PULSAR.FLC (c) 1994 by Steve Perrigo 70244,2773 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Players to view FLC files are available in the GRAPHDEV, GRAPHDEV and other forums. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This animation was raytraced using POVRAY 2.1 and incorporates imagemaps generated with Fauve Matisse/Kai's Power Tools and IMPROCES. The scene was Modeled in MORAY 1.5 and compiled into an animation using DTA. This animation contains 72 frames, one per 5 degrees of rotation. A single, high resolution image from the animation is available under the name PULSAR.GIF. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene was inspired by a talk I recently attended where radio astronomer Dr. Woody Sullivan from the University of Washington gave a great overview of the science of radio astronomy and an interesting discussion about pulsars. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene depicts a neutron star surrounded by its intense magnetic field. The type of neutron stars discussed were characerized as being about 1.5 times the mass of the sun and about 15 miles in diameter. The magnetic field of the neutron star does not necessarily align with the axis of rotation. Pulsars rotating at a rate of over 600 times per second have been identified. Energy can escape the neutron star at its magnetic poles. This creates a "lighthouse" type effect as the neutron star rotates - sending off a beacon of energy in a highly regular, sweeping pattern. When observed by radio astronomers, pulsars are characterized by their precise pulses of energy.