Theft By Deception: The Rock that could steal our fold "SATAN'S MUSIC" "NOTHING'S CHANGED" Sermon Outline - "Contemporary Christian Music" I. Music - "Sign of Apostasy" Exodus 32:15-29 A. First rock concert in Bible B. Had all the signs of sin and apostasy C. Result of their fall into sin - outward appearance of an inward problem. II. Music - "Broke the fellowship between the brethren" 1 SAM 18:1-9 A. People might have had good intentions with their song B. Contemporary Christian music is causing deep division in the church. Ill. Music - "Caused people to fall into idolatry" - Daniel 3:10 & 11 A. All religions use music to call them to worship. What is the object of their worship? B. Contemporary Christian music claims to be reaching people for Christ, but where is the phenominal growth in our churches and spiritual depth in our people. C. Our heroes are not who they should be - look at the posters and records and things people are buying. (The meat for this message is contained in this booklet.) The devil has a way of deception which is called redefining terms. He will give it another name so that it is not so offensive. For example: The devil calls a drunk a "problem drinker." He calls a harlot "a lady of the night or a prostitute." The redefining of terms causes a person to accept something that may otherwise be rejected. It is very clear to see that Satan is up to his old tricks again. The term I hear quite frequently now is Contemporary Christian Music. It is called contemporary music to Christians, and it is called Rock and Roll to the world. Even though the name has been changed, the meaning is the same. So for the sake of true definition, Contemporary Music is nothing more than Rock and Roll. Now these are a few quotations from the world about Rock and Roll. "Rock Music is sex" (Andrew Oldham - Rolling Stone). "Rock and Roll is devastating to the mind" (Little Richard). "We see Rock and Roll as a part of a communist plot to take over America" (Jerry Rubin, a communist revolutionary). "Rock Music is easy to have sex to" (Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones). "Rock and Roll has always been the devil's music" (David Bowie). Now after statements like these are made, why would Christians recommend Gospel Music put to Rock and Roll. Here are some reasons: 1. If the devil can use Rock and Roll to reach people, why can't Jesus use the same tool? Really the message is the most important thing. If that statement is true, read these lyrics and tell me if we should recommend this song for our young people: "You can't believe the things I've done wrong in my life, without even trying, I've lived on the edge of a knife. Well, I've played with fire and I don't want to get myself burned, too, I also think it's time to turn, before I burn in Hell! Oh Burn in hell." Really and honestly isn't this a song that should cause young people to flock to our churches looking for salvation. You are probably wanting to know the name of this New Christian Rock and Roll Band. The truth that the group is not a Christian group. The song is Burn in Hell by Twisted Sister. (Dee Snyder of the group says they make music that makes you want to go home and kill your parents.) Is there anything wrong with the message? I'd have to say no! So can I in good conscience recommend this group to our young people? No! Let me tell you something I've noticed in this New Rock and Roll. It is getting very religious. Rod Stewart has a gospel song on one of his newer albums. Iron Maiden quotes the Bible on the back of the album Number of the Beast. Why? Because Christians are now tagged as a market. Contemporary Christian music is a big business. USA Today reports that it captures more of the record sales nationally than jazz and classical. It is a $300 million a year business and two of the major record labels, A&M and Capitol estimate that there is potential for 3 to 5 times more business than is now being done. 2. The next reason some Christians recommend Gospel Rock and Roll is because it replaces secular rock. I do something kind of interesting sometimes in Christian schools. We will ask the students to make up questions, and put them on a piece of paper before chapel so they cannot be identified. Then we answer the questions in chapel. This is what a normal (not an exception) sheet looks like: 1. What about Contempory Gospel Music? Like Petra, Rez Band, Stryper, Amy Grant, etc. 2. What about Lionel Ritchie, Air Supply, Phil Collins, Bruce Springsteen? 3. Is there anything wrong with rapping music? 4. How about soul like Kool and the Gang? Do you see a pattern here? I do. I see a lot of young Christians who still listen to secular music. They have only added gospel Rock and Roll to their list. This is an old trick of Satan's. The children of Israel did not get in trouble with God because they tossed Him out. They only added other gods to their list. See even the wisest man to ever live fell to this problem. Solomon never forgot God, he only took pagan wives who brought in their own gods. You see a home cannot have more than one God. A modern day example is voodoo in South America. Many of those who practice voodoo have also been baptized as Catholics. The one danger of Christianity becoming popular is that pagan beliefs are added to Christian beliefs. Deuteronomy 12:30 "Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from going before thee; and that thou inquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? Even so will I do likewise." In verse 31 it tells the children of Israel not to practice pagan religions lest they stoop so low that they offer their own children as sacrifice. See God did not want them to add to His people a false god like Molech. Even today the devil doesn't mind if young people have Gospel Rock and Roll if he can slip in a few secular groups, too. 3. It helps Christians relate to the world so they can win the world. Example: The other night a Christian Rock and Roll artist came up to my table and said, "Look man these teenagers are not going to come and listen to a group dressed up in suits. See we relate to them, we dress like rockers so we can reach them." My reply was Huey Lewis and the News (a very popular secular Rock Group) dress in suits and they pack out stadiums with young people. His friends all laughed as he ate his words. My point was not to embarrass him, only to show him that Christ does not say look like the world, and you will win them. Quite the contrary, the Bible tells us to come out from among them and not be like the world in order to win them. As a youth speaker I get to speak and reach thousands of young people. I can tell you from experience, that those boys who have the rat tail hair cut are not the best soul winners. Nor is the girl who has the wildest clothes and the strangest hairdo. I'm simply saying if they are dressing like rockers to reach rockers, are they really reaching them. A young man once told me that he could witness to his friends so much easier if he were high on pot. I told him that the Holy Spirit did not need a crutch. Needless to say he did not win his friends. He ultimately ended up in a mental institution. His brain is now totally destroyed by drugs. That thing he thought would help him utterly destroyed him. Conclusion My greatest fear is that after spending years of time and energy to warn young people of the destructive power of Rock and Roll, that they would be slowly led back into it via Gospel Rock and Roll. The other day I read something in the USA Today paper that floored me. It was an article about U-2, which has been classed as a secular Christian Rock and Roll Band and some Christian magazines have pushed them as being a safe group for our young people to go and see. Many of these young people have been disappointed by the drugs and worldliness at U-2's concerts. Now USA Today says U-2 is going to do a tour in the USA along with a singer named "Sting." This did not bother me. What bothered me is that thousands of uninformed Christians will pay to see this group, along with none other than Sting (from the group Police). Sting is a known practicing occultist. He says he has not seen such strange things since he started practicing the occult. In his pictorial a statement is under his picture, "The best place to seek for god is in the garden you can dig for him there." Just like Amy Grant they will lead our young people back into secular concerts. And one day we will say it was the Rock and Roll that stole them from our fold. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." This passage tells us that there are going to be those who will look righteous. They will use the Bible, they will sound like they love God. They will even use the name of Jesus. They use terms like Lord, Master, God. Now most people do not know that these terms are also used by those who worship Satan. Ozzie Osborne says, "good night and god bless you". Is he talking about Jesus Christ? Ronnie James DIO's name has religious significance. DIO means God in Italian. If you turn his name upside down it spells DEVIL. Prince dedicates his sexual songs to deity or god. People have said to me that these men are Christians. Some have told me groups like Black Sabbath, U-2, Mister Mr., and others are Christians. I would say that Satan is confusing people about Christianity. In the 60's we had the Jesus People, but our churches did not grow from this movement. Today people claim that thousands of people are becoming saved every night through contemporary Christian music concerts, yet as I'm going into about 100 churches a year, I'm not seeing a sudden boom on church attendance. I'm not seeing a sudden growth in our Bible colleges and our Seminaries. I'll tell you what I am seeing. I'm seeing teenage boys with religious earrings in their left ears. I'm seeing boys with the rat tail hair cuts. I'm seeing girls with bleached hair punk hair styles. I see those dressing like rock and roll. This makes Christianity cheap. AMY'S CLAIM TO SHAME The Ladies Home Journal is not a magazine that I read on a regular basis, but in the December 1985 issue an article was shown to me by my wife. This article was about Amy Grant, and her recent success. The interview starts on a semi-religious tone: Amy: "My greatest desire is to tell people how my life has been touched by Jesus. But as soon as I mention Jesus in an interview, readers turn off. They go, 'What? No, no she's getting weird,' So I think I won't say it - I'll just keep singing it." Now when Christians read this they say, "See, Amy is still getting the gospel out." Well, if she is singing about Jesus, it is not on her new album. The name Jesus is mentioned only once, and basically she says Jesus had His life on this earth, and she, too, has her own life to live. It is true that the name of Jesus Christ is offensive to the lost, because it is the only name by which a person can be saved, According to Acts 4:12, Jesus gives a warning about denying Him: "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 10:33). Amy does not want to be known as a prude, but she is not crude either. I guess the half way mark between being a prude or crude is lewd. And that is exactly where Amy is today. For an example, Amy is asked this question by Ladies Home Journal: LHJ: "And what is her impression of Madonna, the material girl who was recently pictured in adult magazines wearing very little material?" Amy: "Madonna and I have a different emotional make-up, very different. For one thing, I would want to be seen in naked photos; for another..." LHJ: "She breaks off and smiles. Well, there was that one time last year she recalls slowly, when she took all her clothes off on what she thought was a nude beach in Africa. The beach was deserted, except for some young native men who suddenly appeared and remained to stare." Amy: "My girlfriend and I wondered why the boys had their clothes on, so we swam way out in the ocean and stayed there. Later we learned it was not a nude beach. But no big deal. It was a liberating experience. It felt unbelievable crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun. I've not had that much fun in so long..." It is interesting that David Livingstone went as a missionary to Africa, and told the natives to put their clothes on and Amy Grant, the new missionary, goes to Africa and is surprised to see the natives wearing clothes. And they were surprised to see she wasn't. The Bible tells of a man who was naked. This man was demon possessed. As soon as Christ set him free, he sat at the feet of Christ fully dressed. But you have to understand she is not a prude nor is she crude, she is only a little lewd. See she is not a prude, she will even use vulgar language for a laugh. Amy: "I have a healthy sense of right and wrong, but sometimes, for example, using foul exclamation-point words among friends can be good for a laugh" "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." (1 Cor 15:33) LHJ: "She draws the line at using drugs though. As for drinking..." Amy: "Moderation is the key. I love a nice glass of wine." Alcohol has destroyed as many if not more lives than drugs. Teenage alcohol abuse is a major problem in our country. I could go on to tell you that Amy's favorite performers are not Christians. As I speak on rock music around the country, I tell young people not to go to concerts because of Satan's influences, yet Amy goes and so many young Christians think it is alright also. This gospel rock was started to give teens an alternative, yet we now see that Amy or many of the other gospel rock singers and performers do not use this alternative themselves. I must admit if you use the world as a meter, Amy would be very wholesome, but when you put her life next to God's standard she would not be a role model for Christians. Amy is not the first to be blinded by the glitter. People like Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, the Oak Ridge Boys, the Gatlins (Larry Gatlin sings "If there is no Mogan David wine in Heaven he wants to go to hell"), and many more, started a church and left their first love. WHO IS THAT RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE??? Rock for the King words and music by Mike Lee IN THE DAY OF THE WHITE HORSE, MANY WILL FLY UP TO THE SKY Heaven awaits those who live for the King, This is what I sing OH, THE JOY WILL RISE WHEN WE SEE, THE RIDER OF THE WHITE HORSE," We will rock - for the King, we will rock We will rock - for the King GET YOURSELVES READY TO TAKE TO THE AIR, SOON WE'LL BE THERE - Those who live for the King, We're rockin' steady We'll never let go of the truth we know and He gives you new life OH, THE JOY WILL RISE WHEN WE SEE THE RIDER OF THE WHITE HORSE We will rock - for the King We will rock We will rock - to the gates We will stand - stand up for the King Drink the water of life and you will never thirst - no Taste the laughter of joy as it builds inside you OH, THE JOY WILL RISE WHEN WE SEE THE WHITE HORSE AND... We will rock - for the King We will rock - time is running out We will rock - shout it to the face of the crowd We will rock - let the people know - make it loud We will rock - the kingdom is at hand We will rock - it's time to make a stand Rock for the King There is a brand new group emerging into the field of Contemporary Christian Music by the name of "Barren Cross," You will notice we have printed the words to one of their songs written by the lead singer of the group. We have highlighted for emphasis certain portions of this song. You will notice in the first line the mention of "The day of the White Horse," and again in the second phrase "Oh the joy will rise when we see, The rider of the white horse," again a few lines down this phrase is repeated and repeated again throughout the song, "Oh the joy will rise when we see the white horse, We will rock - for the King We will rock," We would presume that the song is speaking about rocking for the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. But after closely studying the words of the song and comparing them with Biblical accuracy we see a point of great confusion and interest. Please follow me as we turn to the book of the Revelation, Chapter 6, verses 1 & 2. 1. And I say when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, on of the four living creatures saying, Come. 2. And I say and, behold, a white horse; and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. You will notice that verse 2 speaks of a white horse and the rider. The one who is riding the white horse is said to have in his hand a bow and a crown and he is to go forth and conquer. This at first glance may sound as if it is speaking aobut Jesus, but verse 1 tells us that Jesus, "The Lamb," opened the seal that revealed the sight of the rider on the white horse and Christ was not given a crown as the proclamation of the gospel began. If the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is not the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, as the song portrays, well who is He? You might say, "Well there is a place in scripture where Jesus is riding a white horse - isn't there?" Yes, in Revelation chapter 19 verse 11, the Bible says "And I saw heaven opened and, behold, a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." This is Jesus Christ, there is no doubt. The problem is that in the song, the first few words tell us, "Many will fly up to the sky in the day of the white horse." Revelation 19:11-16 is long after the rapture of the church when we, His children will meet Him in the air and also Rev. 19:14 tells us that the church, will follow Him also on white horses just prior to the "Battle of Armageddon." Therefore, there is no way for many of us to "Take to the air," when we see this rider on a white horse. We will already be up there. Now you might say, "Oh that is just a song and a small error in interpretation on Barren Cross' part." It is no small error to try to add or take away from the words of the book of prophecy. Read Revelation 22:18 & 19. Our children are listening to these songs and building their theology and beliefs on these words. Let us be real careful to rightly divide the word, in all that we say, think, and do. Oh, and by the way, who is the rider on the white horse that will appear right after the rapture of the church? Who is the king that the song is speaking of, the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:1-2? This is just another evidence of the subtlety of Satan to use Contemporary Christian Music to confuse and blind the eyes of innocent believers young and old. HERE'S A BIBLE TRIVIA QUESTION What happened everytime the children of Israel tried to imitate the world? A. They won those heathen nations over to Judaism. B. They gave up all of their idols C. They fill on their faces before God. D. Israel fell into apostacy, witchcraft, and pagan worship, by which God always chastised them for it. The answer is D. God has never used popularity with the world as a way to win the world. One has to see that Satan's tricks are not new. They have been tried many times before and have been found successful. You as a reader will never find the term rock and roll in the Bible, but you can find that worldly influences have always been the down fall of Israel. Now many will use the argument that some of our hymns were bar room music in the 1800s. That is true, but there is a big difference between their bar room music and our rock and roll. Rock and roll is not only music, rock and roll is a lifestyle. It's hair fashion, it's styles of clothing, it's rat tails for boys, it's posters for girls, it's tee shirts and buttons, it's earrings in the left ear for boys, it's the multi-colored hair for the girls, it's black gloves with the fingers cut out, it's bandanas, spikes, and leather, it's $2,000.00 stereo sets, it's $20.00 concert tickets, it's thousands of dollars for light shows and props, it's a lot more than music. Not only that, but the music of today is addictive. Unlike Fanny Crosby, John Newton, John Wesley, rock music is played over and over all night long. It's carried to school with loud ghetto blasters. It's simply MTV in the morning. Ghetto blasters at noon. And ear phones when the sun goes down. IN CLOSING ========== In the book of Acts, chapter 16:16-18, the Bible shows us a clear illustration of what we have been talking about in this pamphlet, the story is that Paul and Silas were in the city of Philippi when they were met by a young girl. She followed Paul and his followers around and the Bible says that she kept saying as she went, "These men are the servants of the most high God, who show unto us the way of salvation." Now at first you might say, wow, what good advertising. She was telling all she saw about these men of God and what their message was. If you were going to be preaching at the local auditorium tonight in a revival service it would be great publicity to have someone advertising your meeting, but Paul was not too happy about this public relations attempt. The Bible says that after many days of this Paul became grieved. Why did he get angry and upset? The answer is right here and I neglected to tell you one thing, the girl who was advertising Paul's ministry was demon possessed. Even though the message she was telling was good, there is no place in scripture where we are to mix the preaching of Jesus Christ and demons or the worship of the Devil. The Bible tells us "What communion hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel. Wherefore, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing." 2 Cor 6:14-17. Today in contemporary Christian music, we have self-proclaimed Christian artists traveling and playing of the same stage and on the same programs and albums as known occultists and Satanists. Just recently Bob Dylan performed with the rock group Grateful Dead, the "Christian" group Stryper has traveled with Motley Crue and Metallica doing heaven and hell concerts. On Mylon Le Fevre's new album he gives credits to Philip Bailey of the group Earth Wind and Fire and Jimmy Jamison of the group Survivor, both group's recordings you will find in every rock record store you go into. When we buy the so called contemporary Christian albums at our local Christian bookstores, some royalties from the sale of these albums are going right into the pocket of the rock stars who are appearing on the Christian albums so they in turn can give their money to promote Satanism and the occult. What are the Christian book stores doing? Contemporary Christian singer, Kerry Livgren has an album on which, Ronnie James Dio of the group Dio is featured. Interestingly enough if you find the logo "Dio" on any of their albums of advertising and turn it upside down you will see the word "Devil" in graphic letters. Here is a letter from a young man, 17 years old, that we received at our office. As you read it, keep in mind what originally peaked his interest in heavy metal rock music. My name is Tom. Everyone in my family is saved. I come from a good Christian home. First, I just want to thank Stryper for giving me the desire for heavy metal. Before Stryper I never thought I would be attending Ozzy Ozbourne in concert. I was attending Word of Life summer camp when I realized what a strong hold that Rock N'Roll had on my life. Well, at camp, on the last night I grabbed my Motley Crue - "Shout at the Devil" - and - "Theater of Pain" tapes and I started ripping the tape out and I walked across the bridge toward the fire, and I threw them in the fire. It felt good to have finally been set free from Satan. That same night, I called my home and I asked my mother to tear down my posters and flags. After this happened, I found out that there were many, many people that were praying for me. Since I've been here, I have devoted my entire life to Christ. And these last few words are to the group, Stryper, thanks for nothing. Love in Christ, Tom (The group Stryper is a contemporary Christian heavy metal rock band) We could go on and on, but we want to close by asking you to take a minute and reevaluate your listening habits in the light of God's Word. Is what you are listening to honoring and glorifying and uplifting to the Lord or have you been deceived by the father of lies to believe you can mix the music of the world with the message of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For this is the true meaning of the Gospel as we see it in 1 Cor 15:1-4. Have you ever trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and asked Him to forgive you of all your sins? Or maybe you have been born again by the blood of Jesus Christ, but you have been stolen away from the life Christ would have for you by this contemporary Christian music. If there is a decision about either of these two questions that needs to be made in your life, why not bow your head right now and talk to the Lord about it. If we can be of any help to you please write us or call May the Lord bless you as you rightly divide the word of truth and walk in the way He would have you to walk. ------------------ Evangelist Dave Benoit, is president and founder of Glory Ministries, a nationwide ministry exposing the truth about rock music, holding seminars in local churches all across America. Last year alone seeing over 2500 men and women, boys and girls accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and thousands more rededicating their lives to Christ. Dave and his wife Debbie are the parents of two children and have given their lives totally to the ministry of evangelism in the local church. For more information about Glory Ministries in regards to the possibility of us coming to your church or to receive our newsletter every six weeks filled with factual and current information that will inform you and keep you in touch with what is going on, please write or call: Glory Ministries P.O. Box 560919 Charlotte, NC 28256 (704) 342-0576 "A MINISTRY THAT EXPOSES THE TRUTH ABOUT ROCK MUSIC"