Subj: INSIDE ABORTUARIES, 1 This is a testimony from a former abortion clinic owner that every ProChoice proponent should read. It should open your eyes to the reality of the exploitive nature of abortuaries, and abortion. **WARNING!** Do not read this if you are afraid of the truth. ROBERTSON: Well, in 1983, as the soon-to-be owner of FIVE abortion clinics in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, Carol Everett was on her way to becoming a millionaire. But she left that lucrative business, in part because a local TV station uncovered the fact that her clinics were performing abortions on young women and older women WHO WERE NOT PREGNANT! Mrs. Everett knows the abortion business from the inside out, and she joins us now to tell us what goes on. Carol, I'm so glad to have you with us on the 700 Club. You were the owner of 5 abortion clinics, and your clinics were performing abortions on NON-pregnant girls and women? Is that correct? EVERETT: I had two clinics, about to own five -- so I could make a million dollars. We worked on a straight commission, $25.00 for each abortion for me -- and the abortionists across this nation work on a straight commission, too, which is a little-known fact. But yes, we were performing abortions on women who were not pregnant and were caught red-handed. ROBERTSON: Well, now, you're not even -- you don't even give pregnancy tests? If a woman comes in, you stick her up there and it's a D & C regardless? Is that what you're telling me? EVERETT: No, we had a way to prove that she was pregnant. If the 2-minute pregnancy test was negative, then we told her that THAT test wasn't sensitive enough, that she needed this OTHER test to be sure, so that she didn't have to worry. Now remember, we sold abortions by finding the fear, amplifying that fear. So, we just scared her into an abortion. A woman does NOT know what a sonogram looks like, if it's positive or negative. And we showed her a shadow on her uterus, told her it was a pregnancy, got her money, scraped out her uterus. ROBERTSON: Why do they always get cash? [For] abortions? EVERETT: Well, what if they're not satisfied with the product? They might not pay later. ROBERTSON: You say an abortionist -- is he supposed to be an M.D.? EVERETT: Not across the nation, no. ROBERTSON: Come on! You mean someone can do an operation and NOT be a medical doctor?! EVERETT: Many of the states -- you see, abortion is perceived to fall into the medical category, but that's simply not true. Abortion falls into the abortion category, and is the largest unregulated industry in this nation today. ROBERTSON: Carol, I'm shocked. I never knew that. You mean to tell me a young girl without her parent's consent could go into one of those places, aged 14, and be treated in an emergency -- inside her body with a curette, or whatever -- by somebody who's not a medical doctor? EVERETT: Unfortunately, that's true in most states. ROBERTSON: Man...I'm shocked. That's horrible! EVERETT: You know, the sad analogy is that we take better care of our animals... Our vets require that we sign a consent form. ROBERTSON: Well, you know, this whole business about -- you can't -- a daughter -- I'm not for pierced ears, but you can't get her pierced ears without parent's consent unless you're of age, and even then they would probably want some medical doctor or somebody who knows what he's doing to handle a procedure like *that*. ROBERTSON: Alright, what are some of the things that these -- these butchers do then? I mean, they're butchers out there, you're talking about. What do they do? EVERETT: The last 18 months of my involvement in the abortion industry, we maimed or killed 1 woman out of every 500 -- and that means, about once a month. We made a trip to the hospital in my CAR because an ambulance is terrible advertisement in front of an abortion clinic... And normally, they perforate the uterus and we'd either pull the bowel through the vagina -- which, of course, means a colostomy, and that's common -- or, perforate the uterus and clip the woman's urinary tract... Um, just pull her uterus wrong-side out and tear it so badly she must have a hysterectomy... Ah, we saw a woman who died -- our death was from a cervical tear -- a tear to the mouth of the uterus, which could have been repaired, but the doctor didn't have time -- he had a date and had to go. And that woman bled to death. ROBERTSON: Had a DATE?! You're talking about social-girlfriend date? EVERETT: Yes. The margaritas were waiting. ROBERTSON: I can't believe this. Where'd you get that doctor? Who uh, was he a graduate of anybody's medical school? Where from? EVERETT: When he started working in that abortion clinic, he was the chief of the ob/gyn staff of a hospital. He graduated Louisiana Medical School, and he is still doing abortions in Texas today. ROBERTSON: And he walked away from a woman who was dying because he had a date with a girl? EVERETT: Well, think about it: there's a built-in cover-up. First of all, her obituary didn't even appear in the newspaper. Her family was dealing with the circumstances of her death, with what had happened to them -- they didn't call the media, and the built-in cover-up protects the abortion industry even today. ROBERTSON: How much do they get per abortion? EVERETT: Well, the doctors made a third, to half of the fee, and the fee in the United States is $250 to--in January the 7th, the Los Angeles Times talked about an $8,000 abortion, third trimester -- ah, and of course, that's legal to the moment of birth. But let's just talk first trimester, the minimum they can make is $75.00; they can do 10 to 12 first trimester abortions an hour; that's $750 to $900 dollars an hour. ROBERTSON: An HOUR? You brought them in that many at, at, in an hour? EVERETT: Yes. This is a business. Don't miss the point: THIS IS A BUSINESS. And then, because we didn't want to pay for that doctor's malpractice insurance -- and that's why these lawsuits are so good -- we paid them in cash, did not give them a 1099, no W-2, left ENTIRELY to the discretion of the physician, what he reported as income. ROBERTSON: IRS, if you're watching, get on the ball. Get these guys. Honestly! So, you're telling me these abortionists, paid in cash, probably ripping off the government -- not to mention what they're ripping inside of women -- ah, $750 dollars an hour? They work, what, an eight-hour day? EVERETT: Well, sometimes they pop up to fourteen an hour, so they can make a little more than a thousand an hour. Now, they work -- now that's another misconception. MOST of the abortionists in this nation are not full- time abortionists. They are PART-TIME abortionists. Four hours on Wednesday, four hours on Saturday -- easily make half a million a year just doing a few abortions a week. If they want to push it, they could literally make over two million a year, if they REALLY wanted to work, PART-TIME. ROBERTSON: Two million a year, part-time...? How do you market these things? Somebody calls up and says, and, you're the Shady Lawn Abortion Clinic... what do you say to them? EVERETT: You find the fear. You start with: first day of your last normal period ... how far along she is ... and you say, "You're six weeks pregnant." Now, you've just confirmed her very worst fear, and planted that first seed in this long, marketing thread: you're pregnant. The next question is: is this good news or bad news? They simply wouldn't call that number if it were good news; it's obviously bad news, and then "we can take care of the problem ... no one needs to know." Tell me the fear, so I can then use it to affirm the abortion decision any time you move away: your parents don't have to know, on and on, and you just sell it based on fear. ROBERTSON: And she gives you, in cash, or by check, $250.00, and up. EVERETT: Don't take any checks. ROBERTSON: Oh, no checks? EVERETT: Uh-uh. ROBERTSON: You only take cash from these girls? EVERETT: Well, MasterCard or American Express, or VISA, *IF* they bring the cardholder. ROBERTSON: But no checks -- because the check might bounce? EVERETT: That's right. They'll stop payment on that. ROBERTSON: What if they regulated these things? What if they threw that attorney general out of Tennessee, that Charles Berson [sp], and enforced the law the legislature had written, what would happen to these abortion clinics? EVERETT: Over NINETY PERCENT of the abortion clinics in this nation would close if they were simply regulated to the point of any day-care, day-surgery unit. ROBERTSON: Any other ... any other ... what is that? That's the ah ...? EVERETT: Where you go to have your tonsils out, or simple day- surgery...Yes. ROBERTSON: And they're all regulated by the state? Every one of them? EVERETT: Yes. And very difficult to open one, because of the regulations. ROBERTSON: Ninety percent of the abortion clinics would have to close down because they are not safe, they are not sanitary, that's the idea? EVERETT: They would not comply with those restrictions. No. Ninety percent of them would close because they wouldn't have ... they would have to spend so much money, coming in line... ROBERTSON: What if women got smart and started suing them when they've been butchered by these people... malpractice? EVERETT: We need to help those women because they're post- abortive and hurting, and just as the news article said, they don't come forward. And so it's very important that we help those women to know we're here for them. ROBERTSON: Well, now you have an organization ... you got out of this, came to the Lord, and started something, a ministry of your own? What's it called? EVERETT: It's called "Let Me Live." It is a full-time post- abortion ministry in Dallas, Texas. ROBERTSON: Do you help women on this lawsuit thing, too? EVERETT: Yes we do... Our number is (214) 931-2273. ROBERTSON: Ladies, if you've got this problem, or you KNOW somebody who has the problem -- and there must be a lot of them out there if 1 out of every 500 has been butchered in some fashion -- you're looking at some SUBSTANTIAL legal suits, and we should have them, and we should begin to ENFORCE in the states just NORMAL medical protection, and care in abortion clinics. That's NOT too much to ask and it SURE isn't unconstitutional under ANYBODY'S interpretation of the Constitution. The American Rights Coalition is very active in this, 1-800-634-2224. And also, I'm giving out all these numbers about lawsuits, but some of you need counseling, you need help, and whatever you're doing, don't have an abortion: save that baby. And we can give you help on that, too. Call (804) 420-0700; there's somebody here that can pray with you, counsel with you, and just show you the love of Jesus Christ. ---