manifest.txt -- Mark Riordan December 1992 This file describes the contents of the RIPEM distribution package. === (base directory): makefile Dummy makefile makedos.bat MS-DOS batch file to make RIPEM w/ Microsoft C. === doc directory: access.txt How to get access to RIPEM from my server. benchmrk.txt List of supported machines & benchmark results. betatest.txt Description of issues relating to RIPEM beta-test. announce.txt RIPEM Beta test announcement. changes.txt Changes made since previous releases. ezusage.txt Quick guide to RIPEM usage. format.txt Describes the format of RIPEM messages and key files. install.txt Quick description of installation process. makeMac.txt Outerbridge's description of how to build RIPEM on a Macintosh using Think C. manifest.txt This document. noncommercial.txt Preliminary description of allowable RSAREF use. posting.txt Original sci.crypt posting announcing RIPEM 1.0. ripem.1 "man" page for RIPEM. ripem.hlp 1-screen summary of RIPEM use; embedded in RIPEM executable. Formatted version of ripem.1 ripembeg.* RIPEM Beginner's Guide. ripemfmt.doc Description of message formats. ripemsrv.* Documentation on using the key server. ripemusr.doc RIPEM User's Guide, Word for Windows format. RIPEM User's Guide, Postscript format. ripemusr.txt RIPEM User's Guide, ASCII text format. rsaref-license.txt Updated RSAREF license agreement, with more liberal terms than the agreement distributed with RSAREF. server.txt Description of how server works, and possible changes. todo.txt The "To-do" list of changes not yet made. === mac68K directory: This directory contains Richard Outerbridge's Motorola 68020 assembler versions of certain time-critical routines. The code is written for the inline assembler in the Macintosh THINK C version 5 compiler. === main directory: adduser.c Functions to add user to list of recipients. adduserp.h [Function prototypes] bemparse.c Functions to parse Basic Encoding Rules structures; used only for debugging and exploration. bemparse.h [Function prototypes] boolean.h Simple header defining a few symbols. crackhed.c Functions to parse PEM headers. crackhpr.h [Function prototypes] ddes.c DES functions used to encrypt private keys. ddes.h Prototypes and documentation for above. derkey.c Mark Windsor's functions to convert from DER encoding to raw keys derkeypr.h [Function prototypes] do_djgcc.bat MS-DOS batch file to compile with DJGCC (386 GNU C). getopt.c A slightly modified Unix "getopt" command line argument cracker. getoptpr.h [Function prototypes] getsys.c Various system-dependent routines. getsyspr.h [Function prototypes] global.h Copied from RSAREF package; just a few typedef's for RSAREF. hexbin.c Function to convert between ASCII hex and binary. hexbinpr.h [Function prototypes] keyder.c Windsor's routines to covert from raw keys to DER encoding. keyderpr.h [Function prototypes] keyfield.h Constants relating to RIPEM key format. keyman.c Functions to search for/store/encrypt/dump public keys. keymanpr.h [Function prototypes] list.c Functions to implement doubly-linked lists. list.h Typedefs for above. listprot.h [Function prototypes] makefile Makefile for RIPEM main program. msc7.c Redefinitions of "write", et al, for the lousy Microsoft C 7.0. p.h Unused header file for non-ANSI compilers. parsit.c Function to tokenize input line, used for RIPEM_ARGS env variable parsitpr.h [Function prototypes] prcodepr.h [Function prototypes] prencode.c Routines to convert between binary and RFC 1113 ASCII encoding. prencode.h [Function prototypes] protserv.h Constants defining protocol used to talk to key server. pubinfo.c Functions to extract public key info from file or server packet. pubinfop.h set tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 rdwrmsg.c Functions to read/write RIPEM messages. rdwrmsgp.h [Function prototypes] ripem.h Various symbols and typedefs. ripem.mak Microsoft NMAKE makefile for RIPEM. ripemgcc.lrf Helper file for do_djgcc.bat (Linker Response File). ripemglo.h Global variable definitions. ripemmai.c RIPEM main program. ripempro.h [Function prototypes] ripemsoc.c Functions to talk to the RIPEM key server. ripemsop.h [Function prototypes] ripemsoc.mak Microsoft NMAKE makefile for RIPEM with FTP Software drivers. strutil.c Functions to do string manipulation. strutilp.h [Function prototypes] usage.c Function to print out "Usage:" message. usagemsg.c Text of "Usage:" message, derived from doc/ripem.hlp. usagepro.h [Function prototypes] === rsaref directory: This entire directory is a nearly verbatim distribution of the RSAREF 1.0 toolkit from RSA Data Security, Inc. It includes its own documentation. (The only changes are in the makefile.) === server directory: copymail.c Program to copy incoming mail to an "incoming" directory. credumpb.c Useless test program to create dummy public key files. crekeydb.c Unused program to read flat key files & create GDBM database. crekeydp.h [Function prototypes] db2flat.c Program to create a flat key file from GDBM database. getreta.c Function to get return address from mail message. getretap.h [Function prototype] givepubs.c Program to respond to email request for a file. givepubp.h [Function prototypes] makefile Server makefile opeclo.c Functions to open/close GDBM database. readsock.c Unused socket test program. redirsrv.c Simple key server program which simply redirects inquirer to another server. ripem-attacks Discusses possible attacks on RIPEM (by Marc VanHeyningen). ripem-faq RIPEM Frequently-Asked Questions (by Marc VanHeyningen). rkeyreg.c Key registration program--writes to GDBM database. rkeyregp.h [Function prototypes] rkeyserp.h [Function prototypes] rkeyserv.c Key server--listens on UDP port and reads from GDBM database. run.c Function to run a program and collect its output. run-server Simple script to run the RIPEM key server. sendnetmail.c Function to send mail via "sendmail". sendnetp.h [Function prototypes] sendsock.c Unused socket comm test program. srvfiles.h Header containing names of files used by server programs. startnetmail.c Function to initiate sending email in Unix. testmail.c Unused test program for sendnetmail. testrun.c Unused test program for run.c. update-key-database Sample script to update the GDBM database from flat file. === test directory: (various files related to testing RIPEM) === util directory: display-ripem MH-based script to decrypt RIPEM messages. emacs/ripem.el EMACS functions to facilitate use of RIPEM. hex2bin.c Unused program to convert between binary and hex ASCII. mailrc Sample Unix .mailrc file. makefile Makefile man2code.c Program to convert ASCII to C source strings. mushrc Sample Unix .mushrc file (startup file for Mush mail program). nobksp.c Eliminates backspaces from files; useful for man pages. quote.c Utility program to "quote" a mail message (for replies). ripem-encrypt Short shell script used by .mailrc. ripemd Short shell script for decryption. send-ripem Perl script that uses MH to encrypt & send messages. stripmsg.c Unused program to strip headers from PEM messages. tprencod.c Unused program to convert between binary and RFC 1113 encoding. tstbem.c Unused program to test "bemparse.c".