MASSIVE AIDS COVER-UP THREATENS U.S. From Countdown... May, 1992 Hal Lindsey's Christian Intelligence Journal P.O. Box 4000 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 "And there will various places plagues and famines..." Luke 21:11 On a television special airing on PBS stations throughout the United States this month, HIV-infected basketball star Magic Johnson and TV host Linda Ellerbee have some frank discussions with children aged 8 to 14. The kids are told that AIDS, for all intents and purposes, is only spread through unprotected sexual encounters and needle-sharing. They are told that anyone can get AIDS and that anyone can prevent it. There is no medical reason to be careful around people with AIDS, the show instructs. Condoms are an effective way to prevent the spread of AIDS during sexual activity, Ellerbee tells the children. She even demonstrates how to use one. There's just one little problem with this well-intentioned show and other programs like it: There is no truth, no morality and no science behind such claims. It's time to re-examine conventional wisdom about AIDS. In January of this year, the worst plaque in the history of the world reached another grim milestone in the U.S. - 200,000 cases. The second 100,000 cases came four times as quickly as the first 100,000. that alone should be enough to tell us that the strategy employed by the medical and governmental establishments is not working. In announcing that the disease has claimed its 200,000th victim in the U.S>, a Centers for Disease Control report said: "The culmative total...emphasizes the rapidly increasing magnitude of the HIV epidemic. If current trends continue, the next 100,000 cases will come even faster than the second - in about two years, said the CDC's Larry Slutsker. A new book about the epidemic by Dr. Lorraine Day, on of the nation's leading and most respected surgeons, charges that the public has been misinformed as th the true nature and risk of HIV and that the federal government and American Medical Association are involved in a cover-up of the facts. Here's what Dr. Day says about AIDS: - The virus is a communicable disease rather than simply a sexually transmitted disease. - The AIDS virus is "sturdy" and not "Fragile" as many so-called "experts" claim. - The virus has been "mutating" or changing and adapting at a phenomenal rate. - The virus remains active and infective in the air or on most surfaces at room temperature for lengthy periods of time. - The government and medical community refuse to study the way the disease is transmitted, relying instead on assumptions. - Unchecked, the disease could decimate the nation's population in the next five years. - The virus can survive outside the body in dried saliva for seven days. - While the government estimates that up to 1 million Americans are carrying the virus, Dr. Day says the number may be more like 3 to 7 million. AIDS is the most politicized disease mankind has ever known, Dr. Day writes in her book, "AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling You." The former chief of orthopedic surgery at San Fransisco General Hospital resigned her position two years ago and stopped practicing because she feared contracting AIDS from her patients, many of whom were homosexuals. When operating, Dr. Day recalls, "there is blood everywhere - in my shoes, on my sleeves and all over the floor. There is blood on every instrument and power tool I use. Human blood soaks through my gown and through my underwear. It settles on my abdominal skin. It seeps between my toes. That blood is potentially as dangerous as somebody's loaded pistol held to my temple." In an interview with the New York Guardian, Dr. Day said the failure of the government to institute mandatory testing is only spreading the virus. "When I decided to get tested, my colleagues told me don't do that, you might be positive and lose your insurance," she says. "But what if I'm positive and don't know it? I could kill my husband or a patient. Where is there sense of responsibility?" The AMA opposes testing of doctors. Dr Day calls this "selfishness. They are saying why should we be tested if we can't force patients to be tested?" Dr. Day says that medical protective wear is not sufficient to protect a health worker from the disease. She also notes that the virus is small enough to pass through a condom - even one with a tear or break. And Dr. Day, though a courageous exception in the medical community, is by no means alone in her beliefs. "There has been no serious attempt at investigative journalism into the wealth of scientific scandals surrounding AIDS," said Dr. John Seale, a leading British expert on the disease who advises Margaret Thatcher. "(Journalists) have other given way to the tremendous pressure put upon them by scientist and homosexuals to understate the seriousness of the epidemic and...have capitulated to the demands that AIDS is portrayed as an ordinary venereal disease.". Dr. Seale has accurately called AIDS "the molecular biological equivalent of nuclear war." And he is shocked at how public health authorities have failed to take appropriate actions to curb the disease and how the media has spread so much disinformation about it. Today, in our major cities, AIDS has become one of the leading causes of death. And there is no cure in sight. What makes AIDS more horrible that any previous plague is its attack on the immune system, which leaves its victims helpless to defend themselves from every kind of sickness - from the common cold to meningitis. The Bible tells us there will be several great signals to alert us that the end of the age and the beginning of a new world is near. War, revolution, earthquakes, religious deception, strange occurrences in space, famines and...plagues are all mentioned. The Bible is very clear about homosexuality and its consequences. In Leviticus 18:22, it says: "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." In the New Testament, let's look at Romans 1:24-28: "Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural. And in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error." Historically, whenever rampant sexual promiscuity broke out in a society, a virulent plague would follow. Yet with all the evidence, some of our greatest medical, scientific, and political minds fail to see the connection.