Modification/New Features in in Release 5.50E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. A modification was made to ensure that .PIC files containing legend information would import into major word processing programs (WordPerfect, MS-Word, etc.), without problems. 2. The @NPV function implementation was modified so that now, if the user inadvertently includes blank cells in the selected range, they are ignored in the calculations of the returned value. 3. A correction was made to the keyboard status indicators, so that they are not displayed when the {borderoff} macro is invoked. The cell reference and the flash mode indicator are not displayed, as well, when the above macro is active. 4. The matrix inversion operation in AS-EASY-AS was amended to detect singular matrices when the coefficients of one equation are simple scalar offsets of the coefficients of another (by simply detecting and tagging a zero determinant in the calculation). 5. A modification was made to re-enable the {INSON} {INSOFF} macro commands. 6. A correction was made to the Print, preView function to treat the left margin settings correctly (earlier versions used to account for the left margin twice). 7. A modification was made to the exponential scale graphing of the program. In earlier versions, the Y-axis would revert to displaying values with round-off errors (9.9E-12 instead of 1.0E-11), because the value of e = 2.3025850930 was being used rather than e = 2.3025850929945. 8. {INVALUE} and {INLABEL} macro syntax is now checked to see if matched double quotes have been used, and a message is displayed if they haven't. 9. A modification was made to the way the Range, Copy command treated source "virgin" cells. A value of zero is now assumed for all such cells in the source range (target range is overwritten with zeros). 10. The indirect cell addressing function (@@) was modified so that it now may be used as an argument to the @LENGTH and the @CELL functions. 11. Two new functions were introduced in the program. @Path returns the current path and @Filename returns the name of the worksheet currently loaded in AS-EASY-AS. 12. A modification was made to the {RMDIR} macro so that it now operates as expected. 13. The Bar graph option was modified so that it now consistently displays the bars, regardless of whether the upper and lower limits are set automatically or manually. 14. A correction was made so that cells formatted with the Box format option are not filtered out when the /File, Option command is used. 15. In earlier versions of the program, trying to print combined text and graphics with a "none" pitch option would produce corrupted output. A warning message is now issued when the user attempts that! 16. A correction was made to the program to now support Windows and Borders, a capability that was there with Ver. 5.01 and earlier versions. 17. After a lot of thought (and user prompting), the DATE functions in the program were modified to use a 200 span method (similar to some other spreadsheet programs in the industry), eliminating the wrap around present in earlier versions. Here are some examples under the new model: @DATE(93,1,1) = 1993 @DATE(102,1,1) = 2002 @DATE(40,1,1) = 1940 -------------------------------------------------------------------- END