'A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED' Benjamin Franklin We ask once again that you support the idea of Electronic publishing by subscribing to this or any other of our magazines, by calling one of our 900#s on a regular basis, or at least by printing and then returning to us an application for our Long Distance Savings Plan. We went to a great deal of trouble to make sure that we had a way for our readers to save at least as much money as we would have to ask them to give us in support. We are trying our level best to bring to the American people a way to get their news and information in a manner that does not destroy the environment. Electronic publishing, though it does require the use of electricity for the running of the computer and monitor, uses one one hundredth of the energy consumed by a single newspaper. Think about it. They have to bring heavy equipment out to a forest. Chop down the trees, truck them to a mill, mill them, truck them to the lumber yard, truck them to the paper mill which grinds them up into paper, which is trucked to your local newspaper where they throw tons of oil-based ink on it. Then, when you're done the trucks come once again to pick it up and take it to a dump where it fills up huge areas of landfill and all the chemicals that went into the newsprint, leech into the ground and pollute the water you drink. Computers use about a thimble full of oil every two or three days of normal use and by the end of this century, they will use a fraction of this because of new ways of making computers that use less and less electricity. The monitor is the only real offender, using about as much electricity as a 100 watt light bulb. The CPU itself only uses about as much as a night light, about 12 watts. We'll constantly be able to improve on the power conservation of the computers we use, and there's always going to be plenty of oil. There is, however, a limited number of forests for producing paper. We really have come to a turning point, where we will make our minds to tear down all the remaining forests on this planet, or try newer, environmentally safe methods of getting our information needs met. This is the goal of this company and its foundation, The Unlearning Foundation. We hope that someday, everyone on this planet will get more information from electronic means than any other source. When this happens, and we have the strength to take on bigger challenges, like the oil companies, then, we will all be able to breathe easier. What's more important, our children and their children will be able to breathe alot easier too. And maybe even drink the water. Please support us. Print out a Long Distance Form and mail it in to us along with your subscription or even without it. It doesn't cost you anything. In fact, it only pays you to save money on your phone bill. If you have a small business, it could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year. More than enough to cover the cost of subscribing to this magazine. Once, you do this, you'll feel like you're doing something to leave this planet a better place than the way you found it. That, by the way, is the whole purpose of life. We're here as a kind of test. We're here to see how many of us can leave this place in a better condition in which we found it. That's why we decided to publish this kind of magazine. We know that there is a place for us in eternity. But there is a different place for people who go through their entire life without a moment's thought to what a miracle their birth is, the birth of all living things here on this beautiful planet, spinning so silently and effortlessly in Space. Please support us. There are so many things we want to tell you. The publishers.