Frequency Manager 1.0 for Windows 7/11/93 Frequency Manager 1.0 for Windows is a database program designed to help organize and manage radio frequencies that amateur radio operators and scanner enthusiasts use. With Frequency Manager you can store, sort, print, and search for frequencies. Frequency Manager uses the Paradox Engine to manage its database. Since, Paradox is becoming a corporate standard file format your data can easily be used by other programs. Plus, Frequency Manager lets you import and export text files for other applications that don't support Paradox files directly. Each Frequency List file has 6 fields. They are Class, Service, Frequency, Mode, Call Sign, and Note. The Note field is especially helpful. You enter the name of a text file into the Note field. Then when you want to view the text file you simply press the Edit Note button that starts your favorite text editor with the text file loaded. You can then enter free-from notes into the text file. For example, you could have a file called FWFD.TXT that is entered into the Note field. When you press the Edit Note button Window's NotePad program loads the FWFD.TXT file which contains detailed information on the Fort Worth Fire Department. The information might include district information, unit designations, and fire department jargon and codes. For more information please choose help from the menu and then select "Overview". Help is always a keystroke or button away. Features * On-line Help * Files as big as 256MB * Number of files only limited by free disk space * Easy Add makes adding similar records a breeze * Import and Export files from and to other programs * Select records according to matches on any field * Search for records using Class, Service, and/or Frequency fields * Sort by Class, Service, or Frequency fields * You choose the font and title for reports * It's shareware. If you don't like it don't buy. If you do, it's a bargain price! ============================================================================ How to purchase Frequency Manager 1.0 for Windows Frequency Manager is a shareware program. This means you can have a copy for free, until you are sure that you like it and want to keep using it, after that you must register a copy if you continue to use it. When you register your copy, you'll get the latest version without the startup dialog box. For $15 Check or Money Order (includes shipping) you'll get a diskette containing the latest version of Frequency Manager plus the Tarrant County Area Frequency List with over 1300 frequencies for the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, many frequencies are used nation-wide. You can order directly from me as described above, or from Public (Software) Library (PsL) with your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover card by calling 800-242-4PsL (outside the United States: 713-524-6394), or by FAX to 713-524-6398, or by CompuServe to 71355,470. These numbers are for ordering only. Ben Saladino cannot be reached at those numbers. To contact Ben Saladino for information about dealer pricing, volume discounts, site licensing, the status of shipment of the product, the latest version number, or for technical information, call Ben Saladino at 817-282-0331 or write to me at 660 W. Oak St. Hurst, TX 76053-5526. Frequency Manager's registration number at PsL is 10988. Please specify your preferred disk size when ordering. Credit Card Pricing Registration fee $15.00, Handling Charge in the US $5.00, Handling Charge outside of the US $7.00. Texas residents will be charged tax. If you are using the Unregistered Trial Copy and would like to order Frequency Manager please choose Order Frequency Manager from the Help menu and print and complete the order form as described in the help file. ============================================================================ System Requirements: * IBM PC and 100% Compatibles * Windows 3.0 or Higher (running in Standard or Enhanced Mode) * A hard disk with 1MB free disk space * A 3.5" or 5.25" floppy drive * Share.EXE I N S T A L L A T I O N To install Frequency Manager, simply copy the files in the FM.ZIP file into a directory of your choice. Then create an icon by choosing the FILE|NEW menu item from the Windows Program Manager. Click on the OK button or press ENTER. Complete the Program Item Properties dialog box and press ENTER. See the extensive on-line help to learn how to use Frequency Manager. *** If you get a message asking "Is SHARE.EXE Loaded?" when you try to run Frequency Manager then add the line below to your CONFIG.SYS file located in your root directory. You can use a text editor to change the file. You might need to specify a different directory than the one below depending on the location of SHARE.EXE on your system. SHARE.EXE is included with DOS. Install=C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /L:500 If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please contact... Ben Saladino 660 West Oak Street Hurst, TX 76053-5526 817-282-0331 CompuServe 71052,2416 D I S T R I B U T I O N This program may be freely distributed as long as the following files are all present and unmodified. VENDORS wishing to distribute Frequency Manager may do so, provided that you send me notification that you are doing so. This way I can make sure you have the latest copy of Frequency Manager. Vendors may NOT charge for the program itself, but only for the media or transportation to the customer. Files Included Fm.EXE Frequency Manager Program FM.Hlp Frequency Manager on-line help FM.TXT This File Classes.DB Class List Classes.PX Class Index CommDlg.DLL Common Dialog library PxEngWin.DLL Paradox Engine library BWCC.DLL Borland Windows Custom Controls library Tarrant.DB Tarrant County Area Frequency List Tarrant.PX Tarrant County Area Frequency List Index FWFD.TXT Fort Worth Fire Department Notes CallSign.TXT Military Aviation Notes for Tarrant County Area