INFANT BAPTISM Many practice infant baptism---but is does NOT find its origin in the New Testament. Christianity is a "taught" religion. Jesus said, "Go...make disciples...baptizing them" (Matt. 28:19). By definition a disciple is "a learner" (in fact one translation says---go teach). The authority to baptize is authority to baptize a learner---and infants are not learners in the Biblical sense. In Mark 16:15,16 the apostles were told to preach the gospel to the world...and the results would be baptism--- however note again that this verse shows that Christianity is a taught religion. Careful attention should be paid to verse 16 which says that the one how is to be baptized is one who believes. Now infants cannot believe. An even clearer indication of the fact that the early church did not practice the baptism of infants is the account in Acts 8:35-38. A man of Ethiopia was reading the Bible and when taught by Philip asked to be baptized. When he saw water he said, "Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?" Philip replied, "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest..." Philip shows that the one being baptized must be a believer. There is no indication that infants were baptized in the early church. One other matter. Infants do not need to be baptized for they have not committed sin. The Bible shows that there is some relationship between baptism and salvation from sin. We have noted Mark 16:16; consider Acts 2:38. Those who killed Jesus asked what they should do and were told to "...repent and be baptized...for the remission of sins." Acts 22:16 shows that Paul who had killed Christians was told to "...arise, be baptized and wash away ... sins." Now infants do not have sin and thus are not separated from God.