10 Reasons Why I Drink 1. I love to Vomit. 2. It makes my children respect me. 3. My wife loves my whiskey breath and beer-bleary eyes. 4. Drunkards and saloon-keepers make the best citizens. 5. It helps me win the safe-driving award. 6. I want to encourage juvenile delinquecy. 7. It helps me think more clearly. 8. It's my way of saving money. 9. I hope to live in a 'flophouse' on Skid Row. 10. It's my way of obeying God, Who says, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whosoever is decieved thereby is not wise." - Proverbs 20:1 "I know when to stop!" Sure. You're smart. You can take it. You know when you've had enough. That's what every drunken bum said at one time. But the time to stop was before˙he took the first drink. Now he's lost his money, his home, his family, his respect, his health. And his mind's going. ˙Visit him at 5th and Wisconsin, or on the Skid Row of your city. See him begging for money. Look at his eyes, his shaking fingers. Talk to him. He was a doctor, a lawyer, a real estate broker, a college graduate and an athlete. Now he's an alcholic. He didn't want to be a wallflower. He wanted to sow his wild oats. He got too big for Sunday ˙School. He listened to an atheistic, evolutionist, college professor educated beyond his intellegence. "The Bible?''˙Full of fairy tales. Read Tom Paine instead. Or Robert Ingersoll. Or Eleanor Roosevelt. Or Harry Emerson Fosdick. Or sex books. You're only an animal. Live like one." Now look in the Mirror! You are that person - 5, 10, 20 years from now - or sooner. Unless you wake up. God declares, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galations 6:7. You are on the toboggan. So is America. Americans drank 83 million barrels of beer in ˙1 year. Americans spent in 1 year $8,760,000,000 for intoxicating liquors against $5,010,236,000 for public school education. Unless we stop, God will curse America! How to quit! Be converted to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Accept Him as your Saviour. Ask Him to forgive you for your sins and make you a real Christian. Read your Bible daily and urge others to give their hearts to Christ. Write and tell us of your decision. We will send you a free booklet. The Conversion Center, Drawer V, Havertown, Penn., 19083 From the S.O.N. BBS, WI If you are in or near Toronto --- Call The Seed Sowers Friendly BBS (416) 498-5259 or 498-5962 24hrs -------------------------------------------------------------- Msg#:16069 *GENERAL MESSAGES* 05/26/88 16:18:00 From: JACK DECKER To: ALL Subj: RE: BIBLE Bill, These are my thoughts on Christians drinking wine: 1) In North America we have pure water and better (and less expensive!) treatments for stomach disorders than wine. Thus we do not NEED to drink wine. 2) There is some question among Bible scholars as to whether the word translated as "wine" always referred to a drink with a significant alcohol content. Some scholors believe that the drink called "wine" in the Bible was actually closer to what we would call "grape juice", in that it had negligible alcohol content. In contrast, many modern wines have sugar added during the fermentation process to RAISE the alcohol content beyond that which would be produced through natural aging. 3) In North America, the distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages in some areas is controlled by the underworld (criminal elements), thus by purchasing these beverages you may be helping to subsidize organized crime. 4) It is a TERRIBLE witness to non-Christians, since in this country most unsaved people feel that a true Christian doesn't drink. One drink in public (or one purchase of wine at the supermarket) COULD destroy your Christian testimony with someone you have been trying to win for Christ. 5) It may cause your Christian Brothers or Sisters to stumble. If they see you drinking, they may assume it's okay for a Christian to drink, and they may not be able to stop before crossing the line into drunkenness. 6) It may cause YOU to stumble. You may THINK that you can stop before you get drunk, but you are allowing yourself to be tempted, and at some point YOU might cross the line into drunkeness. No one ever started drinking with the idea that they wanted to be an alcoholic! 7) It could cause you to sin against others. If you do drink a little too much, you may offend others in ways that are not becoming to a Christian. If you get behind the wheel of an automobile, you could murder someone! Think back to the worst town drunk, the worst "lush" you've ever met. Do you think that when that person took his first drink, he imagined that he would turn out like that someday? Do you think that just because you are a Christian, you are immune to winding up like that? That person may have been a "social drinker" for many years, but perhaps some unexpected event... some extra amount of strees... provided the temptation for him to drink just a bit TOO much. When you drink, you are needlessly exposing yourself to temptation, and your Christian witness to others could go right down the tubes. That is why I feel that it is not a good idea for Christians to drink, even if they do interpret the scriptures as being somewhat permissive on the matter. You might want to prayerfully consider this... Jack --- * Origin: Northern Bytes BBS (Private Node via 154/7) (Opus 1:154/8)