The following article was originally scheduled to appear in the newspaper THE REVELATION POST, published by Shining Light Ministries (P.O. Box 337, Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 4Y9) but was cut just prior to publication. The information in this article is current and can be found in it's entirety in the book by Gene Antonio: AIDS Rage & Reality. " When I first became aware of the disease, there were only 41 cases in the United States, now there are 12 million people infected with AIDS around the world: within the next eight years this figure could rise to 40 million. From 41 to 40 million should be enough not only to cause a level of panic but also to make everyone ask: how is this plague speading so quickly? "I wonder if - despite everything we are being led to believe - AIDS is spread in ways we don't yet know about. These figures are growing with such alarming rapidity that I wonder if AIDS is transmitted in ways other than sex, dirty needles and infected blood... "But what is there out there that we don't know about? Are not 40 million infected people trying to tell us something else - another means of transmission, say - might be going on?" Larry Kramer, founder ACT-UP as told in Newsweek, April 13, 1992 AIDS - contagious? Yes? No? Maybe? What are you to believe these days? Is AIDS something to fear or is it just another virus that will be around for a while and then fade away once a cure is found? What does it really mean to the everyday individual? Should we sit up and take note of it or just try not to think about it too much and hope it goes away? The answers to these questions will be hard to swallow. AIDS is definitely something to fear. It will not simply fade away, and yes, you should sit up and take note because the information in this article is only a small excerpt of actual medical proof that AIDS is definitely a real threat to the human race. The comment by Larry Kramer opens up a real issue on how contagious the AIDS virus actually is. In fact, it is going to go well beyond 40 million cases. Dr. Johnathan Mann, Director of the International AIDS Center at Harvard university cited in the June 1992 International Healthwatch Report that "the world's vulnerability to the spread of AIDS is increasing not decreasing. The pandemic is spreading to new areas and communities. The disease has not peaked and will reach every country by the end of the century." Dr. Joseph Feldschuh, fellow, American College of Physicians has also stated that "AIDS has the potential of killing more people worldwide than those who died in both world wars." Some pretty grim outlooks on this disease, but that's only the beginning. Doctors, scientists and researchers have all come up with other shocking evidence that AIDS is far more deadly and far more contagious that what is being promoted by the government and media. Part of the problem lies within the virus itself and its ability to reproduce and mutate to forms that have never been seen before. Dr. William Haseltine of Harvard's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute noted that "the kind of readout of genetic information we see in this system [of the AIDS virus] is absolutely astounding. Nobody would have thought this level of transcription [gene activity] was possible before we did these studies. We were shocked. It's about 1000 times faster than the genes we know about. "This system is very potent in permitting viruses to replicate at a ferocious rate. It's one of the reasons this virus can be transmitted so easily from person to person." (As reported in the Fort Worth Star Telegram - July 30, 1985). The Orange County Register reported last year that "Japanese scientists have identified a strain of HIV that kills more rapidly than previous known forms. The virus was found in the blood of a 24 year old man who died within only eight months after he was infected. The same type of swift killing virus has been found in France." So why don't the researchers speed up the process of finding an AIDS treatment? - The simple answer lies in the fact that they don't have a treatment to hurry up with. Officials of the US Food and Drug Administration have said that it's not a problem of speeding through approval of AIDS vaccines, it's a problem of not having any vaccines available to speed through. Drug companies are doing their best, but as soon as something comes to light, a new type of AIDS virus is found which will not respond to their drug. Another problem with finding AIDS treatments is the fact that there are at least ten different "obstacles" that are in the way. These are scientifically proven facts about AIDS that bring to light the devastating reality of this disease. 1. The AIDS virus permanently integrates into the genetic core material of human cells. "Simply put, the AIDS virus changes or mutates the infected human's genetic code permanently. Once incorporated into the person's chromosomes...that person's cells have the capacity to make more virus which can go on to infect other cells and other people. By virtue of that reality, it can be said that there is no foreseeable medical technology to provide a cure." (William T. O'Connor, MD, from his book AIDS: The Alarming Reality) 2. HIV is a lentivirus. HIV is a member of the lentivirus group of viruses. "Lenti" is derived from the Latin, lentus, meaning sticky, tenacious, slow. They are known for their lengthy "slow" incubation period and are very virulent and complex. The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine reported in 1985 that "in domestic animals, lentivirus infections have proved so lethal and unresponsive to treatment, and vaccines have proved so useless, that slaughter of infected animals has been the universal means of control." 3. The AIDS virus incessantly mutates and multiples within the body. "HIV has no quiescent stage of replication; replication occurs at all stages of HIV disease." (Dr. Anthony Fauci, Medical Tribune October 31, 1991). "The AIDS virus is constantly mutating within the body of each infected individual," researchers from both the University of Miami and the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology in Bethesda, Maryland noted in their facts at the third International Conference on AIDS in 1987. Findings at the Los Alamos National Laboratory also show that HIV alters its genetic code as much as five times as fast as the influenza virus, which was previously thought to be the fastest mutating. The flu virus has taken 50 years to change as much as the AIDS virus has in ten years. Dr. Gerald Myers, molecular geneticist, who participated in the research stated in the Dallas Morning News on September 14, 1987 that "the AIDS viruses now manifest themselves as a complex family tree, sprouting new genetic branches-and apparently quickly at that." 4. HIV infection is a progressive degenerative disease. Gene Antonio, author of The Aids Cover-Up? has stated that "ultimately infection with the AIDS virus may leave no survivors. This means that the majority -perhaps all- of the persons already infected will probably die of AIDS-related disease." 5. HIV infection means AIDS is present. "...Medical experts across the country now concede that almost all individuals who are HIV positive have AIDS, even if they appear healthy..." (Joseph Feldschuh, MD, Internal Medicine News, January 1989). 6. The AIDS virus infects and destroys the cells which normally help to ward off disease. The Cecil Book of Medicine 18th Edition, page 1800 writes "The AIDS virus invades and takes over the cells which normally help to defend against invading organisms. The immune system is designed ward off invading germs and organisms. HIV infects the T4 lymphocyte and monocyte-macrophage which serve as pivotal cells in the armada of the immune system." 7. There is no means of reconstituting the human immune system. It is well established that the AIDS virus infects and destroys cells which normally protect the body and thus leaves the body vulnerable to deadly opportunistic infections and cancers. Dr. Anthony Fauci wrote in the 1985 Annual of Internal Medicine: "Although effective therapies are available for many of the infections and tumors that occur in patients with AIDS, NO therapy exists for the underlying immunodeficiency." 8. HIV can induce autoimmune disease. In the book AIDS: Rage and Reality, Gene Antonio points out that "In addition to crippling the immune system and devastating the central nervous system, mounting scientific evidence indicates that HIV induces autoimmune disease. Autoimmunity is a condition in which the body attacks and rejects its own healthy tissues. The body mounts an immune response against its own normal, healthy tissue elements, attacking them as though they were a harmful substance." 9. The AIDS virus kills directly. AIDS: Rage and Reality also states on page ten that "the notion that 'AIDS itself doesn't kill. People don't die of AIDS; they die of other diseases caused by their weakened immune systems,' is found in most popular AIDS education materials, and is reiterated frequently in the media. This statement contains a substantial error of omission. It has been well established that the AIDS virus itself invades vital organs in the body and directly causes disease." 10. HIV invades the spinal cord and brain (Central Nervous System). Dr. Jay Levy wrote in the book AIDS, The Deadly Epidemic on page 143: "When the virus goes to the brain and you have infectious virus replicating in the brain, that obviously means you have serious problems in trying to treat it. You can't kill brain cells without trading off some very important bio-functions." As the above ten facts have shown, AIDS is practically impossible to treat. Once it has infected the body's cells, it actually becomes part of that cell and can only be killed if that cell is killed. Even if the cells could be repaired, bone marrow serves as a reservoir of HIV in those infected. In April 1988, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated that "the lung secretions of AIDS patients expectorated into the air should be considered infectious." The sixth International Conference on AIDS in 1990 also brought out the fact "that HIV has been detected in urine and should be considered an infectious body fluid in individuals with HIV disease." Kissing involving the exchange of saliva can transmit HIV disease. The fourth International Conference on AIDS in 1988 brought an end to the popular misconception that saliva cannot transmit AIDS. Researchers indicated that the saliva of AIDS carriers is teeming with infectious viruses. Passionate kissing alone can result in AIDS transmission. In 1985, the Journal of the American Medical Association also brought out the fact that dried saliva contained the infectious AIDS virus and was detected even after 15 days at room temperature! Now, what about "Safe Sex"? Is that O.K.? Can you just use a condom and know you're protected? In one word - NO. In Family Planning Perspectives (May/June 1989), the revised figures from the 1982 National Survey of Family Growth found that condoms will fail, on average 15.7% of the time. That's a one in six chance of it breaking. It's like playing Russian Roulette with a one-in-six chance of dying. What about the other 5 times? Well don't think you're safe yet. Researchers studying surgical gloves made out of latex, the same material as condoms, found "channels of 5 microns penetrated the entire thickness of the glove" (Nature 335, September 1, 1988) Now DON'T MISS THIS: the American Journal of Nursing, October 1987, stated that the HIV virus is 450 times SMALLER than sperm and measures 0.1 micron. YOU figure how many times the HIV virus could pass through those "channels." Even the "professionals" who are so eager to talk about "safe sex" aren't willing to take that kind of risk. Dr. Theresa Crenshaw, past president of the American Association of Sex Education, Counselors and Therapists, and a member of the national AIDS Commission discovered this first hand. These are her remarks she gave at the National Conference on HIV in November 1987: "On June 19, 1987, I gave a lecture on AIDS to 800 sexologists at the World Congress of Sexologie in Heidelberg. Most of them recommended condoms to their clients and students. I asked them if they had available the partner of their dreams, and they knew that person carried the virus, would they have sex, depending on a condom for protection? No one raised their hand. After a long delay, one timid hand surfaced from the back of the room. I told them that it was irresponsible to give advice to others that they would not follow themselves. The point is, putting a mere balloon between a healthy body and a deadly disease is not safe." Judge for yourself. What really is the truth about AIDS? Do you believe what is being toted as the popular idea, or do you take matters into your own hands and investigate it yourself? These are simply the facts that are stated here. No assumptions or fascinations. If you are sexually active, and haven't yet contracted AIDS, make a decision about your life. All it takes is one mistake, and you've lost your life! The facts outlined here are not meant to scare you, or to sensationalize the AIDS problem. They are simply stated as facts, to inform you so that you can make your own intelligent choices about your lifestyle. For further information about AIDS, please read the book AIDS: Rage & Reality by Gene Antonio. Published by Anchor Books, Dallas, Texas. This book can be ordered from Forerunner Marketing Corp. at P.O. Box 337, Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 4Y9.