HALLOWEEN A Celtic Festival For The Dead The Eve of All Saints' Day Hallowmas For the Celtics, the new year began on the first day of November. The festival was a time to welcome the spirits of the dead and to gain relief from magical powers. The Celts spoke an early form of English which became the basis for many dialects spoken in western France and all around the British Isles. The Scotch and Irish brought Halloween to the United States as they migrated to this country. The Christian festival (All Hallows' Day) and the Celtic elements have now been merged into one common celebration. It was believed in some parts of Europe that Witches and Warlocks flew around on this night so huge bonfires were built to scare off this bit of evil. Since people already believed this was a day when witches flew everywhere it is easy to see how some people would try to dress up like witches to scare the believers. WITCHES & WARLOCKS Moses told the Israelites: "When you enter in the Promised Land you must be very careful lest you be corrupted by the horrible customs of the nations now living there. For example any Israeli who presents his child to be burned to death as a sacrifice to heathen gods, must be killed. No Israeli may practice black magic, or call on the evil spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be a serpent charmer, medium, or wizard, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone doing these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord and it is because the nations do these things that the Lord your God will displace them. You must walk blamelessly before the Lord your God. The nations you replace all do these evil things, but the Lord your God will not permit you to do such things." Moses Living Bible Deuteronomy 18:9-14 The King James version includes the more ancient words witch, wizard, and necromancer as being those types of people that are abominable to the Lord. SO WHAT - WHO CARES If the warning you are reading at this moment is not enough to convince you, then consider the plight of King Saul: "Saul died for his disobedience to the Lord and because he had consulted a medium, and did not ask the Lord for guidance. So the Lord killed him and gave the kingdom to David, the son of Jesse." 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 In some cases the substitution of a fortune teller or astrologer for prayer is punishable by death! There is no substitute for prayer. If you do not know how to pray, please leave a message to the sysop before you leave this board. FORMS OF WITCHCRAFT Astrology Card Reading Crystal Ball Gazing Cult and Occult Practices Extrasensory Perceptions (ESP) Fire Gazing Fortune Telling Handwriting Analysis Horoscopes Idol Worship Magic Mediums Metaphysics Necromancy Numerology Ouija Boards Out Of Body Travel Palmistry Pendelum Phrenology Seances Spiritualism Table Tipping Theosophy Voodoo Water Divining Witchcraft