The fractals on this CD-ROM were made by several people. If you would like to use any of the images in your own creations for resale or reproduce them for sale you must contact the original authors! Fractals filed under FRACTALS/LANDMAN are by Michael Landman (407) 274-4038 Fractals filed under FRACTALS/STANTON are by Micky Stanton (802) 722-4039 Fractals filed under FRACTALS/YOUNGER are by David Younger (802) 387-2671 Everything filed under FRACTALS/AUTHORS is by Dick Oliver (802) 888-5275 and Al Bupp and Dan Hoviss, Dosolutions (802) 722-4141 Fractals filed under LIGHT are by Virginia Schmitz (805) 586-5591 Fractals filed under MSCAPE are by Kyle Allen, Mediascape (407) 687-0099 Enjoy!