and customer. In addition, ORDER ENTRY interacts with MICROPAY, MICROREC, and MICROINV, permitting them to transfer all information necessary to update these programs. In addition to the MICROBIZ business package, the following products are also available from COMPUMAX: MICROBOMP - Bill of Materials Explosion, Inventory control with product structures, Materials Requirements Planning, Automatic net-out of entire product tree, and Max/min report. MRP-II - Manufacturing Resource Planning, Master scheduling, Work centers floor routes, Capacity planning, customers/vendors file, production & purchases planning, shipping,invoicing pick lists. .PA